Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell bluntly warned Republican senators in a private meeting not to sign on to a bill from Sen. Josh Hawley aimed at limiting corporate money bankrolling high-powered outside groups, telling them that many of them won their seats thanks to the powerful super PAC the Kentucky Republican has long controlled.

  • @o0joshua0o
    1297 months ago

    It’s hard to believe a Republican is pushing a piece of non-terrible legislation for a change.

    • @[email protected]
      667 months ago

      Yes! I’m confused! Hawley has always been a shithead. What’s changed!!?! I’m not complaining, just curious… and a little suspicious.

      • @[email protected]
        767 months ago

        He’s still a shit head, he just probably thinks this will limit corporate money to Dems, plus most of the Republican party takes donations from shady or compromised sources like the NRA, so it doesn’t hurt them as much to limit corporate contributions.

        • @[email protected]
          57 months ago

          Shhhh… Let them think they’ll own the libs on this “terrible bill for democrats” wink wink

      • @Boddhisatva
        537 months ago

        He may actually be dumb enough to believe that such legislation would hurt Democrats more than Republicans.

    • @[email protected]
      207 months ago

      He doesn’t, and he won’t. It is part of their culture war against woke. It will not end in any legislation, but it will be repeated ad nauseum in the press as if it was actually serious, and his voters will lap it up.

    • Riskable
      37 months ago

      The more extreme the Republican party becomes the more likely it is that big corporations will fund Democrat opponents.

    • Maeve
      07 months ago

      Yes; either redemption is possible and a choice or there’s an angle. And this is not a partisan issue.

  • @AllonzeeLV
    7 months ago

    Imagine being about to die any day now, and still using your failing, literally sputtering life force to proactively stand for enduring corruption even when you’re gone and will no longer profit from it, as if the corporations that bribe the Republicans and Neoliberals will be able to send the bribe checks to hell or something.

    There aren’t many villains, even in fiction, that lack any nuance to this degree. McConnell truly is a palpatine-esque cartoon of malevolence.

    • @[email protected]
      367 months ago

      He really is one of the most evil humans to ever exist in the USA. PLEASE can he die soon. PLEASE. The earth needs a win.

        • @uis
          7 months ago

          His philactery is a needle. The needle is in egg, the egg is in duck, the duck is in rabbit, the rabbit is in chest, the chest is buried under oak, the oak is on the island in the middle of ocean.

      • @AllonzeeLV
        187 months ago

        Jesus, I can just picture the Heritage Foundation fascist thinktank rolling a screen onto the Senate floor that’s some janky McConnell LLM Max Headroom looking AI to tell the Senate Republicans what to think.

        • @[email protected]
          57 months ago

          Now that’s an obscure reference. I was a kid in the 80s, and there were whole decades of my life where, if I thought about Max Headroom at all, I suspected I had just hallucinated the whole thing.

          • @AllonzeeLV
            37 months ago

            Honestly it predates me! I grew up in the 90s and saw so many pop culture references to it over the years that I sought it out. Really ahead of its time.

            Also, it’s apparently being rebooted.

  • Jeff
    577 months ago

    Let them eat their own faces. Corruption of these folks Tammany Hall level is where we are again.

    • @SalamendaciousOP
      317 months ago

      Did you see that hawley basically wants to over turn Citizens United? That could be major!

      • @[email protected]
        367 months ago

        He doesn’t though. It is all culture war posturing:

        “Let’s get one thing straight,” Hawley bellowed this summer, “Corporations are not people.” The crowd, this one gathered in Washington for the social conservative Faith and Freedom Coalition summit, barely stirred. But then they erupted when the populist senator continued, “I’ve got news for these woke corporations: We are not going to surrender this nation to the cultural Marxists in the C-suite.”

        • themeatbridge
          377 months ago

          This is typical conservative behavior. The moment the status quo does not benefit themselves, they become stridently progressive on that one issue.

          Notice the subtext. Woke corporations and C-suite Marxists. He’s opposed to corporations funding his opponents, and he finally got around to doing the math on Citizens United and realized that most corporations aren’t run by fundamentalists and bigots.

          Money isn’t speech, and corporations aren’t people. I’ve always said that. But the only reason Hawley agrees with me now is that the “people” are “saying” they don’t want to be associated with fascists and terrorists.

          • @[email protected]
            7 months ago

            But that’s…fine. Because corporationsa aren’t fuckin “woke” either. Corporations help nothing but corporations. Overturning citizens united does not change if their reasons for wanting to overturn it are stupid. These people are stupid. If they want to do the right thing for the stupidest, most incorrect reasons…it’s still getting the right thing done.

            • themeatbridge
              67 months ago

              I agree with you completely. It just seems like a lot of people are confused about being on the same side of an argument as Hawley when they know what a selfish gasbag he is. He hasn’t changed in the slightest, and hasn’t become a better person or principled in any way. His interests align with the greater good right now, and he’ll be useful as long as that’s true.

        • @[email protected]
          77 months ago

          The cultural Marxists in the C-suite

          Wtf does that even mean? It’s just a nonsensical jumble of buzzwords thrown together. The crowd cheered for that?

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          Knew it. He’s cutting off his nose to spite his face.

          Edit: However, in this case, the nose has cancer, so maybe it could accidentally wind up being a good thing. Is he doing something he thinks is so evil, he’s flipped back to good, like an old videogame score…?

        • @postmateDumbass
          17 months ago

          Must be an ulterior motive, like corporations being people makes anti abortion legislation impossible to write in legaleaze or similar.

      • eric
        87 months ago

        It pisses me off that I agree with Hawley about anything, but here we are.

        • @SalamendaciousOP
          97 months ago

          I think it’s always important to remember that people like him aren’t evil incarnate they just have radically different worldviews, the majority of which I vehemently disagree with, but there’s always some commonality out there somewhere. Cory Booker is working with Hawley on child labor prevention.

  • @Nobody
    557 months ago

    McConnell’s undeath can only be maintained by a constant flow of bribery cash. Nonexistent campaign finance law is where he hides his phylactery.

    • @SalamendaciousOP
      107 months ago

      Okay, this needs to be the plot of an urban fantasy political thriller immediately. That’s amazing!

      • @EmpathicVagrant
        97 months ago

        He transforms into his original form of a tortoise and eats the donation cash as though it were lettuce.

          • @EmpathicVagrant
            67 months ago

            Nothing quite that cool, he’s just a Tort-Lich summoned by Russian interests.

          • SolidGrue
            37 months ago

            With four White Elephants on his shell supporting a Flat Earth?

            (With apologizes to Terry Pratdhett)

  • @dynamojoe
    387 months ago

    What’s the catch? What is Hawley’s new source of funds that he has and the Establishment GOP doesn’t have? There’s no way in hell that seditious pigfucker would cut off the money supply unless he’s got a private source.

    • @Makeitstop
      237 months ago

      As I understand it, the more extreme nutcases like Hawley and MTG get much more of their funding from small donations. They make the news for saying insane shit and being controversial, spread their crazy bullshit on social media, and then get money pouring in from around the country.

      I think it’s clear at this point that the MAGA Republicans are willing to undermine their party as a whole if it fits their agenda. What do they care, anyone who isn’t 100% loyal to their movement is just a RINO anyway, right?

    • @SalamendaciousOP
      197 months ago

      Maybe I’m being overly optimistic but it’s at least possible he just thinks it’s wrong. He’s a grade A schmuck but like it or not he is a senator. Maybe this could create bipartisan support to over turn Citizens United.

  • @halferect
    307 months ago

    This is confusing because Hawley is pretty fucking evil but this bill makes sense…

    • @SalamendaciousOP
      197 months ago

      I replied to another comment saying that it’s important to remember that these people are not evil incarnate. Many of them just have a radically different worldview, one that I strenuously disagree with in many ways, but that doesn’t mean there can’t ever be compatibility. Cory Booker is working with Hawley to combat child labor. Booker disagrees with Hawley on a lot of stuff but he’ll put that aside to work on something productive.

      • @halferect
        87 months ago

        Gacy was a great member of the community and helped at hospitals and charitable event but he also murdered a lot of people and I can say he was evil. Is Hawley evil I would say yes, can he do right things sometimes? Sure but his end game is inherently evil

        • Ook the Librarian
          57 months ago

          Anyone that supported Gacy while he helped at hospitals has nothing to be ashamed about. Supporting Hawley when his views align with yours makes sense.

          • @halferect
            27 months ago

            Exactly, that’s why we can support this but also understand that Hawley is a bad/evil person.

          • @halferect
            87 months ago

            Hawley supported and raised a fist to a violent insurrection that led to death, Hawley refuses to support gun regulations that could save more kids… the guy has blood on his hands

            • @SalamendaciousOP
              -57 months ago

              John Wayne gacy raped, tortured, and murdered children. False analogy.

              • @halferect
                37 months ago

                Hawleys actions have led to the murder of children

                • @SalamendaciousOP
                  -27 months ago

                  Hawley did not torture, rape, and kill children. False analogy.

    • @[email protected]
      137 months ago

      It only applies to publicly traded companies, which tend to be beholden to the “woke, oppressive majority” of society. Private companies would remain free to funnel unlimited funds to their choice of shithead.

  • katy ✨
    307 months ago

    sorry but i don’t trust hawley he has an ulterior motive

    • @SalamendaciousOP
      167 months ago

      It would be a mistake if Democrats didn’t at least pursue this behind the scenes.

  • @buzz86us
    257 months ago

    I vote we have a law where politicians have to have logos of their sponsors emblazoned on all their suits

    • NutWrench
      57 months ago

      This. Lawmakers should have to dress in polyester jumpsuits, covered in advertising, just like the folks in “Idiocracy.” If they’re going to BE removed, they might as well LOOK like them.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago


      and now im with you.

      It’ll be awkward when they all have 666 branded on their foreheads though

  • @qwertyWarlord
    207 months ago

    Incredible. Do citizens united next. Full support

    • @SalamendaciousOP
      297 months ago

      From the article:

      Hawley’s new bill, called the Ending Corporate Influence on Elections Act, is aimed at reversing the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision that loosened campaign finance laws

  • @fluxion
    207 months ago

    Yes just keep handing our democracy over to the highest bidders and see how this all ends

    • Unaware7013
      107 months ago

      You make it sound like that’s not the express aim of the mainstream republican politicians. This isn’t a bug to them, it’s a feature.

      • N-E-N
        -17 months ago

        Seems optimistic to assume most Dems are much better

        • @SalamendaciousOP
          197 months ago

          One of the most successful con-jobs ever was convince people that all Democrats and all Republicans are the same because all it does it create apathy among democratic voters and help Republicans get elected.

          • @jas0n
            107 months ago

            Hey, you guys remember that time that Democrat president refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power, refused to accept that he lost the election and said that Congress shouldn’t certify the vote? Then, most of the Democrats in Congress just blindly agreed and said fuck the vote results, let’s keep this guy!

            Yeah, that was pretty treasonous of those Democrats.

            • @SalamendaciousOP
              67 months ago

              “January 6th was antifa in maga hats” ugh. All we can do is try to vote them out or vote to keep them out.

              • SatansMaggotyCumFart
                27 months ago

                The FBI, DOJ and CIA are all infiltrated by antifa to the point of them only charging the trump supporters who got caught up in the crowd, swayed by the agent provocateurs into doing things they never would.

                That’s why the only people charged so far are Trump loyalists even though we all know that BLM and antifa (who were sponsored by Bud Light and Target) actually caused it.

          • @[email protected]
            7 months ago

            I cannot fucking stand the fact that EVERYTHING that comes up in politics is always dismissed as “equal.” Every fucking time… “Republicans did x,y,z” “yeah? Well Democrats did a,b,c so it’s the same thing.”

            Then as you say the apathy kicks in and it allows you to say “fuck it, I’m still voting for R)Mr.Babykiller because D)Mrs.Babypincher is just as bad plus she’s a communist Venezuela socialism or whatever Tucker Carlson said she was.”

          • N-E-N
            7 months ago

            Idk man, as a Canadian looking at US politics from outside, it seems kinda naive to presume Dems aren’t also incredibly corrupt.

            But yes Trump and his goonies are another level

  • @j4k3
    177 months ago

    Anyone resisting corruption legislation should be placed under direct investigation, prosecuted, and made into the primary benchmark example.

    • @SalamendaciousOP
      17 months ago

      The only real authority is the voters. If voters are angry enough then they’ll vote the bums out.

      • @tory
        7 months ago

        Manufactured consent, the two party system, and entertainment “news” ensure that will never happen.

        • @SalamendaciousOP
          -37 months ago

          People have a right to vote and access to accurate news if they care enough to look for it. It’s pathetically easy to stay informed in this day and age.

          • @[email protected]
            17 months ago

            Accurate news is only accessible to people who can read it. And sadly, a majority of the US lacks the literacy skills to do that. Additionally, voter suppression in the US is becoming increasingly common with some nonprofits seeing the US becoming less democratic over time. Combine this with recent efforts to sabotage education even more, and it becomes unlikely that voting will meaningfully change anything.

            • @[email protected]
              27 months ago

              The only ones at fault for all of those problems are the American people themselves. As long as they continue to play victim and blame everyone else for their problems instead of working to fix what has been broken and combat tyranny, even at the cost of their own lives, nothing will change.

              But they won’t because they are selfish, cowardly, immature, abusive and cruel, so nothing will change for them.

            • @SalamendaciousOP
              07 months ago

              Voting is the only way anything has any chance of changing. What if the other option? Hoping? Protesting? Complaining on message boards won’t ever change anything. A lot of users are here because reddit became significantly worse. Lots of mods and users protested and subreddits went dark. Did that accomplish anything? You can’t vote for the board of directors at reddit but you can vote for your government. If you want better policies the only option is to vote.

    • @Bernie_Sandals
      97 months ago

      I’ve been thinking about this for awhile cause Gates has said some similar stuff in the past, I’m guessing they’re scared of establishment republican PACS turning on them.

      Idk though, the so called “establishment” republican elite hasn’t done much against Trump and his cronies the past 8 years

  • @Treczoks
    87 months ago

    Looks like someone is afraid of the truth… Good. Let the truth out, and let it hurt.