• @Fridgeratr
    29 months ago

    They actually can’t walk or take off on the ground because their legs are too far back. It can be a pretty big problem if one gets on land somehow!

  • @Whelks_chance
    19 months ago

    I think I’ve been confusing them with cormorants, will have to research the difference.

  • @Zoboomafoo
    19 months ago

    I miss going to my great uncle’s cabin up in Canada, you could hear the loons on the lake most mornings

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    They’re commonly referred to as cobra chickens and the majority of Canadians hate them with a firey passion.

    Edit: I was way too stoned when I wrote this lmao. Leaving up for the laughs

    • @[email protected]
      99 months ago

      That’s the Canada Goose. Although I don’t know anyone who hates them, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there were.

      • modifier
        39 months ago

        You got a problem with Canada Geese you got a problem with me, and I suggest you let that marinate.

        • @Jackcooper
          29 months ago

          Only media to ever defend them but it is a show that involves a lot of fighting and Canadian patriotism so it makes sense

        • @[email protected]
          19 months ago

          Hey, I wasn’t saying I had an issue with them. I for one welcome the cobra chicken’s return every spring and weep for their departure every fall. Because they signal the changing of the season from winter to not winter, and in Northern Ontario winter is long… and very much on its way.

    • PlasmaDistortion
      79 months ago

      Wrong bird. This is a Loon and one of the coolest birds alive. They dive under water and swim long distances popping up in other spots away from predators. Why the last panel in this comic is funny is that these birds can’t really walk on land. They sort of push themselves and try to stand up but it’s just weird. They are also just curious about humans but will keep their distance.

      Now Canada Geese are just total jerks. They go out of their way to bite anyone they don’t like the look of. They are just a-holes.

      • @[email protected]
        79 months ago

        I think the person you’re replying to confused loons and canada geese. Canada geese are the assholes that will bully small children because they can lol