My current supervisor has been trying for years to get me to appreciate her weird flex of putting in 16 hour days 6 days a week. She practically lives at our office and wants everyone there to know it.
She still acts shocked and saddened when I respond to her self-torture brags with “That sounds really unhealthy. I’d never let my job do that to me. Gotta put your oxygen mask on first. I wish you’d take care of yourself.” Like it’s the first time I’ve said it.
I guess its the lack of sleep that keeps her from remembering that I openly consider her flex to be the opposite of a flex, and look on her behavior purely with pity.
The irony is she probably feels the same way about you.
She’s pretty much said as much. The difference is I leave after my 8 hours and almost never give my employer a thought when I leave because I have my own life and interests. She’s made the owner’s profits her life’s primary purpose.
I know how important it is, I just wish my body would let me
not me going to bed at 23:00 and falling asleep at 02:00
Cries in new dad
There is truly nothing quite as divine as a good night’s sleep
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Lliterally reading this at 4.20 regretting my life decisions (and miserable workday in 3 hours)
Blazing the midnight oil I see
Hope you can get some more sleep!
Sleeping is overrated (so is health, shut up nerd). Chronic sleep deprivation is like free drugs. Plus you get more time. win-win
Huffing your own shit fumes is free too!
mhm tasty jenkem