I’m in my last year of college and for some reason, I decided to design my own major, and I feel like I made a mistake, I’m looking at jobs RN and feel like no employer is going to understand it at all. And that I don’t really have much in demand skills? (FYI - it’s a BA in community development, so kinda like urban planning but more expansive, my major Combines Social Work, Business, and Sustainability)

In y’all experience, does a college major matter much in the long run?

    • @[email protected]
      281 year ago

      Definitely does in engineering. There’s a lot of stuff you learn on the job, but the stuff from school gives you an idea where to go for more information so you won’t be blind sided as easily.

  • @MarigoldPuppyFlavors
    251 year ago

    Depends entirely on what you want to do. For some professional careers, the degree is everything (engineer, lawyer, etc.) For other career paths it may not matter at all.

    Could you find something doing “community development” with the degree you have? Almost certainly, since that’s an extremely broad description, as you noted.

    Without more information on what you actually want to be/do, it’s tough to give any useful advice.

  • Ada
    221 year ago

    I won’t say it doesn’t matter, but I will say that having the degree is a thousand times better than not having one at all, whatever major you chose

    • @[email protected]
      121 year ago

      Yes. For many companies, a 4-yr degree is a non-negotiable requirement. Any 4 year degree just to be considered. If you manage to get a good job without a degree, you will still be categorized by HR as a degree holder or not. This doesn’t always factor into raises, promotions, layoffs, but it can.

  • @LrdThndr
    181 year ago

    I graduated with a degree in French.

    I’m a software developer. I’ve literally never used it on the job.

    C’est la vie, c’est non ?

  • @[email protected]
    81 year ago

    Some fields require a degree. Some degrees add significant value (you’ll gain more relevant knowledge in 4 years than you would working 4 years).

  • Ocelot
    1 year ago

    It really depends on the field, lots of jobs just like to see that you went to college and got some kind of higher education. Its OK if you don’t necessarily use 100% of what you learned it just more demonstrates that you have the capacity and drive to constantly better yourself. Did you have a particular kind of career in mind when picking these majors?

    I mean there are obviously exceptions, like if you want to be a doctor you’d better have gone to med school.

    • @[email protected]OP
      21 year ago

      I decided to make my own to mostly avoid classes in each of the majors I wasn’t interested in tbh. I wanted to go into some type of urban/housing career, but after interning in a planning department for my city, I realize how limiting this career really is. I have been interested in community development since high-school.

      • Earl Turlet
        61 year ago

        Playing devil’s advocate, I’d be worried you’d avoid doing work you don’t want to do, but is core work that needs to be done. Not all employers want or are set up to employ wildcards. You may have to make your own path here, too.

        • @[email protected]OP
          11 year ago

          That’s fair, I have done jobs and internships and I have learnt there’s just things I don’t like about but I tough it out. I wouldn’t frame it like that in a job interview tho! I would say it was about to best use my time in college studying and developing a topic area I was passionate in! I go to a small liberal arts college with alot of different topic areas but not a lot of depth, and didn’t want to transfer due to financial reasons so this was good compromise.

      • oʍʇǝuoǝnu
        31 year ago

        If you’re looking to get into urban planning I can tell you that your undergrad is not that important. I did my undergrad in geography which is a typical route and it was helpful in some aspects but I wouldn’t say it was necessary. In my masters cohort we had people with degrees in psychology, business, art history, philosophy, ect. and a couple architects from India.

        A lot of degrees are useful to urban planning, even if they aren’t the typical route. It’s really about how you apply that degree and understanding to the field. Philosophy and sociology are good for the policy part, business is good for the finance and economic part, ect.

        Working for a city can be challenging especially if you have aspirations and want to see real change, something that was drilled into my cohort in school but took a couple years in the field for some people to figure out. Maybe non profit or a private company aligned to your values might be a better route than public of you’re looking to get into something adjacent to public planning. That being said, just being an active member in your community and speaking up for projects you believe in at council meetings is more impactful than writing the policy.

      • @half_built_pyramids
        31 year ago

        Good organizations will recognize the problem solving you did for your own learning outside of just following a curriculum. You may need to spell that out on the resume and interview

  • HobbitFoot
    71 year ago

    For some jobs, it is important. However, there are some boring white collar jobs that generally want college graduates for their soft skills.

    It sounds like you basically got a BA in business with some specialization, so I would go for jobs like that.

  • @Aztechnology
    61 year ago

    I’ll chime in that a degree in accounting or finance can get you far… Most here will mention engineering/medical/programming. They also will likely bemoan the finance and accounting folks they work with as useless.

    I’ll agree that due to many burrecratic choices c-suite leadership make there are a ton of inefficiencies but there is always a ton of work to be done and the skills can transfer to quite a bit of companies… Even very large corporations just end up having horribly inefficient processes and constant churn in leadership switches it up a lot… So if your someone who knows accounting and finance well and can think learn to bridge the never ending gap in tools and people requesting data you can do well.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      The first thing anyone should do if they’re in business for themselves, as soon as the money becomes available, is hire an accountant and a lawyer.

      Those are the only two industries who know how society really works

  • @[email protected]
    61 year ago

    So, I got a ba in political science and like two minors. I ended up doing computer repair for a good decade then got into a job doing purchasing then eventually got into IT sourcing/procurement. I wouldn’t be able to do that if I didn’t have some good fundamentals in reading and writing, which the BA provided.
    But in the long run, it doesn’t matter once you get work experience. The degree is a check box at some point.

  • @[email protected]
    51 year ago

    I actually think community based sustainability is going to be a huge in demand area as climate change worsens. Depending on how much you want to sell your soul to the capitalist machine, there will be plenty of work opportunities in helping companies implement sustainability initiatives.

    Also, social work and community development are widely applicable across the human services industry. You could get a job in government or not for profit organisations. In order to qualify as a social worker you’d probably have to do a masters, but there’s plenty of community based roles that you can get into with a bachelors.

    • Malta Soron
      31 year ago

      Yeah, it sounds like a great starting point if you want to work for a local government.

    • @[email protected]OP
      21 year ago

      I was actually a Sustainability major but switched to Social Services then made my own, because I wanted to focus on stuff I was interested in. But yeah, thinking about it I feel it just depends on how I market it. And I was considering grad school and might get a MSW or MPA.

        • @[email protected]OP
          11 year ago

          I hear that alot! I feel like for people who are interested in more macro works a MSW has kinda been pigeon holed in micro work sadly. Like I care about social economic policy mostly. I think a MSW is valuable but a MPA might be more so for what I want to do.

  • zkfcfbzr
    51 year ago

    This absolutely doesn’t come from informed experience, and is speculative drivel, but:

    I think just mentioning that you “designed your own major” may help a lot in various types of job search. Regardless of what the actual process is like (I have no idea), it sounds impressive, and makes it sound like you’re a person with a lot of initiative and drive. That could help make up for any perceived competitive disadvantage.

    Of course your mileage may vary, especially if you’re applying for a job that would heavily revolve around topics covered by a very specific major. But sometimes it helps to stand out, and “I designed my own major” could help you do that.

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    I don’t know, but it kind of feels like they wouldn’t have taken me as a network engineer for a national ISP if I had studied business administration instead of computer science.

    Maybe I’m missing the point of the question. Right now the answer just seems to be “obviously yes”

  • @pwolter0
    41 year ago

    I could suggest buffing it up with a Certified Economic Development FInancial Professional credential? I’m working on mine myself. Could be a decent choice. A lot of the value in community Dev this day comes working with Ec Dev

    • @[email protected]OP
      21 year ago

      Yeah, certs seems like alot of ppl advice. I was looking into completing Eco-districts and some tech-y certs

  • @KombatWombat
    31 year ago

    I wouldn’t stress over it. Employers look for someone in an umbrella of majors, because every school is going to have its own names and standards for their class templates. If I saw someone list community development as a major, I would think it would overlap a great deal with urban development, with maybe a bit more focus into civil engineering or sustainability. You’ll want to explain how your background is relevant to a position in the interview anyway. I wouldn’t expect it to get you eliminated before then.

    Also, it’s a cool opportunity to stand out with how it differs from a more traditional major. People like hearing how you chose to include something that you felt was lacking from the default path because you thought it was important. Choosing to specialize demonstrates thoughtfulness, passion, and mastery. You’ll be fine.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Outside of the hard sciences where youre there to learn necessary specific foundational knowledge and technical stuff - mech/elec/civil engineering, high level medical, etc - it really doesn’t. The degree is proof that you can put your head down and manage yourself well enough to survive in the white collar world.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      And the debt that degree costs will keep you beholden and subservient to the corporate overlords.

      They’ve outsourced their own training and shouldered the costs onto teenagers.

      There’s a reason it’s called “fuck you” money.

      • @[email protected]OP
        11 year ago

        Yeah student debt is no joke. I was fortunate enough to be in a position where I could commute and had enough student aid and scholarship to go debt free first 2 years and use savings from working part time to pay next 2 years off in (less than 6k each year). But I wish more companies would invest in proper training than push that on students and college to do (poorly imo).