• @Pregnenolone
      361 year ago

      Yeah this is what I think too. In Australia you can get some traffic fines withdrawn when it’s a first offence if you write in and appeal it. Police don’t care what the reason is other than you put the effort in to write in.

  • @[email protected]
    571 year ago

    semi-related tale. when i was in college, there was a snow storm and a bachelor party in the same week… so I missed 2 of 2 classes before the friday quiz. the class was hard already and i wanted to at least show that i cared about the course. so, I showed up to the quiz anyway. i ended up spending 40 mins or so writing about how the rhythmic hip thursts of some historical science person had changed my entire life and the landscape of modern dance. i had zero clue what the quiz was on and deserved to fail. i got a 50 % on the quiz and the professor thanked me, but asked that i never do that again. that was a fucking win over a zero. sometimes people just need a good laugh.

    • @[email protected]
      91 year ago

      Isn’t a 50% still failing? (Assuming this is in the US and is not a heavily weighted grade scale they’re using.)

      • @[email protected]
        311 year ago

        I assume the quiz was just a portion of the total grade. Scalping some points you don’t deserve is still a win.

      • @FeetinMashedPotatoes
        111 year ago

        It is failing, but one 50% quiz is better than a 0% quiz when added into your overall grade. Plus OP showing up to class at least shows to the professor that they’re trying and might bump their grade up a bit at the end of the term.

    • @rtxn
      321 year ago

      Maxim 43: if it’s stupid but works, it’s still stupid and you’re very lucky.

    • @[email protected]
      121 year ago

      My work gives out a parking pass to staff, which is a sticker on the windshield. Once I traded cars with a friend because of gas mileage for a long trip, and forgot their car doesn’t have the parking pass. So I got a fine for parking at work. Just a chat with management cleared it up but I could imagine a similar situation

    • @[email protected]
      91 year ago

      Maybe he just parked in the wrong space. Where I work, parking is free, but I can’t just do it anywhere.

  • @makyo
    111 year ago

    Ah yes, the classic Silly Goose defense

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I’m pretty sure this never actually happened; you can see the bottom part of what I think is the original text peeking out from under the whitespace in the top third of the image.

    If it did happen, somebody lemme know because that would be FUNNY.


    Edit: More accurate wording.

    • @Pregnenolone
      171 year ago

      I mean, I believe it. The parking office may have a policy of withdrawing first offences on appeal and the reason provided is probably irrelevant.

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      My guess is that they received an email with some preamble to the important bit. They only screenshotted the important part, but part of the rest of the email was included.