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Mercer isn’t letting them skip this combat. Sick battle map too! Classic king of the mountain style. This fight has been put on countless covers of books. Even the voice (Evolthrir?) sounds like it hurts coming out, and I thought Serkis’ Gollum was harsh.
Just caught up and the end of this episode had me pumped for next month!
ᕕ( ᐛ)ᕗ Another great moment.
The Raven Queen art by @Jessketchin in the leadup is siiiiick. Soulstones and feathers galore, so good…
I missed it in the stream but I looked up their account and they have amazing art!
Got it!
Yeah Jessica Nguyen is incredible. I couldnt find it on Twitter or her site. It might be a new piece. I’m going to attempt a screenshot at the midnight replay on Twitch.
I think that death was valid. they killed many others of the order without regret, just as this one had a name and we got to hear the backstory doesn’t mean the other cultists didn’t
Evithorir! That’s the name. I dig the design. Really glad Matt said it was like No Face from Spirited Away, cuz I’m a huge fan of Studio Ghibli.
So, the previous episode (62) had the NPC voice extravaganza from Matt and they proved a flamethrowing crossbow cant singe painted eyebrows.
There was that cool rest stop with little Orym carried in the hand, you know what they say, “A revolution without dancing (with ancient fae spirits) is a revolution not worth having.” - V
Then that missed encounter… “The Hills Have Lungs” aka “Flouting a mountain encounter on walkabout.”
More magical chaos when Prism’s prism prompted the return of the Shivering Queef
Bonus Tongue Twister! The Barlgura growled shoulder to shoulder with the rural juror. ᕕ( ᐛ)ᕗ
Wow what an episode. Loved the roleplay
Ha! Marisha’s fan!
I keep missing the first hour or so of the live stream because it’s lunch hour here :( Turned on the stream and Marisha brings her fan out haha
Utkarsh looks like he’s freezing in his hoodie with Marisha in a tank top.
For the fans of the classic fighting game Killer Instinct and the"C-C-C-COMBO BREAKERRR" memes it spawned, that C-C-C-COUNTERSPELL moment made my highlight reel.
Oooh always love chain Counterspell!
(Comments from a late watch, catching up on C3)
Love Marisha’s fan (and “I have a fan for that”). Wonder how many fans she had prepared.
Also “For Madrid!”
During combat, Emily/Prism failed at her first counterspell by rolling a 2. This is significant in relation to the ‘Not Another D & D Podcast’ or NADDPod in which her cohosts fail at important rolls with 2s and roll nat 20s on ridiculous flavor exercises. They affectionately refer to eachother as
The 2 Crew
In the last ep, there was an obvious fan art moment that I really want to see as much as possible. The whole floating tiny Orym on a gruesome spectral hand, while dozens of ancient fae wisp-like spirits swirl around him. I like these art challenges.
That Old Spice commercial was great (#unicorns #singing #zombie #flowers) and much needed to cheer me up about the Witcher show losing Henry Cavill from the cast. His Warhammer 40k project seems to have plenty of potential, though.