• Semi-Hemi-Demigod
    1489 months ago

    Gordon doesn’t seem to have a problem with the workers as long as they’re doing their jobs. It’s usually the managers he gets the most angry with.

    • @samus12345
      639 months ago

      And the cooks, since they’re the ones that make the food.

        • @Starbuck
          189 months ago

          I’d say he’s only rough on them if they don’t take food safety seriously or they don’t want to learn.

          • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
            149 months ago

            Yep. And honestly that’s perfectly reasonable. People can die from food poisoning, being ignorant is not something to be proud of

    • @brygphilomena
      59 months ago

      Most of the time there are a half dozen people in the background actually just doing the work. Totally ignored by the camera crew.

  • SatansMaggotyCumFart
    729 months ago

    If you go to a restaurant and Ramsay is filming in there you’re about to have a memorable meal.

      • @cm0002
        119 months ago

        I’ll order, but Imma wait to start eating, it’ll depend on how much cussing I start hearing lmaoooo

      • NickwithaC
        09 months ago

        I don’t remember the last time I had food poisoning.

        Checkmate atheists.

  • @[email protected]
    609 months ago

    I would ask if I’m getting royalties from this episode, and if the answer was no I would walk out.

  • @AllonzeeLV
    9 months ago

    I know it’s supposed to be his gimmick, but that asshole truly deserves to have his bell rung by someone in a kitchen staff somewhere for making that his gimmick.

    Same for Bobby Flay who literally has a show where he’ll go into some southern kitchen and tell some lady from a family generationally famous for chicken and waffles that he can make it better than her.

    Sure it’s staged, but even wanting to look like you’re doing it in a non-overtly fictional, actor playing a part way makes you an asshole. Why do people appreciate assholes? I don’t get it.

    • @ThatWeirdGuy1001
      1089 months ago

      It’s even funnier when you find out Ramsey doesn’t act like that on his European based shows.

      He only acts like that in America because Americans love ragebait

      • @samus12345
        9 months ago

        Yeah, I always liked the UK Kitchen Nightmares more because of that. Feels less fake.

        • @[email protected]
          9 months ago

          The UK show isn’t blasting energetic music into your ears while doing jumpcuts and powerzooms all the time.

          It’s so much more quiet. Ramsey seems like a really likeable dude here.

          Really enjoyed binging all of those episodes, couldn’t stand the US ones.

      • @AllonzeeLV
        9 months ago

        Yeah, as an American that checks out.

        Our “society,” for lack of a better word because we really don’t qualify, is hot garbage.

        • Montagge
          139 months ago

          What? You don’t enjoy our culture based on anger and fear?

          • @AllonzeeLV
            9 months ago

            I could handle anger and fear, it’s the insatiable greed and cartoonishly blind worship of the greedy that makes me find this place intolerable and beyond hope. Our country literally celebrates inequality. We aren’t a society, we’re a handful of winners manipulating a couple hundred million losers into beating each other to death over scraps and false promises for further private profit.

            Most of our hatred and fear flows out of the intentional division that having greed as our core cultural value stokes. Jealousy, schadenfreude, sociopathy, anymous, division, distrust, on and on. All in the name of people who already have embarrassing levels of wealth acquiring more. always more.

            It’s like watching someone who weighs 700 pounds scooter his 20th plate from a private buffet to his table, surrounded by malnourished onlookers who wish they were him and dream of being so morbidly obese that they too require a scooter to ambulate. It’s disgusting on every side, it’s painful to watch, it’s absurd, and yet it’s what is considered rational here.

      • @brygphilomena
        59 months ago

        He’s signed with Fox. It’s very strange when I realized the scripting, narrating, and editing for his shows had the same hyperbolic comments that Trump does.

        • “Most extreme”
        • “Worst”
        • “Greatest challenge”
        • “First time in Hells Kitchen/Kitchen Nightmare/random show history”

        I hate his American shows. I want to see the actual food, not the bullshit manufactured drama.

        His American shows are all ego stroking. Lots of nonsequitor comments from contestants and guests on how incredible he is. How sexy (which is very awkward) he is. Omg I can’t believe he’s right here.

    • @cm0002
      239 months ago

      Hmmm some of those people deserved it and more, like Amy’s Baking Company

      And most of the time, it’s directed to owners/head chefs and rarely the regular staff. Unless they were doing something seriously bad

      • @AllonzeeLV
        9 months ago

        Then a health inspector should cite them or shut them down.

        Culturally, how is it healthy to have some rich, well known chef come in and scream at anyone about anything until they start crying to thunderous audience applause? Full frontal nudity should be considered less offensive.

        Cruelty, yay? I’m glad we have rage monsters solving problems by screaming at people?

        People buy the product by tuning in, but the product is the appearance of reveling in an asshole being an asshole to people who already have shit on their plate to deal with.

        God, “reality” Tv revels in cruelty. Hey let’s watch that show with the mentally ill guy who has a hoarding compulsion, and probably agreed to to make his private shame public out of economic desparation, to feel superior to someone!

        • @XanXic
          9 months ago

          Have you watched the show or just seen clips? He really doesn’t go off on them that much. And when he does usually it’s very deserved. Like he does not stand for deplorable conditions and mistreatment of staff. Like if he finds out an owner isn’t taking good care of their staff he makes sure they know its not okay.

          But genuinely 3/4ths of an episode is him trying to help them improve with genuine empathy and understanding. He comes in, points out whats wrong with some gusto for the clips and then is like “hey so what’s going on? I’m sure you weren’t always this disconnected from what’s going on” and works with them to solve their issues which is usually more attitude and just like some guidance. Usually to they do a top to bottom cleaning and organizing of the restaurant for them.

          Obviously you’ll hear more about the very rare episodes where they have the most famous chef in the world giving them advice and they just won’t hear it. Like people quote Amys Bakery because the owners flipped out at him pointing out raw pastries kept leaving the kitchen and then getting all shitty when he’s like don’t steal waiters tips.

          It’s like the newest episode is him helping a family business out where the brothers weren’t even talking and the parents had to help instead of retire. He got the brothers to work together, remodeled the entire kitchen for them, held a make wish charity event at their grand opening on his dime, and did a bunch of training. It even had a 2 month check in where it was doing much better. But I’m sure you’ll only see a tiktok clip from when he found a box of raw chicken that made the whole crew throw up and he’s like “what the fuck?!” Which yeah, what the fuck? And this was a restaurant that had been health inspected recently. If anything it makes you loose faith in health inspectors. Idk wtf they are doing

          • Jamie
            49 months ago

            I worked in a restaurant and someone called the health department on us. He stepped in the walk-in for about 2 minutes, looked at the make line, said “Nothing seems rotten to me” and left.

            It stemmed from a lady claiming she got food poisoning from our food, but the timing was pretty fast, and half the ingredients were fully cooked upon delivery stuff anyway that just got heated up in the oven. So honestly, we figured she probably got it from something else and the inspector probably thought the same thing.

        • Montagge
          49 months ago

          It’s not healthy, but there’s nothing healthy about the US.

    • @iforgotmyinstance
      39 months ago

      I maintain that Bobby Flay stole my cats name for his pet food brand.

    • @Mudface
      9 months ago

      I think it became his gimmick after someone secretly filmed him in his own restaurant for the news to ‘out’ him as a terrible boss or something like that.

      But it stuck and he became even more successful hamming it up for idiot American TV junkies

      I wouldn’t even blame Ramsey, I’d blame the people who watch it

      • @half_built_pyramids
        -49 months ago

        I beat the shit out of my meat every day, sometimes more than once, but it’s okay because the bad people are the ones who watch on my only fans.

        • @Mudface
          39 months ago

          You ever heard of that guy Nicky avacado, or whatever? He’s put on like 3,000lbs eating food on YouTube for the audience.

          He wouldn’t have done that without the attention and audience.

          If you jerked off for an audience in only fans, you’d probably be doing it a lot more than you normally would.

          I don’t really think you understand how stupid your analogy actually is.

  • @[email protected]
    259 months ago

    Just ask him who would win a cook off. Him or some british bloke that made a video of him unboxing a Toyota Yaris.

    • @[email protected]B
      29 months ago

      Here is an alternative Piped link(s):


      Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

      I’m open-source; check me out at GitHub.