The finger-pointing among Donald Trump’s inner circle has begun.

And as his four criminal cases march toward trials, some of his aides, allies and co-defendants are pointing at the former president.

In court documents and hearings, lawyers for people in Trump’s orbit — both high-level advisers and lesser known associates — are starting to reveal glimmers of a tried-and-true strategy in cases with many defendants: Portray yourself as a hapless pawn while piling blame on the apparent kingpin.

History has shown the 18 co-defendants that Donald doesn’t care about anyone but himself,” said Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer, referring to the 18 people charged alongside Trump in the Georgia election racketeering case.

  • @[email protected]
    15510 months ago

    I love that Republicans continue to liken our criminal justice system to those of a banana republic when, in fact, these individuals have been properly charged, arraigned, given an opportunity to sever their cases or move them to a different court or request a more speedy trial, are out on bail, have been provided with an attorney if they don’t have one, AND ARE, IN THE EYES OF THE LAW INNOCENT UNTIL A COURT OF LAW SAYS OTHERWISE—all the distinguishing features of the world’s gold standard of justice. In a banana republic, they would have already been executed for participating in an attempt to overthrow the government….

    • @kescusay
      8910 months ago

      You don’t understand! The very possibility that any of these oligarchs fine Americans have to spend any time facing any sort of judgment at all is itself proof positive that we’ve descended into lawless anarchy! The country will fall apart one missed martini lunch at a time!

      Don’t you see?!? The law is for thee, not me!

      • @[email protected]
        1910 months ago

        Their claims to their base that “if they are able to do this to us, they could do it to you” should be the wake up call that snaps the MAGA cult out of its blind devotion.

        How the average MAGA cultist can look at Trump et al and feel that they are part of the same group is mind boggling.

        • @[email protected]
          1210 months ago

          they are loss invested. they havd put so much time into it stopping now would only mean all of it was a waste.mental gymnastics aside at that point it would feel like it costs less to contine to the very bottom then stop and turn around… you know just incase everything starts going your way again… theres always a chance if you let it fester. best to smother it like a fire. never leave a little burning.

        • [email protected]
          710 months ago

          MAGAts are all “temporarily embarrassed millionaires”, and thus part of the in-group (as soon as they get their millions)

        • @fadhl3y
          310 months ago

          Their claims to their base that “if they are able to do this to us, they could do it to you” should be the wake up call that snaps the MAGA cult out of its blind devotion.

          If they are able to expose my scams they might be willing to expose your scams too!

    • @khepri
      2210 months ago

      It’s how authoritarians operate in every realm. No matter how fair or objective or established the process is, they will insist on playing the victim, crying wolf, and framing as an attack on “all of us” everything that might infringe on their God-given right to do whatever they want to whoever they want. It’s a big part of the reason why you can’t give a mouse a cookie when it comes to Nazis.

    • @Mudface
      510 months ago

      If found guilty, shouldn’t the punishment be actual execution?

      • Schadrach
        10 months ago

        Depends on which charges. Hell, a lot of them he could be convicted of and still be allowed to hold office.

        Basically it boils down to there being a LOT of charges and only some of them potentially barring from office, etc. He could be convicted on a dozen or more counts and just get 10+ in prison while running for office from his cell, depending on which ones.

    • VanillaGorilla
      6610 months ago

      But yeah. Other criminal organizations like the mafia or yakuza families or whatever understand this.

    • @Jumper775
      2610 months ago

      They also had the scare factor of I will kill your family if you talk which trump might have a hard time doing.

      • @aseriesoftubes
        2610 months ago

        They also had the scare factor of I will kill your family if you talk which trump might have a hard time doing.

        Don’t underestimate the power of him whipping his followers into a froth through the power of suggestion (the “meddlesome priest” approach). He has a large number of adherents who are dangerously unhinged and seriously well-armed. All he needs to do is drop a few names on Truth Social or Twitter (at least while those platforms still exist).

        • @[email protected]
          1110 months ago

          That isn’t shit compared to actual crime syndicates. These people are public figures now. Trump fans mostly threaten people who can’t fight back.

    • @bazus1
      1010 months ago

      It’s quite the day when the faces start to fight back against the leopard.

    • @RizzRustbolt
      110 months ago

      It wouldn’t surprise me at all to find out that Trump thinks of himself as Lenny from Rocknrolla.

      • @[email protected]
        310 months ago

        Imagine being more scared about people finding out what you did with that donkey in Tijuana than going to prison for trying to commit the worst act of election fraud in US history.

  • @[email protected]
    3510 months ago

    Another criminal defense attorney who closely watches the Trump proceedings posited another motive for those seeking to pin Trump with responsibility for the actions they took: Trump is likely to make a sweeping claim of executive immunity against all the charges.

    “Eventually, Trump is going to assert broad presidential immunity and everyone else is going to ride under his authority,” said the attorney, William Shipley.

    John Lauro, Trump’s attorney in the federal election case, signaled recently that he intends to file just such a sweeping immunity claim to attempt to derail the charges.

    Sounds like the evidence is so overwhelming that instead of trying to deny the crimes took place, they’re going to argue that presidents can do whatever the fuck they want. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, but I’m still constantly amazed that almost half the country is willing to throw away our democracy in support of Donald Trump.

  • NaN
    2710 months ago

    It’s hard to find good henchmen these days. Indeed can help.

    • roofuskit
      610 months ago

      When your entire promotion structure in your business looks like a bucket full of crabs, this is what you get.

    • SuperDuper
      510 months ago

      “Nobody wants to work anymore!”

      -Mob bosses who refuse to provide free attorneys for employees who get arrested on the job

    • @Tylerdurdon
      310 months ago

      Joel Haver needs to do one of these

  • theodewere
    1710 months ago

    the livestream of this will get interesting… as he starts to see just how alone he is, he is just gonna lose his shit on a regular basis… this screaming baby cannot keep that mouth shut when baby’s mad…

    • OhStopYellingAtMe
      910 months ago

      He already loses his shit on a regular basis. That’s why he wears adult diapers.

      • theodewere
        110 months ago

        so that’s the question, how high on ketamine will they have to keep him

  • @Sanctus
    410 months ago

    Oooooh I fall apart.

    Down to my core.

    Didn’t know it before.

    Surprised cause you caught me off guard.

    Hardest damn jury I fought.

  • @TokenBoomer
    410 months ago

    If he is on trial or in prison, and Biden goes to the Celtic Otherworld, will the aliens finally come and save us?