I don’t know if you guys will like this or not, but I think it’s fun. I was in a Beehaw thread talking about Halloween themed food, and most of the comments were they were either hard to make or looked good, but didn’t taste good. That made me remember back to when I made the Meat Hand!

It’s just regular meatloaf, so use whatever recipe your family likes, but instead of a loaf pan, shape it into a hand on a sheet pan. Top it with some sliced cheese before baking so it gets all crisped up and creepy looking, and cook it. Then place it on mashed taters.

I went simple, but you can add some panache with some onion slices for fingernails and a chunk for the wrist bone like in this pic I grabbed from Google.

It’s simple, tastes great if you’re into meatloaf, and some ketchup will give an added touch as some “blood” as well. And it looks pretty good for not much work. If you need a spooky Halloween dish for fun family dinner or for a party, give it a shot!

    • anon6789OP
      811 months ago

      Lol credit to him for making his dreams come true!

      The falafel one sounds like it has potential though, somewhat of an inside out wrap, or a vegan version of the KFC Double Down.

      Come to think if it, why can we not get frozen falafel in shapes like the dino chicken nuggets?!

    • @Holyhandgrenade
      111 months ago

      The King’s Hand is the best thing that ever happened on Twitter

  • Decoy321M
    711 months ago

    It’s Halloween season, this is still food. I think this is freaking cool.

    This post has my approval, any reports will be ignored.

    Nice job, OP!

    • anon6789OP
      11 months ago

      Nice, I second guessed myself after posting and checking the rules, but the photo quality seemed ok for a mobile pic from 10 years ago, it came out “beautiful” based on what the intent was, and it’s the right season, it’s not like I posted this at Christmas. It also looked to be the biggest food related group, so I figured the most people could have fun with this since it’s awesome in context and anyone can make it with things they probably have on hand.

      If anyone took any offense, it wasn’t intended to be crude or to diminish what you guys normally post, it was just for the fun of the season.

    • anon6789OP
      11 months ago

      Yes, but only some you can eat with witnesses! 🧟‍♂️

    • anon6789OP
      311 months ago

      It’s healthy to be a little twisted now and then!

    • anon6789OP
      211 months ago

      It was! I’m not normally a meatloaf person, but this kinda works like one of those All Edges brownie pans and made it crispier and therefore a texture I enjoyed more than a regular shaped loaf.

  • The Giant Korean
    211 months ago

    Lol! I love it. The cheese on top is genius. It really makes it!

    • anon6789OP
      311 months ago

      Right?! And it’s not even enough to change the flavor or make it cheesy, it’s more aesthetic than anything else, but it’s the key to the whole thing!

    • anon6789OP
      211 months ago

      Hah, this goes to show everyone’s creep factor works differently. The witch fingers to me are more creepy than the hand because the thought of removing a fingernail makes me wince inside. I get over it enough to enjoy the cookie because it’s just a cookie, but you can see i did not opt to make the onion fingernails on my meat hand! 😂

      Ooo those marshmallows sound like they could catch someone by surprise! That’s a cool idea I never heard of though.