• @Cruxifux
    9511 months ago

    This is not statistically true at all. Women do not report having orgasms when they are raped. That’s why estimates vary wildly. Because they are estimated based on almost no data other than some people claiming that women don’t report orgasming during their rapes because they’re ashamed. And then these dudes say most women MUST orgasm from rapes, because these guys are fucked up.

    Estimated range from 4% to over 50 percent. This does not by any means make this statistically true.

    • @[email protected]
      7611 months ago

      Also, you cannot outweigh the trauma of rape with a goddamn orgasm. 4chan is completely lost.

      • @[email protected]
        2911 months ago

        Like, even within the bounds of the ‘thought experiment,’ the good lasts maybe a couple minutes if it even happens and the bad lasts an entire fucking lifetime, of course OP is going to get shouted out of class, the shit falling out of his mouth would make his ass jealous.

      • @Drivebyhaiku
        711 months ago

        From what I understand those who have orgasmed during a sexual assault often have to deal with unique traumas. Because orgasm can be for some strictly a physiological reaction to someone randomly hitting the correct stimuli there’s a lot of confusion and turmoil for the person unwillingly experiencing it. A common reaction is for folk to believe themselves sinful, dirty, or utterly betrayed by their own body for having that reaction.

        So it sounds like overall an increase in lingering mental trauma not any kind of offset.

  • @[email protected]
    7511 months ago

    There are legit criticisms of Utilitarianism but this ain’t one of 'em, bud. Why do you have to reach for rape as your very first argument?

    • @[email protected]
      3111 months ago

      This is really just someone asking, “How can I be an edgelord and trigger the normies within the confines of utilitarianism?”

      • @negativeyoda
        211 months ago

        He’s just asking questions, amirite?

    • @Telodzrum
      1511 months ago

      Utilitarianism is important because it’s a great introduction to the world of philosophy, not because it’s a valid endpoint for anyone’s worldview.

      • @[email protected]
        1011 months ago

        Imo a better into to philosophy is the Trial and Death of Socrates. I think seeing the Socratic method is a great way to introduce this idea that we can question everything. Moving forward in class that’s what we’ll be doing, so I think it’s nice to have that conversation with students right away.

        • @[email protected]
          411 months ago

          former philosophy instructor here. that’s exactly what I used to do with my introduction to philosophy courses.

  • @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    Lol that’s like saying kidnapping is okay bc people enjoy the view out of the backwindow of the van.

    Apart from his statistics being bullshit obviously.

  • @joystick
    11 months ago

    A thousand units of emotional trauma vs maybe 2 units of sexual pleasure. Anon’s math is off.

  • @[email protected]
    4311 months ago

    1 in 10 women experience orgasm during a rape?

    Who conducted that study? The Association of Rapists?

    Seriously. Holy Shit!

    • @Aganim
      3211 months ago

      I’ve read about a study where they concluded that an orgasm in this case is a purely physical reaction and does not mean that the victim enjoyed being raped.

      It is actually a cause for extra trauma, as victims now have to deal with the shame and stigma of having seemingly felt enjoyment even while that was not the case.

      So please think again before posting something like this, this ‘orgasm must be enjoyment’ rationale only helps rapists excuse their deeds while further traumatising their victims.

  • @thrawn
    2411 months ago

    Everyone already commented on the pragmatic parts so, can I just say, fucking hell. I hate that these guys find some level of acceptance for thoughts like this and feel safe saying it out loud.

  • Justas🇱🇹
    1111 months ago

    He could’ve brought up the utility monster, but noo, let’s rape every woman instead ffs.

  • @ChexMax
    911 months ago

    They did some study a while back saying only 1 in 10 women experience orgasm during a one night stand. If only 10% get there when mutual pleasure is the point of the interaction you’d have to be insane to believe any statistics above 10 (and in my opinion unreasonable to believe anything close to 10%).

  • @Kjatten
    611 months ago

    Anon is completely oblivious of their own insanity. Says insane stuff. Shocked when others call him insane.