Various nuggets of interest in this survey of Gen Z and millennials

  • @DarylDutch
    1909 months ago

    55%, that must mean that 45% of the people that took the survey do not know who he is.

    • @meco03211
      679 months ago

      Remember Ann Coulter bemoaned women’s suffrage for costing trump 2020. I’d assume some of that 45% know who he is and are either brainwashed themselves or think they stand to benefit from his rhetoric.

      • @RealFknNito
        69 months ago

        I don’t believe 100% of the people who took this survey know who Joe Rogan is, but I’m sure a good portion of the 45% fit that.

      • @Baines
        59 months ago

        nothing that comes out of her mouth is honest

  • TinyPizza
    1709 months ago

    Johnny Harris did a “both sides” dive into Joe a month ago and I unsubbed after watching that garbage. He just kinda breezes over shit and ends up being like “he just intellectually curious.” Fuck right off with that shit. I remember years ago when that jungle spice smoking thumb of a man had Andy Ngo on and a friend of mine was trying to defend him asking if its “ok for people to attack a journalist.” The friend didn’t really know the context outside of the vague framework they supplied, but we argued for like 20 minutes. Even after I showed him who Ngo really was and what he was all about, it seemed impossible to break the perception he’d been given that Ngo was a victim.

    Rogan is a misinformation gateway that primes people for the bigger scam down the line, whilst washing it’s hands of any responsibility. He disarms people with a “curious” persona and the majority of his content just being empty mental calories to be consumed. It’s like a viral carrier that dulls peoples mental immunity against right wing propaganda by surrounding it in a 100 layers of DMT vision stories. Personally feel like it makes him one of the bigger dangers for people getting put into the pilled pipeline.

    • @[email protected]
      399 months ago

      Rogan is a misinformation gateway that primes people for the bigger scam down the line, whilst washing it’s hands of any responsibility.

      It’s a psychological phenomenon called “the Joe Rogan Experience”. Seriously, as an avid former listener, it’s basically that. We can debate whether or not be doesn’t it maliciously or not but this is actually what’s happening.

      • @AzPsycho
        29 months ago

        As a former listener I just enjoyed that he had people on I both wanted to hear from and people who were talking about shit I never heard of so it filled din as background noise while working. Even when he was misinformed it was merely the topic of the day. Sometime around when he had Dan Crenshaw on for the first time is when I remember him really digging into weird rightwing talking points. Once covid hit it was over. It was like he moved into an ego silo and he wouldnt even let his guests provide a point of view he didn’t agree with or understand. Every episode became about COVID and the woke left. He really is a fucking misinformation machine who can get away with it because everyone knows he is that fucking stupid.

    • @[email protected]
      279 months ago

      Johnny Harris is weird. I can’t exactly pinpoint it because I lost interest in his content incredibly quickly. Loads of red flags.

      • pips
        239 months ago

        He’s got an amateur’s level of knowledge while presenting as an expert. The moment in the video about China’s plans to invade Taiwan where he said he used Google Translate as opposed to asking literally anyone in DC who knows Mandarin to help him with translations was when I realized he doesn’t really know what he’s talking about for many of the subjects he covers. I think there are policy and IR issues where he actually does have some knowledge, but I don’t think any of it goes to the level of expertise required to educate on the subject, which is what he purports to do.

      • @wholeofthemoon
        19 months ago

        His Switzerland bunker video was great, had a look at the channel and it was dogshit

    • Franzia
      199 months ago

      Johnny Harris has always been doing that shit. With every video he gets more ‘centrist’, or permissively unchallenging.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      I live in Portland so I’ve had the “privilege” of seeing who Andy Ngo really is closer hand than most. He’s nothing but a right wing propagandist, but he tries to cast himself as a journalist. The only similarity between him and an actual journalist is that he writes things.

      • @[email protected]
        49 months ago

        Someone earlier was still trying to push the “cement milkshakes” thing that never happened. It was scary when the media did pick him up while he was useful to them for a minute.

        • @[email protected]
          19 months ago

          In a way I’m not surprised that the media picked that up. It was just hard to get a faithful account of everything that was happening at the scene.

    • archomrade [he/him]
      99 months ago

      Before listening to Joe Rogan, my dad was a Reagan-era fiscal conservative, and now he regularly talks about how the WEF is a conspiratorial group trying to bring about the “great reset”, how COVID was both a hoax and also a bioweapon meant to disrupt western capitalism, and how BLM is a terrorist Marxist group who supports abortion as a means to destroy the nuclear family. I largely credit Rogan (and other ‘apolitical’ gateway pundits like him) for my father, and millions of other men, taking a hard turn right into reactionary politics.

      He is not a harmless ‘dumb ape’

      • TinyPizza
        39 months ago

        That sucks. I wonder how many years of time we’ve all lost with our parents because these con-men. I listen to “Knowledge Fight” and Alex Jones has been crowing for months now how he’s finally locked Joe in and got him to commit to the plan. The pride in his voice as he preens about duping Rogan makes me fell physically ill. Highly recommend “Knowledge fight” if you haven’t checked it out!

      • @NewNewAccount
        279 months ago

        fuck you for continuing this narrative that violence against people you don’t like is ok.

        When did they say or imply this?

        • @[email protected]
          -199 months ago

          You said you argued with your friend about Ngo being attacked but not being the victim. Come on, it’s not like your comment was 100 pages long.

          • SatansMaggotyCumFart
            49 months ago

            When was NGO attacked and by who?

            I’m googling his name and not finding anything.

            • @[email protected]
              59 months ago

              He liked to hide in antifa crowds and they’d catch him and yell and him and pour food on him. One time he got punched and had a milkshake poured on him. Some MAGA cop got interviewed and said that he’d heard about people in other places putting cement in milkshakes. That was the time he’s referring to. He and right wing media made up a bunch of exaggerated bullshit lies to make that whiney baby into a martyr.

              • SatansMaggotyCumFart
                29 months ago

                Yeah I just saw articles about Ngo charging and suing people but everything being found to be baseless accusations.

                Understandable why the right wingers would like him.

              • SatansMaggotyCumFart
                29 months ago

                Thanks for the source.

                So the two that showed up were found not liable and the three that didn’t were found liable?

                How come in the article and headline it’s referred to as ‘alleged assault’?

        • @[email protected]
          9 months ago

          I left reddit because all of the brain dead right wing trumper zombies that toe the line, only to find the left wing equivalents here. Fuck politics as a team sport. Literally no difference between either side other than the team color

          • Dangdoggo
            19 months ago

            I mean nobody should have thrown shit at Ngo but do I feel bad about it? Fuck no.

          • @[email protected]
            19 months ago

            Well, one side talks about violence, and the other side both talks about and commits violence. Getting upset when leftists let off some steam and concluding that “both sides are the same” is a really smooth-brained take.

            People who think that both sides are equal are routinely mocked for a reason.

          • @NewNewAccount
            19 months ago

            Literally no difference between either side other than the team color

            Lmao bro are you SURE? Are you sure sure?

      • TinyPizza
        19 months ago

        Get all the way fucked? Besides having a completely hypothetical conversation on my behalf, with me supposedly wishing violence on people (didn’t, don’t, but also fuck around and find out); you so completely fail to divine the reasoning to my words that its beyond laughable. He isn’t a journalist. He’s a propagandist. He isn’t there to present the facts, he’s there to produce a narrative.

        He’s a journalist in the same way James O’keefe is and FOX News* has to be news/entertainment. A perfect example was how he was fired by PSU Vanguard prior to his shadowing patriot prayer during a premeditated assault or getting hit with a milkshake. From his Wikipedia page

        the Vanguard’s editor, Colleen Leary, fired Ngo and stated that he was dismissed because his summary of the Muslim student’s remarks reflected a reckless oversimplification and violation of journalistic ethics, and was meant to incite a reaction.[1] She said that the dismissal was “not partisan”.[1]

        So yeah, in my opinion he doesn’t deserve the same protections afforded to legitimate journalists. We can debate what journalist means in the internet age, but he ain’t it. As to him getting hit with a milkshake, it was just a milkshake, and you reveal yourself when you felt the need to put that in quotations. Nobody shows up to a demonstration with quickcrete to mix into the nearest available milkshake. People just throw bottles, or rocks or bricks if they want to hit someone with something hard. If he was targeted for Christofascist affiliations, I’m not defending that violence, but that’s also where fuck around and find out comes in. Also from his Wikipedia page:

        He reported being punched and blasted with bear spray while filming two separate May Day events, including a brawl between left-wing activists and members of Patriot Prayer, outside the Cider Riot pub.[44] Bellingcat stated that Ngo’s tweets framed the brawl as an unprovoked assault by anti-fascists.[45] Prior to the fight, Ngo was filmed standing in the presence of members of Patriot Prayer as they planned an attack on antifascists following the protests.[13][46] Ngo did not report on the actions of Patriot Prayer.[45] Five members of Patriot Prayer were charged with felony riot incitement for their actions on May Day 2019, including the group’s leader Joey Gibson.[47]

        Again, he’s a propagandist that either got hit with a precision guided milkshake in a retribution shaking or more likely, randomly just got hit with a dessert like the clown he is. Violence begets violence, and approving or not this cycle will continue on until people more rational than us come to pass. You hold no benevolent middle ground here and instead of venting your misguided bullshit on internet people why don’t you go pay someone to listen to this nonsensical garbage. Honk your red nose, get in that tiny clown car and fuck all the way off you brain rotted simp.

  • @ikidd
    989 months ago

    Whoever would have thought striking down Roe V Wade might make young women less conservative?

      • @user91
        719 months ago

        So tl:dr he’s a moron and right winger

          • @user91
            319 months ago

            His fans are not smart people

            • ZeroCool
              159 months ago

              “When the JRE sends its fanbase, they’re not sending their best. … They’re sending fans that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing stupidity. They’re bringing both-sidesism. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

          • @gmtom
            119 months ago

            He’s a “right winger” who endorsed Bernie in the primaries and voted for Jorgenson in the general elections.

            You say that as if this is some argument against him being a right wing grifter? He routinely pushes right wing bullshit. Thats what makes him a right winger, not wether or not he (claims) votes for the main right wing party, or some useless 3rd party right wing party.

        • @labrat55
          -439 months ago

          He is left wing. Seeing him as right wing is a common misconception driven by clips of him on social media.

          He supports Bernie Sanders and thinks Obama was the greatest president ever. He has refused brining trump on the show. Just a couple examples.

      • @[email protected]
        309 months ago

        I appreciate an earnest Devil’s advocacy, but Rogan was better years ago, he even had a mix of political voices.

        Now his guests skew significantly right. He’s still friends with Alex Jones, he’s told his audience on the record to vote Republican, as he himself has done, and he has endorsed Ron de Santis this election cycle (despite the many policies Rogan would disagree with). He is hard right now, but dishonest about it, and it lures people into the right wing grift.

        You’re getting down-voted because, either you know all this and are cherry picking outdated evidence, or you don’t but you should.

      • @uglyduckling81
        29 months ago

        This is a left wing echo chamber. Get those alternative views and ideas out of here.

        You parrot the narrative talking points or GTFO.

      • @Rognaut
        -259 months ago

        The Rogan hate train got you bro!

      • @[email protected]
        -299 months ago

        downvoted en masse, wow great job guys this is totally how we should respond to people who hold mixed bag opinions (yes sarcasm rofl i wanted sanders to win)

  • @[email protected]
    729 months ago

    The results for men are wild. A good chunk of the things men view as red flags are basically “she has an opinion”

      • @Ryantific_theory
        209 months ago

        You got downvoted a lot, but they are literally the exact same red flags. The only difference is the percent of men and women surveyed that view each thing as a red flag, but those are pretty similar with men being more conservative the women according to the poll.

        There are a few standouts, but after looking at the actual poll its pretty obvious that the one or two “opinion” questions are overwhelmed by political flags.

  • Hot Saucerman
    649 months ago

    That percentage needs to be way higher for me to feel good things about it.

    • @frickineh
      379 months ago

      Seriously, they want tradwives, although most of them don’t actually want to support that lifestyle, they just want a bangmaid that’s also somehow independent enough to earn a living.

      • SharkEatingBreakfast
        299 months ago

        To them, tradwife = woman who is attractive (never fat), caters to their every whim, has enthusiastic sex whenever their husbands wants, does all cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the children, showers her husband in adoration, brings in extra income to support the family, and asks for nothing in return.

        Fact is, these men will never get that, because they possess none of the traits that would be deserving of such devotion.

        Also, if such a woman exists, I’d love to meet her and ask how the hell she manages.

        • @[email protected]
          89 months ago

          They won’t get trad wives because they basically don’t exist any more

          The days of simply working a 9 to 5 being enough to get you a wife are long gone, women are more educated and able to support themselves now, men have to bring more to the table than just money

        • TheLowestStone
          89 months ago

          I’d love to meet her and ask how the hell she manages.

          Amphetamines, usually in the form of their childrens ADHD medication.

            • TheLowestStone
              49 months ago

              It’s my understanding that ADHD meds hit completely different when you actually need them.

        • @new_acct_who_dis
          79 months ago

          They just want to self select out of any possibility of a relationship so they can blame women for them not getting any.

          And tbf, women as a whole are better off without these guys trying to date them.

        • @teruma
          -39 months ago

          I manage just fine… got a dick, tho. Hope that’s not a deal breaker.

          • SharkEatingBreakfast
            19 months ago

            If you’re a mega-powerhouse in your relationship, what is your spouse like? What is their income? What daily tasks are required of you? Are your children school-aged? Is your home worthy of the “Homes and Gardens”? What do you do when you’re sick? Are you fulfilled in your relationship? How long have you been married/together?

            • @teruma
              29 months ago

              My spouse is also a mega-powerhouse in our relationship. She’s excellent and picks up chores when I ask or need healthcare. I have health issues, and she attends appointments and procedures, and does extensive post procedure caretaking. My income is the primary income, while she does environmental preservation work that she’s crazy passionate about (which does bring in an income, she’s not working for free). No kids, but two cats. Our home is always a work in progress, but there’s one or two spaces I’d consider amateur magazine worthy, the kitchen and the loft. Sex is divine and of a frequency we both prefer, which is less than the stereotypical average. We are both happy and fulfilled, aside from the expected stress that comes from American politics. Together 13 years.

        • @frickineh
          179 months ago

          There are a ton of fundamentalist Christian women who hustle on social media constantly. Their husbands don’t want them to have a “real” job because that might undermine him, but they sure as shit want their wives earning money. Selling classes on how to be a homemaker, ebooks, clothes, doing sponsorships, whatever they can get, these women are doing, because their husbands don’t actually make enough to support a family. They just act like that doesn’t count as a job, so they’re still totally traditional and biblical or whatever.

        • @XanXic
          9 months ago

          If they’re in the work force some Chad might steal her from me!! Never can she leave the house.

        • @new_acct_who_dis
          9 months ago

          These guys are always upset about women not working. Or upset that women working means they want a partner in life instead of relying on men for food and shelter.

          Or they’re upset at the possibility of women needing alimony after spending their entire marriage not working while catering to their man’s every need

          Or upset that they have to pay child support to the person with primary custody of said children (and probably doesn’t have great career prospects after being a housewife).

          They live in some delusional fantasy land where women live to serve men, but aren’t at all concerned with their own well being when their men decide to ditch them.

    • @[email protected]
      79 months ago

      I remember when I was that age, and I was the same way. I think it might be a part of toxic masculinity. People look up to men who are quick and decisive, not ones who sit and ponder. Any indecision is seen as a weakness.

      • @Ryumast3r
        9 months ago

        You know those aren’t necessarily the ones that are the most common, just a random list that some pollster put together, right? And that the whole point of the list was to show political differences among current political topics, right?

    • sverit
      59 months ago

      That “They own a gun” question would be so strange in my country, I can’t imagine this being normal.

    • Voyager
      39 months ago

      I wish Lemmy had flairs like the language or reddit flairs so that we can filter out us centric topics.

  • @[email protected]
    559 months ago

    Also of note 76% of women consider being a MAGA republican a red flag and somehow one percent actually considers the person reading a red flag. Also being conservative is about as unpopular as being a communist.

  • @[email protected]
    559 months ago

    Even as a man it’s a red flag - “me no think so good, big thoughts hurt brain, bald man make hurt go away with soothing words”

    • @RGB3x3
      9 months ago

      I saw a video on YouTube of a celebrity (an actress who’s name I can’t remember) doing a walkthrough of her house and pointed out her reading room.

      She literally said how weird it was that her and her friends would sit around and read. “Like who even reads anyway?” She said.

      • @[email protected]
        69 months ago

        YouTubers tends to say those controversial shit because it increases engagement with people posting in the comments things like yours or “what’s wrong with reading, are you illiterate?”.

        More engagement = more money

    • @new_acct_who_dis
      9 months ago


      Religious folk aren’t shy to admit they don’t want people (usually their women) to become “too worldly”. That’s code for educated

  • @ikidd
    489 months ago

    They refuse to see the Barbie movie

    Well, caring about that is a red flag by itself.

  • @Womdat10
    469 months ago

    I am disappointed in my gender that more than 40℅ say that thinking there are only 2 genders is a green flag.

    • @RGB3x3
      279 months ago

      There are also other disappointing ones like refusing to see the Barbie movie and that so many think saying “black lives matter” is a red flag.

      The alternative to the latter is that you don’t think black lives matter, which is the real red flag.

        • archomrade [he/him]
          79 months ago

          They had a bunch of protests during 2020, and a couple of those protests got out of control (Kyle Rittenhouse famously murdered several protesters at one). The conservative news space spent the next 6 months painting them as a Marxist terrorist group and a lot of people bought in to that framing.

        • @Beliriel
          49 months ago

          I think there were some clashes during the protests and also the movement got kinda perverted into some pseudo racist exclusivity and also had a lot of white people with white saviour complexes. There are also the folks who think that it should say All Lives Matter but they are kinda missing the point.

      • @[email protected]
        -489 months ago

        Shouldn’t all lives matter?

        Why exclude a certain group, that’s racist by itself.

        And how is refusing to see a movie a red flag, I simply don’t care about movie, I rarely even watch movies in general.

        • @moriquende
          379 months ago

          “Black lives matter” is not meant as “only black lives matter”, but rather as “black lives matter too”. It started in response to black people being disproportionately killed by cops.

        • @t_jpeg
          189 months ago

          Me when I purposely try to ignore global power structures put into place by numerous historical events.

          • @[email protected]
            -349 months ago

            That somehow renders all other lives worthless? What are you even trying to say with this reply?

            What power structures are preventing black people or other to do anything nowdays?

              • @[email protected]
                -239 months ago

                Didn’t know what it even meant up until this point, just searched it’s meaning up.

                But no, I was asking actual questions.

                • ZeroCool
                  219 months ago

                  There is absolutely nothing ‘good faith’ about what you’re doing here. You aren’t fooling anyone.

              • @[email protected]
                -249 months ago

                I’m not attacking anyone. By saying “Black Lives Matter” you are excluding black people from other races, as if they didn’t matter up until this point?

                • @CharAhNalaar
                  59 months ago

                  That’s the point. To many, they didn’t matter and still don’t. Which is abhorrent.

            • sophie
              189 months ago

              If I say “I like ice cream” you wouldn’t assume that ice cream is the only food I like.

        • @gmtom
          69 months ago

          obvious troll is obvious. get better material.

  • ram
    439 months ago

    Let’s get that up to 90%. People need to learn to recognize red flags better.

    • @[email protected]
      299 months ago

      I expect my wife has no idea who he is. That technically puts her in the 45%, but I’m not going to ruin her day to boost the percentage.

      Frankly he isn’t that famous. If not for Reddit, I wouldn’t have heard of him, either.

      • @Zana
        59 months ago

        I completely forgot about him after I stopped watching Fear Factor and forgot he existed until his podcast started coming up a lot in comments.

    • @[email protected]
      -59 months ago

      agreed 100%. its time people stop caring so much about what entertainment people watch or listen to. its like saying its a red flag to listen to metallica

      • ram
        79 months ago

        I wonder how you thought that’s what I was saying? I’m saying 90% of women should see listening to Joe Rogan as a red flag. This was pretty obvious.