This actually perfectly demonstrates the problem with calling women “females”.
No, it demonstrates people’s inability to formulate sentences properly. The 2nd person is asking clarifying questions to be sure they understand them properly…as one should.
The only thing wrong with saying female, is in your head.
How would you say female humans when referring to a group of female humans.
You would call them women. We literally have a word for female humans.
Female still works…I seriously don’t get the negative reaction to it…at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter. It’s a non issue and there is much bigger things to be annoyed about.
Sure, if you don’t mind sounding like a robot that was programmed to commit sex crimes.
You and me both bud. I genuinely don’t understand why using male/female is any different than man/woman, but God damn is the Internet vocal about how bad it is because… reasons?
I have literally no way of determining if a person is female outside a hospital setting. But there are certain characteristics that people can adopt to signify themselves as women.
So, asking how I’d refer to a group of female humans is kind of a false question outside a niche situation, or unless I’m a doctor…
But, all this is avoided by just saying “women”. Or, in the provided example, just saying “dog”, or placing “husky” after “female”.
Not me, but I’m flattered by the comparison
Sorry, it’s difficult to stop making sense after educating yourself. I’ll try, though.
How would you know you’re educated without being a professor
How do you know what meat is without being a farmer or a butcher?
How do you know a coffee is coffee if you aren’t a scientist
How do you know a house is a house without being an engineer
How do you know what grass is without being a Agrostologist
You aren’t educated, you are regurgitating (poor) fighting points by feminists and pro-trans (disclaimer because people assume…I’m not anti trans, I just don’t care), the same people who also (in your opinion) can’t talk about the subject because they aren’t doctors.
You are insane and I’m blocking you because it will be impossible to have a discussion with someone of your childish mindset.
How would you know you’re educated without being a professor
How do you know what meat is without being a farmer or a butcher?
How do you know a coffee is coffee if you aren’t a scientist
How do you know a house is a house without being an engineer
How do you know what grass is without being a Agrostologist
And you’re calling me childish?
You aren’t educated, you are regurgitating (poor) fighting points
I’m sorry, which of the things I’ve said are “fighting points”? And why are they poor? What is your reasoning?
and pro-trans (disclaimer because people assume…I’m not anti trans, I just don’t care),
Sounds like being anti-trans to me, in a world that is geared towards defining and “converting” transgenderism away, and denying their existence. “Not caring” when shit like that happens is tacit agreement.
the same people who also (in your opinion) can’t talk about the subject because they aren’t doctors.
Excuse me? Did I say that? No, of course I didn’t. But you’re gonna pretend I did.
You are insane and I’m blocking you because it will be impossible to have a discussion with someone of your childish mindset.
Explain why I’m insane. Explain what I did that’s childish. You can’t. You’re only blocking me so you don’t have to acknowledge me any more :)
i need to know for reasons
(the reasons are gay)
TFW no husky hot and thirsty gf (she ran away) 😭
Woof woof woof woof woof woof.
runs away bye :3