Grindr has lost about 45% of its staff as it enforces a strict return-to-office policy that was introduced after a majority of employees announced a plan to unionize.

About 80 of the 178 employees at the LGBTQ+ dating app company resigned after the company in August mandated that workers return to work in person two days a week at assigned “hub” offices or be fired, the Communications Workers of America said in a statement Wednesday.

love seeing companies going full mask off now — not even trying to sell the ‘collaborative environment’ bile, it’s purely punitive

  • muse
    3249 months ago

    That’s a weird way of saying “grindr found a way to lay off half its staff without having to pay severance”

    • @[email protected]
      1009 months ago

      This should honestly be the top comment, most companies appear to be using RTO as a means of doing mass layoffs without the negative PR hit.

      • @[email protected]
        459 months ago

        Exactly right - this is a thinly veiled excuse for a planned large scale workforce reduction sidestepping some of the normal repercussions.

        What I find most interesting here is that WFH is essentially a benefit (a big one) at this point, and they just eliminated a huge benefit. That usually has the effect of causing some of your greatest talent to walk - and leaving behind those people who either don’t care about the benefit (there may be some, but I think this number is small) or don’t immediately have the hireability to resign and go for greener pastures.

        The tradeoff for grindr is that it’ll make them temporarily look better on paper, but the loss of talent will probably hurt them in the long run. If there’s one thing that seems to be true of modern capitalism, it’s that companies are more than willing to fuck their futures over some perceived short term gains.

        Grindr isn’t the only company doing this. I’ll be interested to see how this works out for all the employers using this same tactic.

        • @_number8_OP
          329 months ago

          how did we get to the point where a gay hookup app is doing evil corporate schemes and attrition

          • @CarbonatedPastaSauce
            259 months ago

            I’ll give you a hint, the first three letters of the answer are MBA.

          • Pseu
            169 months ago

            Because once the firm is big enough where the decision-maker doesn’t personally know the people they’re laying off, it almost immediately turns into this. The severance pay and unemployment of 80 software developers is millions of dollars, enough for even people who are normal and nice to the people they know to look the other way and say it was for the good of the company.

          • @Touching_Grass
            -249 months ago

            How did we get to a point where people online claim a company is evil?

        • SokathHisEyesOpen
          89 months ago

          Right. This produces the opposite result of what a layoff usually obtains, retaining talented key personnel while cutting the chaff. That’s why I’m not sure layoffs were the actual goal.

          • @jantin
            69 months ago

            back to the comments above: the management knows not the people who do the actual work. They can’t immediately tell if the Chris who left was carrying his team or was the worst slacker in the company. They’ll learn after they audit the remaining workforce and see The Spreadsheet say the people who remained are bottom performers (pun probably intended) but it’ll be too late - the talent is gone, the trust is broken. Whether different companies learn from each others’ mistakes is a mystery to me, apparently the global conspiracy of billionaire CEOs is not as robust as I expected (/s)

      • @_number8_OP
        239 months ago

        RTO itself isn’t negative PR?

        • @Dashi
          109 months ago

          Less negative than ‘Grindr lays off half its staff due to economic troubles’

        • Alien Nathan Edward
          99 months ago

          Depends on your audience. Potential employees will hate RTO and fear bad financial news, customers likely won’t care about either, shareholders don’t really care about RTO but will jump ship with bad financial news

    • SokathHisEyesOpen
      419 months ago

      I don’t think that’s entirely the case though. With layoffs you remove the positions that the company no longer needs, or can’t sustain. With this strategy they’re just randomly losing half the staff. You wouldn’t lay off your chief software architect, or the only guy who knows how your database works, or the account manager who will take all of your vendors with them when they leave. This will cause enormous hardship for the company if the wrong people left.

      I suppose they could have done a bunch of mandatory surveys first, asking employees how they felt about a return to the office and carefully monitoring the responses from key personnel, even preemptively mandating documentation or hand-off of responsibilities. That’s incredibly nefarious though if that’s what they did. That might even border on illegal.

        • @CarbonatedPastaSauce
          329 months ago

          They did that to me. I’m in IT in a ‘critical’ (read - too expensive to rehire for) role for a large company doing forced RTO. I’m the only one on the team in my state, and not near any remaining offices, because they closed my building during COVID. My boss knew I was going to walk if they tried to force me to move, so they carved out an exception for me and I’m still WFH full time while the rest of my team has to go to the office 2 days a week minimum. The whole thing is toxic and destructive to morale. I’m trying to finagle a way to get the severance package because I want out of here before everything finishes circling the drain.

      • @surewhynotlem
        79 months ago

        I can’t agree at all. We do attrition based staff reduction all the time. Years upon years of it. Is it smart and planned? No. Do we survive anyway? Sure.

        They’re not losing clients over this so they’ll be fine if they’re less efficient for a while.

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        Agreed with this, if it’s an attrition play it’s an incredibly incompetent one. I’d argue there’s reason to believe you’d lose the senior employees that you’d want to keep.

      • @[email protected]
        -29 months ago

        If an important position is paid enough, they won’t leave just because of this return to office

        • SokathHisEyesOpen
          129 months ago

          Yes, they might. The more important they are, the higher the likelihood that they can get high pay and remote work elsewhere, and have plenty of savings on hand to weather the transition.

        • Rob Bos
          19 months ago

          On the other hand, they may have a good savings buffer built up.

    • @[email protected]
      199 months ago

      I’m not sure about anyone who was hired before WFH, but generally, a substantial change to job duties or location is considered constructive dismissal. ie, it’s legally the same as being fired without cause. That might be eligible for severance and definitely for unemployment.

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        For most roles, severance is not a guarantee and only given as part of layoffs because companies that don’t are crucified.

        I.e. getting fired/quitting will not trigger some severance clause for nearly all employees, even constructive dismissal.

    • @[email protected]
      69 months ago

      This really needs to be some level of labor issue. If an office decided to move across the country and you didn’t move with it, would that be you quitting? You applied for the job that was on your side of the country, not the one across the country. To me, the employer’s terms changed, which means they need to handle the difference.

  • @root
    1029 months ago

    Serves them right. When your product is completely virtual/ digital, there’s no real reason to be in the office other than “cOLlAboRAtioN”

  • @Anonymousllama
    9 months ago

    I’m sure they’ll find plenty of top tier new engineers who will take a position at Grindr instead of literally any other job that offers full time WFH support 🙄

    Wonder which executive got annoyed that they went into the office, they noticed no one else was suffering in-office with them and this is the outcome.

    • @Bytemeister
      159 months ago

      Hypothetically, if I was called in to an empty office during a pandemic while the top brass worked from the comfort of home, I would absolutely work quietly and diligently from my designated space, and I would absolutely not load up on beans before hand and at every urge of my bowels, wander into those empty corner offices and fumigate every chair, book, keyboard, mousepad and drawer individually and repeatedly.

    • @RememberTheApollo_
      139 months ago

      Wonder which executive got annoyed that they went into the office, they noticed no one else was suffering in-office with them and this is the outcome.

      The one that gets the bonus.

    • @[email protected]
      349 months ago

      not good, this is what grindr’s owners wanted; let grindr run on autopilot to squeeze out as much $$$ as possible.

      it’ll eventually mean that grindr will fail; but short term profits are always more important to investors.

      • @alienanimals
        179 months ago

        Considering new software engineers make tinder/grindr clones in a day for their portfolios, it wouldn’t be a loss. Someone could make a competing app and put Grindr out of its greedy misery.

        • loobkoob
          149 months ago

          The software isn’t the complicated part of dating apps; it’s getting a user base that takes a lot of work/investment. And then finding a way to monetise that user base. Which often involves actively trying to stop them finding partners and leaving the app while pretending they’re trying to find people their perfect match - although Grindr is more of a hookup app so they don’t have to worry about that so much.

          Match Group has a monopoly on most dating apps/sites (not Grindr, though) and it’s incredible how much worse most of them have become since being bought out - all in the name of monetisation.

        • @[email protected]
          9 months ago

          multiple clones have been available for almost 2 decades but grindr dominates so much that it’s larger than all of the clones combined because of name recognition; even straight people know what grindr is and, thus, new gays will only hear of grindr unless they dig into sources that aren’t mainstream (eg reddit niches and word of mouth from other gays who know about the clones).

  • @brlemworld
    9 months ago

    They didn’t lose their staff they constructively laid them off. They drastically changed the terms of their employment. Grindr must pay them unemployment benefits.

    • @Crashumbc
      39 months ago

      Even still, that’s nothing, compared to severance or paying their salaries. Especially if they felt they needed to layoff folks anyway.

  • @firlefans
    569 months ago

    One company I worked at (in Germany) did a survey asking employees for their preference during the pandemic, 78% wanted a hybrid model with less than half of their time spent in the office, citing many legitimate reasons such as childcare. The management interpretation of this openly reported survey was an “overwhelming desire to return to the pre-pandemic office culture”…in a company full of data scientists, and analysts, it didn’t land so well.

    • @Mamertine
      169 months ago

      They were doing so at Grindr. That’s allegedly the catalyst for this happening. The unionize movement has less momentum when you terminate half of your staff.

    • @uis
      69 months ago

      They needed to many years ago

  • pgetsos
    369 months ago

    I wouldn’t resign. Let them fire me and take the severance

    • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
      269 months ago

      I’d imagine you aren’t getting severance for this. Unemployment, maybe, since you could say your employer moved the job location too far away.

      • @[email protected]
        109 months ago

        I’d imagine you aren’t getting severance for this.

        It really depends on what’s in their employment contracts…and I will bet that it makes a huge difference whether they accepted their positions as an advertised full-time remote position or not.

        Even employers who don’t make a habit of offering severance can be convinced to offer it when negotiating the compensation package. I have a pretty standard requirement in all my employment contracts that I am willing to give an equal amount of notice of departure as the company is willing to provide contractual severance. Example: if the company offers zero severance, then I have it written into my employment contract that the amount of notice I’m expected to give before resigning is zero days. If the company wants and expects 2-weeks notice, then I require my employment contract to mandate 2-weeks severance…and then I tell them that I’m happy with anything from zero days to a month and that they are free to choose the amount. This has always resulted in me getting 2-weeks or more of contractual severance even when other employees don’t have that provision.

        • @DerArzt
          39 months ago

          Serious question, what do you mean by employment contract? I work for a pretty large company as a salaried employee and I don’t have an employment contract that I’m aware of

          • @CarbonatedPastaSauce
            69 months ago

            I think it’s more common outside the United States. It’s incredibly rare to have an employment contract here unless you’re a high muckety muck.

          • @[email protected]
            29 months ago

            Whether you realize it or not, you have one. Some companies might refer to it as your “Employment Agreement” rather than your “Employment Contract” - but it’s still legally a contract even if they call it an ‘agreement’. It is the sum total of everything that was negotiated and agreed upon when you accepted the position. Things like your starting salary, the amount of annual vacation you get, the sick pay/leave policy, agreements for annual bonuses or bonus modifiers, agreements for any stock grants or options rewards, stock option vesting policy and schedule (if applicable), whether your position is regionally bound to a specific region or location. In addition to all of the above, the state you reside in both when you accepted the position and where you live now (if it’s different) impact your employment contract.

            I also work for a very large company as a salaried employee and even though I started over 5 years ago, I can still download copies of all my original onboarding documents and forms, including my employment contract. My last company was just a small 35-person startup, but we had employment contracts there also. I still have my hardcopies of all that (including my required modifications).

      • @CarbonatedPastaSauce
        89 months ago

        Depends on the company. My shitty company is doing forced RTO, in a horrible way, but about the only thing they are doing right is giving standard severance packages for anyone who doesn’t want to comply.

      • pgetsos
        19 months ago

        In my country, it is required by law to give any fired employee a fixed amount of monthly salaries, depending on how long the employee was at the company. For example, 3 months if you were 5 years, 6 months if you were 10 years and 1 extra month for every next year after that

  • @DarkSpectrum
    299 months ago

    You could say the company came to a grinding halt

  • @expatriado
    229 months ago

    cut payroll without paying unemployment with this simple trick

  • @moneyinphx
    159 months ago

    It wasn’t because of return to work. Workers were attempting to unionize.

  • @m750
    29 months ago

    Some of this is intentional by design. Shedding head count through willing attrition.