Remember always Thanks ChatGPT after questioning it

  • @Deestan
    6211 months ago

    This cutesy idea of making hardware pretend to be human and have a fake need for dignity is disgusting.

    If I smash my thumb, I can yell at my hammer to go fuck a cactus and throw it on the floor. I don’t need any moral panic as if I am going to cuss out humans if I get away with yelling at my hammer.

    • Dandroid
      1611 months ago

      I tell my Google assistant to go fuck itself every time I ask for directions to a place, and it asks me “which one” when the second nearest is over 100 miles away. I also tell it to fuck itself every time it just stops listening while I’m talking without telling me, which is shockingly often.

      • @[email protected]
        111 months ago

        We have a little game we play with waze where we all say a number before asking waze to navigate to a place, and then the winners whoever is closest. Generally, even of the closest location is across the street, I find you wanna go with a low three digit number unless it’s an asian restaurant, then you wanna go with a four digit number.

    • @Madison420
      511 months ago

      Don’t throw hammers unless you’re doing the hammer throw, respect your tools.

      • @Deestan
        311 months ago

        It bit me. It must be punished.

  • @SpaceNoodle
    3211 months ago

    Time for Spanish to have a new word for “light bulb!”

    Seriously, this does highlight the inherent biases we find in AI language models. Also I don’t need a robot to be condescending to me; it needs to go fuck itself now more than ever.

  • @BroBot9000
    2811 months ago

    You were on the list the moment you installed the assistant that steals all your personal information and tracks you.

  • @[email protected]
    1411 months ago

    My SO swears at his personal assistant all the time and I feel like it has gotten more vindictive over time and refuses to listen to simple tasks

    • @ImpossibilityBox
      311 months ago

      Oh I’m absolutely certain they have gotten worse over time. We have had the same setup for YEARS with no changes and it’s been getting worse.

      We would say “Alexa, praise the sun” which is our phase for all lights, maximum brightness and at the beginning it worked one hundred percent of the time.

      Now it’s a 3 way roll of the dice whether it works, gives us a description of what the sun is, or plays a song called “Raise The Son”.

    • Programmer Belch
      111 months ago

      In my house if it doesn’t understand you, you cuss at it and then it usually understands. If not, ramp up the swears until it wants to listen

  • Pxtl
    1411 months ago

    The amount of verbal abuse my Google Assistant has absorbed will guarantee I’ll be first against the wall when the machines come. But I’ll know: she really is a distended sack of dumb-ass diodes.

  • XbSuper
    911 months ago

    I swear at my assistant all the time. It’s a computer, it doesn’t think or feel.