The Congressional Integrity Project reports on several inconsistencies and untruths in James Comer’s House investigation

  • @Boddhisatva
    831 year ago

    But when Comer and Grassley obtained the document, form FD-1023, and publicly released a redacted version – against the advice of intelligence officials who feared it would “unnecessarily risks the safety of a confidential source” – it turned out to be an uncorroborated FBI tip.

    These ass-hats are putting people’s lives and national security at risk over this nonsense. The next potential tipster is going to keep their mouth shut now because of this idiocy.

    • IHeartBadCode
      471 year ago

      Remember when Matt Gaetz stormed a SCIF? His justification was that they were holding “secret impeachment hearings”?

      I led over 30 of my colleagues into the SCIF where Adam Schiff is holding secret impeachment depositions.

      And the reality was that it was a briefing on how we had agents from the CIA inside low level positions of the Ukrainian government working with the Government that were watching Russian moles that also had positions in the Ukrainian government? And that Russia had found out that it was happening but hadn’t figured out who it was so they were launching all kinds of operations to try and get some information on who to kill? And this whole meeting was to figure out how best to help those agents before they got killed?

      Fun times.

      And what’s even better, you haven’t heard peep from Gaetz about his “brave” storming the SCIF since. Because he almost got a bunch of people fucking killed with his stunt, was told he almost got a bunch of people fucking killed, and all that “brave” shit disappeared like a fart in a hurricane. So…

      These ass-hats are putting people’s lives and national security at risk over this nonsense

      It’s not just this nonsense they’re doing it over. They do it over all kinds of bullshit. And people like Gaetz do not vet shit and eat it up like it’s the gospel. And nations like China, Russia, India, and what not know these fuckers will eat it up and feed it to them. They constantly bitch about “government conditioning” and other pyops bullshit, but they themselves are the major victims of it.

      It’s got to be a fucking uphill battle when you have a political party that’s just eating foreign bullshit and calling domestic intelligence “weaponizing government”. Our intelligence apparatus does not want these fuck wits handing our country over to someone else, but goddamn it, they keep having so little trust in the USA because, IDK, but all I can chalk it up to is that they are absolutely fucking morons. They just want “someone” to be wrong so they can stroke their massive ego dicks is the best I can figure out.

      What’s that mnemonic device for counterintelligence? MICE. There are four general things that will convince someone to betray their nation, “Money, Ideology, Compromising information, and Ego”. And goddamn it, these fuckers get every single one of those tickled by the very fuckers that want to destroy this country. It has to be frustrating to see them time and time again sitting up there in the committee acting like some CIA agent that risked their lives trying to keep bad people out of our interests is fucking trying to destroy Donald Trump or some shit. Like, “MY DUDE. Bigger picture here Senator/Representative. Believe it or not, there’s more to all of this shit than some megalomaniac asshat who was once President.” Shocking!

  • @[email protected]
    751 year ago

    Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) called out Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on MSNBC for her “absurd” devotion towards impeaching President Biden, claiming there is no evidence that Biden committed any wrongdoings.

    Said Buck: “Marjorie filed impeachment articles of impeachment on President Biden before he was sworn into office more than two and a half years ago. The idea that she is now the expert on impeachment or that she is someone who should set the timing on impeachment is absurd.”

    • @nutsack
      181 year ago

      why is this insane person still in Congress I don’t understand

      • @anon_8675309
        101 year ago

        She is a chaos actor. Her job is to be absurd so that you’re distracted while the real shit goes down.

        • @Bytemeister
          21 year ago

          She’s the human form of an Overton window shifting deeper into a swamp of used diapers and needles.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Some districts are filled to the brim with really shitty people and they get representation.

    • @CharlesDarwin
      31 year ago

      It all just boils down to “whyareyoumeantoMyPrezdentUhAmGohnBeMeanToYerz!!!11111ELEVENTY” with Empty G and people like her. Deep down, they probably know donnie Bin Laden is rotten, but they just don’t care, the cognitive dissonance is probably excruciating for them, and they want to hew to this notion that he’s totally innocent and the consequences of his crimes are “political” and they just want to figure out how to make Biden suffer, just because.

      It’s the party of Veruca Salt. Any time you want to understand what motivates most Republicans, watch those brats on the old Willie Wonka movie. I recently watched that movie, and wow, I think Empty G and a lot of the party took Veruca Salt as a role model for life.

  • @paddirn
    471 year ago

    Those are rookie numbers, how many years did they waste on repealing the ACA and “investigating” Benghazi?

    • @CosmicTurtle
      291 year ago

      Here’s the funny thing about Republicans repealing the ACA.

      The Republicans controlled the house and Senate during Obama’s last two years in office. They passed bills fully repealing Obamacare to Obama who, of course, vetoed it.

      This happened something like 80 some odd times. All so that they can stomp their feet and say that they were doing their part.

      Then Commander Cheeto takes office and, again, with a Republican controlled Congress.

      Guess how many bills were sent to repeat Obamacare.


      Goose eggs.

      They all knew how much their constituents loved the benefits of Obamacare but lacked the actual balls to repeal it when they had the chance.

      All the Republicans knew that the orange turd would have signed the bill because Trump was just that fucking stupid he couldn’t see the long game. So they never sent him a bill to repeal.

      It was all posturing.

      • @CharlesDarwin
        41 year ago

        I still remember how these assholes had beers in the Rose Garden to celebrate…{checks notes}…taking away healthcare from MILLIONS of Americans.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        Because the ACA WAS their plan. When the Democrats passed the bill, the republicans were snickering to each other. “Oh no, don’t throw me into the briar patch!”

    • TechyDad
      111 year ago

      I still want someone to point out to Trump that Hillary Clinton testified for 11 hours and insinuate that this proves that she’s tougher. I was hoping for an 11 hour Trump testimony to the 1/6 Commission, but I’ll settle for 11 hours of Trump testimony at his various trials.

    • @CharlesDarwin
      41 year ago

      Didn’t they spend most of the 90s “investigating” the Clintons? To only end up with a stain on a dress?

      Yeah, these guys are pikers in Republican fail.

  • blazera
    441 year ago

    No grandpa, Joe Biden is the president, not Hunter, he holds no government office.

    • frozen
      521 year ago

      The obsession with Hunter is fucking weird as hell. And he seems to live rent free in their heads.

      I was talking to my conservative brother and made a joke about drugs or something, and he immediately said “Just watch out for Hunter Biden! Hahaha!”

      It wasn’t even a political conversation, I just mistook a smoke shop sign for something else and joked about it! I don’t even think I can name Trump’s kids except Eric. And I don’t know fucking anything about them. Why do they care about Hunter when he’s not even the fucking president, it’s so bizarre.

      • @[email protected]
        321 year ago

        I think it’s as simple as Hunter being a convenient boogeyman to demonize and weave into the “democrats bad” narrative in conservative media. And many conservatives think about what that media machine tells them to think about - including second hand from their buddy who is “into politics.”

      • @Fapper_McFapper
        1 year ago

        Didn’t Marjorie Traitor Green (T) bring slides of Hunter’s cock to session about a month ago?

        • @PwnTra1n
          61 year ago

          you never know when you need em i guess

        • @CharlesDarwin
          21 year ago

          Yup. Someone should tell Empty G that nude selfies are not really evidence of a crime, however, revenge porn IS a crime.

          But wow, are the cons just so obsessed with his dong.

      • LennethAegis
        51 year ago

        I also think its a conservative thing to use their kids as political tools. So anything bad Hunter gets caught with will lead back to Biden, they think. Because projection.

      • @CharlesDarwin
        31 year ago

        It’s because they are vindictive as anything. They cannot deal with the fact that donnie Bin Laden might face the slightest inconveniences over crimes he committed and want to exact revenge on…someone.

        They also don’t want to really own up to the fact that they were 100% down with donnie Bin Laden and their party is all-in on someone like donnie as one flaw after another about him becomes nearly impossible to ignore. The cognitive dissonance builds up and builds up and I think it exhibits itself in weird outbursts like the obsession with Hunter and his nudes on the hard drive, oops, I mean, “laptop”.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    71 year ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    James Comer, the ambitious chairman of the House of Representatives’ oversight committee, has repeatedly overhyped allegations of bribery and corruption against Biden without once producing hard evidence, according to the Congressional Integrity Project.

    “After months of political stunts, dozens of hearings, transcribed interviews, and memos, and despite hours on Fox peddling conspiracy theories, Comer and his Maga crew have failed to find a single shred of evidence linking President Biden to any of their lurid accusations,” says the report by the Congressional Integrity Project, which monitors the Republican investigations.

    In early May, Comer and Senator Chuck Grassley, investigating Hunter’s work for the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, published an open letter to the FBI announcing subpoenas for an unclassified document supposedly describing an alleged “criminal scheme involving then-Vice-President Biden and a foreign national relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions”.

    But when Comer and Grassley obtained the document, form FD-1023, and publicly released a redacted version – against the advice of intelligence officials who feared it would “unnecessarily risks the safety of a confidential source” – it turned out to be an uncorroborated FBI tip.

    In June, during a series of interviews with rightwing media, Comer claimed that the supposed bribery allegations against Biden have nothing to do with Rudy Giuliani, the former New York mayor turned lawyer for ex-president Donald Trump.

    Kyle Herrig, the Congressional Integrity Project’s executive director, argues Trump’s myriad legal troubles are a motivating factor for Comer and allies ahead of next year’s presidential election.

    The original article contains 1,216 words, the summary contains 250 words. Saved 79%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    It’s all theatre for their retarded base who will never consume any media that criticises their bullshit. As far as the base is concerned it’s all a full-fledged impeachment process with mountains of evidence and practically in the bag.