• guyrocket
    531 year ago

    I think the employers underestmaite how poorly they’re treating their employees while making record profits. Most of the point of unions is to fight unadulterated greed and force employers to share the wealth with employees. If employees can’t afford basics like rent and food then employers are gonna have a bad time. The wise employer would pay attention to how employees are doing and do their best to take care of them instead of laughing all the way to the bank.

    These unions are working exactly as designed.

    • @fireweed
      261 year ago

      Yet again, the media has shown itself to completely miss the point: yes improved public opinion of unions is a factor in their recent success, but the bigger issue is how screwed over and desperate employees have become, and how out-of-touch the 1% is to the day-to-day struggles of the common man in 2023. These recent gains are not some big victory, but rather a return to pre-pandemic quality of life norms, when the grocery bill wasn’t a major stressor and hosting costs were somewhat manageable. The unions are only gaining what should have been theirs in the first place, had wages and benefits kept pace with CoL.

  • magnetosphere
    411 year ago

    Part of the challenge for employers is public opinion: Confidence in big business is at its lowest point in decades, according to Gallup, while approval of labor unions is close to its highest.

    Absolutely. People are tired of seeing executives make more in one year than they themselves will in an entire lifetime. Everything has gotten more expensive very quickly. Families that were able to manage their budgets in the recent past now find it difficult or impossible to do so.

    Every time I turn around, prices and fees are going up. If they’re not, you’re getting less for the same amount. People are pissed, and they (rightfully) blame greedy corporations, who see us as nothing but wallets.

    People who aren’t even represented by a union will root for the little guy just because they want to see companies be forced to share. It’s a vicarious win.

  • @xc2215x
    181 year ago

    Employees feel they should be paid more. Often it is true.

    • @jeffwOPM
      131 year ago

      The text of the entire article is in the Lemmy post

  • Match!!
    161 year ago

    I guess labor activists aren’t getting killed like they used to

  • @[email protected]
    141 year ago

    Can all the unions just take turns striking for…whatever reason, really, as long as it gets the message to the working class that we’re all PO’d, not just the ones lucky enough to be unionized.

    Maybe the big unions…NEA, SEIU, Teamsters, IBEW, USW, UFCW, etc….all band together and form a “Union UN” to orchestrate it. And set up GoFundMes to supplement their strike fund. I’d bet these workers would end up making more money on strike.

      • Grayox
        51 year ago

        Holy shit, that is a really shitty act… how is that not in conflict with the 1st Amendment…

        • @[email protected]
          51 year ago

          Really need a liberal court to do anything about it.

          I’d never heard of it before, but apparently that’s the type of “working-man’s protections” that a republican house and senate could muster a mere 70 years ago…enough favor for shit like this to override the (D) presidents veto.

  • PugJesus
    91 year ago

    Time for them to learn some hard lessons, eh? Hope the unions keep playing hardball.

  • @AA5B
    21 year ago

    I think a lot of this is driven by technology change, and the article misses that. Unions see the turning points and some of the future

    — while the article mentions “training ai” for the writers strike, the much bigger change is streaming media and how that affects compensation

    — transition to EVs might require fewer employees, certainly different jobs, but companies were setting them up to limit the reach of unions. Unionizing battery plants is huge

  • Pistcow
    1 year ago

    Short answer, No. Long answer, Nnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooo.

    Edit: Oops, I missread that. I thought it was employees. Fuck the corporations, unionize!

    • @rockSlayer
      251 year ago

      Companies are definitely miscalculating the power and will of militant labor. It also helps that it’s been about 50 years since the peak of the labor action in the early 70s. Neither the companies or the union busting firms know how to handle the drive of workers.

      • Pistcow
        61 year ago

        I misread that. Thought it said Employees. Fuck the corporatios, unionize!