karl marx didn’t die to be advertised as a bargain bin book on amazon
Brave men didn’t die face down in the Vietnam mud so I could not style on you. I didn’t walk uphill both ways to the booth and back to not wile on you. You think baby Jesus killed Hitler just so I’d whisper? When you’re safe and sound and these crooks tap your phone and now have a file on you?
I think you missed the tankie196 community
If reading Marx makes you a tankie, then Emma Goldman was a tankie, and so was David Graeber.
And so is my history teacher
Ment your post title not the post itselfe
I don’t think that title is very tankie, tbh.
Ah yes, the famous tankie Karl Marx with his famous book “das Panzer”
Ex-fucking-cuse me? Do you think you’re being funny right now?
Butchering the gender of Panzer like this, I cannot believe it. You just neutered an innocent male noun. Are you proud of yourself?
Das Pänzerchen would be OK?
Pwease neuter my innocent male noun, daddy O//w//O
My last braincell D:
I am the gender stealer. Watch your words. /j
i think it’s worth reading famous political works from all over the spectrum, even if just to get a better idea of how some people think.