• Cyborganism
    651 year ago

    It is! One of my best friends who became very vocal against drag queens reading to children and trans kids’ rights has fallen into a deep rabbit hole of alt-right radical conspiracy bs on YouTube. He also started sharing toxic masculinity guru videos in our group chats and videos from Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson for example.

    I tried to give him counter arguments with examples and other videos, but when searching for content on YouTube, I had difficulty finding anything because, most of the content when searching for certain keywords, was just videos of alt-right talking heads.

    Social media companies like Facebook, Google, Twitter are pushing an alt-right conservative agenda and their conspiracies. It’s pretty appalling.

  • @Touching_Grass
    201 year ago

    Isn’t there a Playbook for how to destroy a country and its something like attack the pillars that democracy rests on.

    Its something like judicial system, free press, education

    If you look at what supports a Democratic system, every single one of them are targeted by either the right or the left. It’s kind of crazy that I saw people who predicted this 15 years ago and now its clear as day.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      The pillar of democracy is participation. But I’m not sure anyone actually does that. At best they will participate in the representative hiring process, but even then they will ‘forget’ to actually talk to the person they hired afterwards, thinking the person is a mind reader or something.

      • @Touching_Grass
        51 year ago

        What’s there to participate in if the country can’t secure Democratic elections or if the people cant trust the elections are true or if the courts can’t enforce the rules that keep the machine running or if the people lack any kind if shared knowledge that binds them so they are aware how the system runs.

        Participation is important in Democratic countries but its not what makes democracy possible. Democracy is only possible when there are key things in place for it to rest on. Subversion is kicking those legs out from under it. Propaganda targets the civilians to do the kicking.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          What’s there to participate in if the country can’t secure Democratic elections

          A representative democracy makes things easier, saving you the trip to Ottawa, but if you don’t have trust in the representative then the people can make the trip themselves. You do not technically need a secure democratic election for a democracy to function. You do need people to exercise their democratic obligation, though.

          But there is nothing to indicate that we manage that last bit, even with a representative system to make it easier. We, meaning a fraction of the population, just pick some dictatorial figurehead to make the decisions for us and then bitch and moan when they didn’t read our minds properly. That is technically enabled by democracy, but totally misses the spirit of democracy.

  • @zepheriths
    171 year ago

    Parents right like any right come with the responsibility of raising your child correctly. Which I can assure you none of these parents have any intention of doing, just homeschooling and let them watch YouTube kids

    • @Rukmer
      51 year ago

      I homeschool my kid (properly) for medical reasons, and I did not realize until I tried going to homeschool events how messed up the culture is. I’m in a purple state. It’s so hard to find anyone who homeschools who isn’t bigoted. There are a few, and I’m trying to cultivate relationships with them, but it’s difficult when they’re so few and far between. My county is liberal, but the city in the next county over would be a better fit if we could move or regularly travel an hour away. I don’t want my kid around these bigoted parents. He has good friends who are in public school, but my kid is too young to go to school with his multiple medical conditions (especially considering I’ve personally seen these schools neglect medically fragile kids), so he mostly only gets to see his friends on the weekends.

      • snooggums
        221 year ago

        The right of moralistic jack off parents to force their close minded views on everyone else’s children.

      • Throwaway
        -161 year ago

        Simplified, the rights of the parents vs the government.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          Our country is a community. To some capacity, every single one of us gives up a level of freedom to be a part of that community and help it prosper.

          Positioning and simplifying “parental rights” as “what I say vs what the government says” is exactly the problem. It’s not about you versus the government. If this was actually a matter of parental rights, and not another thinly veiled “fuck Trudeau”, alt-right, anti-human rights conspiracy, this would be about your freedom to instill values that are important to you, your family and your community in your children first abd foremost, even when “simplified”. Being decidedly anti-government would be so far down the list that it should never make the short-hand version.

          You do not have a right to teach your children to hate others, and fear expressing themselves, and fuck you for ever suggesting you should.

          • Throwaway
            -131 year ago

            Well, lets say the government says genociding the native population is okay, like Canada used to. Parental rights would allow you to homeschool your kids.

            • @[email protected]
              121 year ago

              You can already homeschool your kids, and teach them whatever garbage you want, and many people do.

                • @[email protected]
                  41 year ago

                  Well, what are you trying to say? We all know what the definition of parental rights would be in a vacuum, I think the point of contention here is what could possibly be missing in actual Canadian society.

            • @[email protected]
              81 year ago

              You’re already allowed to homeschool your kids in Canada, but in your case it would probably disadvantage them.

              And honestly that is a fucking dogwhistle of a reason if I ever saw one.

              Anything else easily disproven?

              • @[email protected]
                1 year ago

                Anything else easily disproven?

                He provided a relatable example, not something that is in contention. There was nothing to disprove.

                Why do you find reading to be so hard?

              • Throwaway
                -31 year ago

                You didn’t disprove jackshit, it was an example of parental rights.

    • @[email protected]
      151 year ago

      What right do you like to imagine you have over another human being? Choosing to believe you own a person just because you spit them out is some pretty dark shit.

      If your kid doesn’t want to talk to you about their friends, their identity, or their inner life, that’s really on you. You have no right to force them, and if you feel you have to, that just means you’re a shitty person and a bad parent.

      • Throwaway
        -191 year ago

        Better than the government owning them and keeping secrets from the parents. If one parent is bad, thats one family thats fucked. If the goverenment goes bad, say teaches that clubbing seals is okay, then all the kids are in a bad spot.

        • @[email protected]
          71 year ago

          Thank you for being so transparent about the fact that your position rests on children being property that are inevitably owned.

          Anyone reading this thread can see which side of this issue is the one that cares about fundamental human rights.

      • Throwaway
        -161 year ago

        Knowing what your kid is up to and tells other people. You can’t parent properly if you don’t even know what pronouns your kid wants to use.

    • @who8mydamnoreos
      91 year ago

      Children need rights from their parents, when a child is being abused 9 times out of 10 its the parents.

      • @[email protected]OP
        1 year ago

        That commenter doesn’t live in Canada. I recall the username from a post about the 2022 convoy where they weren’t aware they shut down part of Ottawa for weeks.

    • @[email protected]OP
      21 year ago

      And what state do you live in? Please, tell us about the utopia of Alabama or wherever you’re posting from.