• @soren446
    8 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • @_danny
      3411 months ago

      All dogs are animals, not all animals are dogs.

        • GreenM
          11 months ago

          Are you coming from culture that sees dogs as man’s best friend or use a dog analogy as name for lowest of lowest person?

    • @NewNewAccount
      1011 months ago

      If X, then Y does not mean or imply if Y, then X.

  • @[email protected]
    7411 months ago

    Normal people used to like Elon. Then he made a cave submarine and was made to look foolish and the mask slipped.

    • @[email protected]
      8711 months ago

      I started off with immense respect for Tesla succeeding in delivering a mainstream electric car, and SpaceX delivering on successful commercial space flight. Finally, I thought. A rich billionaire who might actually be doing good.

      Then the paedo cave thing happened. Ok. Guy can’t take criticism. That comment as uncalled for.

      Now? Holy shit. The guy is a full on racist, anti trans, misogynist, white supremacist, conspiracy peddling whack a doodle.

      • @Mr_Blott
        1911 months ago

        Removed by mod

        • @[email protected]
          1711 months ago

          I gave him the benefit of doubt because he fucking hated living in South Africa… apparently it had more to do with living with his dad, then the apartheid.

          • Echo Dot
            11 months ago

            I’m aware that there are nice people from South Africa, but every single South African I’ve ever met has been absolutely horrendous.

            I think they’ve all started to be racist within about half an hour of meeting them, which I don’t get because I didn’t even bring the topic up, they did. So they actually go out of their way to be racist when there isn’t anyone around them to trigger the behaviour. They do it like they’re just talking about the weather or making some other small talk.

            Even the Japanese are not that bad. Although they’re pretty awful too.

            • @matter
              211 months ago

              I used to have a similar stereotype about (white) South Africans who I met in my country. However, after having spent some time there recently I can say that South Africans (of all ethnicities) are absolutely lovely people. I was really impressed with what an integrated and truly multicultural society they have less than thirty years after the end of apartheid. I realise there are still big problems but it left a big impact nonetheless.

              My hypothesis is that all the shittiest people left when apartheid was ending because they didn’t like black people having human rights, and fled to majority-white countries.

            • @[email protected]
              -111 months ago

              And every south african I have ever met was as racist or not as racist as every other person I met in my country.

              If you met 10 racist south africans doesn’t mean all south africans are racist. This thought leads to… racism.

              Even the Japanese are not that bad. Although they’re pretty awful too.

              Maybe you meet that many racists because you are one yourself. But what do I know, I am german, we don’t have humor.

              • Echo Dot
                011 months ago

                Well to defend my honour a little. You know, because you called me a racist for no reason.

                I worked in a role where I went all over the world (mostly to South Africa though) and I was dealing with rich business owners and CEO, CFOs etc (all men too) and their various assistants. If I’d met on the street people maybe it would be difficult but the only other South Africans I met were retail staff and we didn’t get to talking much.

                Also it was way the hell more then 10 people. My company had to have an unofficial policy not only sending Caucasians because they were the only ones thes businesses they’s would deal with. It had nothing to do with their ability, it was just they couldn’t get the racists to deal with them.

                The same was true of the Japanese, but at least they were polite about it.

                I haven’t been back since COVID, but I can’t imagine it’s changed much.

                • @[email protected]
                  -211 months ago

                  I am confused. Wouldn’t you call it racism when I say “All russians smell bad” or “All white people walk funny”? I thought I checked all the boxes with that: I ascribe (in a negative way) a fact to a group of people, who in fact, don’t all smell bad. So for me is saying “All south africans are racists” and “All Japanese people are too, but slightly better” in fact, racism.

        • @[email protected]
          11 months ago

          Well I try and give everyone the benefit of the doubt first. I just didn’t see it until he let loose on Twitter.

        • oce 🐆
          611 months ago

          Why is that xenophobic comment upvoted? I feel like Musk brings the worst of everyone.

          • @Mr_Blott
            -811 months ago

            You might think you’re making the world a better place by being offended by everything on everyone’s behalf, but you’re just making it more boring

            • oce 🐆
              11 months ago

              Replace South African with Black or Jewish, groups people here are more aware of here. How does it sound? If it sounds bad. Then maybe you shouldn’t apply it either to any other origin.
              If it doesn’t sound bad, then you are intolerant.
              So yes, I am happy to argue against such comments to make the world better.
              But I am optimistic, so I believe it’s just a lack of awareness.

              Am I boring because I should have known it is actually a joke? If so, would you make such jokes against Black people?

      • themeatbridge
        1011 months ago

        Remember that Musk didn’t create Tesla, he bought Tesla and made it worse.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      He wasn’t just made to look foolish, he called the lead cave rescuer a pedophile just and only because the guy didn’t wanted to use his insane contraption.

      Also, that wasn’t the first time. The asshole was fired for incompetence before and only became rich because of shares he had in the company that got bought out. Anything good he’s ever done is the work or ideas of others. Anything else is just utter shit.

      Hyperloop, anyone? I remember reading in the 80’s about how dumb of an idea that was, and in sure he got it from older articles as the first ideas were from the beginning of the 1900’s, but he basically popped that idea because he was against high speed rail in LA. You can basically -in part- thank Musk for not having good rail in LA. Meanwhile, china built out a huge rail system because well, at least dictatorships are good for something, I guess.

      Do I need to talk about Twitter at all? Bought it for twice the value, and brought it’s actual value to 50% within a year. Fired thousands of people for no reason, including loads of business critical employers. Rent on his Twitter loans are due soon, hope you have a billion dollar laying around somewhere asshole!

      The guy is a black mark on humanity and I can’t wait for the day to see him being bankrupt and having to live in a shitty small house, he deserves it.

      • @Nahdahar
        811 months ago

        The Hyperloop thing is more complicated and more like an elaborate plan. It was a way to distract California lawmakers from a high-speed rail project, in order to sell more Teslas.

        • @[email protected]
          211 months ago

          Yeah, it’s also impossible. Anyone with a highschool degree and an hour to read into it can see that there are huge issues that simply cannot be fixed or are just dumb to even try

      • Johanno
        411 months ago

        What is terrifying id that he has been charged with fraud several times but still isn’t in prison even though he is guilty.

      • SokathHisEyesOpen
        311 months ago

        I can’t wait for the day to see him being bankrupt and having to live in a shitty small house, he deserves it.

        You can’t get rid of that much money. He could make nothing but terrible choices for the next 100 years and his money would continue making him insane amounts of money.

        • @[email protected]
          111 months ago

          Oh yes you can.

          The vast majority of his value comes from his companies. telsa went down what, 50-70%, so slash his worth by 30%, twitter was bought for twice the value and dropped to 50% ofmits worth in under a year. If he keeps going like that, he’ll be bankrupt by 2025

          • SokathHisEyesOpen
            111 months ago

            Bankrupt doesn’t mean broke when you’re ultra-wealthy. Trump has declared bankruptcy what, 6 or 7 times? He’s still a billionaire.

            • @[email protected]
              211 months ago

              Trump is likely not (and never was) a billionaire he’s a notorious liar when it comes to his wealth and has always inflated the crap out of everything.

              Musk is equally a notorious liar and is very capable of going bankrupt as most of his wealth is in his companies that he’s quite expertly running into the ground. His Twitter acquisition required multi billion dollar loans and the interest and payments together run into billion(s) per year. As he paid twice the value for twitter and the expertly ran it down to half that value, he lost about 75% of the money… good luck with that next payment, asshole!

              He pulled a huge amount of stock out of tesla (“I’ll never sell tesla stock”, musk) and with that tesla went off a cliff as well

              Hell he bankrupt within 5 years, if that.

  • Boozilla
    6611 months ago

    A member of my extended family loves Tesla and SpaceX and thinks Musk is a genius. It’s frustrating because he’s a very smart, generous, and chill family member…but then there’s his Musk fan boy thing. I do my best to ignore it and focus on his good traits.

    • @Nobody
      11 months ago

      It’s easy to forget that Musk was seen as an “IRL” iron man not that long ago. He was buying tech companies, taking credit for their accomplishments, and making seemingly credible promises of colonizing Mars in the near future.

      It all went to shit with Twitter. Musk exposed himself as a guy born with the silverest of silver spoons who failed upward all his life on the backs of the work of his betters who he never paid properly. That’s where all the extra money came from.

      • @[email protected]
        8411 months ago

        ehh, he exposed himself earlier. I was a huge fan until the whole “accusing the diver of being a pedo because of how he looked”, and from there Musk went downhill, quickly.

        • @Sho
          3111 months ago

          Glad someone else remembers this, all because ppl didn’t like his “personal mini sub for every one of the trapped children” idea…meanwhile the guy he insulted literally saved every single one of them one by one.

          • aiccount
            2411 months ago

            There actually were brave men who saved the kids for real, none of which were involved in any way with the childish Musk name calling BS. Those men’s names are John Volanthen, Richard Stanton, Jason Mallinson, Chris Jewell, Richard Harris, and Craig Challen and they are heros and they don’t deserve to have their bravery credited to anyone else no matter how childish some random billionaire is.

        • @paddirn
          2011 months ago

          That was basically the first hint I saw of what a dipshit Musk is/was, just because the guy criticized his water coffin idea. Before that though, I knew virtually nothing about Musk apart from Iron Man and whatever random news pieces were getting pushed out. He smoked weed! He made a flamethrower! They shot a car into space! The letters for the cars spell S3XY! In retrospect though and knowing what we know about him now, it just shows what an immature child he is.

        • @[email protected]
          1611 months ago

          Yeah that was the first time I had to do a second glance at one of his comments. The scuba thing really sent him down a dark path lol

        • @somethingsnappy
          -611 months ago

          A huge fan of government sunsidies, or false promises? He did manage to hire engineers to save him in some cases

      • Boozilla
        3511 months ago

        Reminds me of Jobs and Wozniak. Jobs was a toxic jerk who was very good at taking credit for the genius of Wozniak and others. Jobs had some brains and talent, but he was mostly just a whip cracker and ruthless self promoter. His pedestal has always annoyed me. Musk is similar and probably worse.

        • Dojan
          1611 months ago

          Definitely worse. Jobs is dead, Musk is not.

        • @[email protected]
          1411 months ago

          One of the many truths we’ve really learned over the past few years is that it’s easier to con someone than it is to convince them they’ve been conned. In fact, it’s easier to keep conning them, over and over, than it is to convince them they’ve been conned. That’s what Musk does. That’s what Trump does. They also benefit from the tendency of people to believe there’s a close association between material success and ability, or success and intelligence, or success and moral standing. It’s a modernized version of the divine right of kings.

          I don’t think the analogy to Jobs is great though. I never knew Jobs, but I know several people who knew him and worked with him. The consensus opinion among them seems to be that Jobs had a dysfunction like a lot of people in the industry do. He had poor control over a relatively short temper. He was also aware of it and worked to overcome it, but like we know about people with cognitive dysfunctions, it’s not something you can just will your way out of. We depend on our brains to tell us when something is going wrong, and so when the brain is the thing that’s going wrong, it can be pretty bad at that job.

          What Jobs did have was an intuitive grasp of the relationship between a person and technology. He saw that there was more to it than a beige box that people worked or played on. He saw a way of creating an impression of a personal connection between a person and a personalizable but inanimate object in a way that few people have achieved before or since. Yes, Jobs could be a whole bag of dicks, but from all accounts that’s when he was at his least effective.

          But at the end of the day, before Jobs was hired back as CEO to rescue Apple, things had gone to shit because they had started to think of themselves as just a computer manufacturer. There was no vision for an iMac, an iPod, or an iPhone. He got it wrong sometimes, too. The Lisa was as big a disaster as the Edsel. Ping was a disaster. The original Maps was a disaster. The job of the CEO - Jobs’ job if you will - is to provide vision and direction, and to get it right.

          That wasn’t what Woz was good at. He is intelligent and a creative thinker. He is a tinkerer and a hacker. He can be a bit of a tech bro, but he has a genuine love for technology and understanding. I hope he fully recovers from his recent minor stroke and that they can take measures to prevent any sequelae.

          That was longer than I intended. The short version is that Jobs was more like Miranda Priestly from the Devil Wears Prada and Musk is more like Michael Scott would be if he had a couple of hundred billion dollars but lacked the moral framework that made his character likable.

          • Boozilla
            711 months ago

            I appreciate the thoughtful reply. I’m not saying Jobs deserves zero credit. Woz himself respected the man, so who am I to disagree. As you pointed out, he had some visionary traits. I just think he’s highly overrated, and his contributions, while significant, could have been provided by many others. He just wasn’t the magic unicorn he was lauded as, IMO.

            Comparing Musk to a billionaire Michael Scott is gold. And I agree with the point that Jobs was smart and Musk is a dumbass.

          • @elephantium
            411 months ago

            divine right of kings.

            Now if only there was a shred of regard for rajadharma to go along with it… :(

          • @uid0gid0
            411 months ago

            One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.

            Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark

        • Flying Squid
          111 months ago

          Jobs’ biggest sin in terms of the public was charging too much for Apple products. Musk has done a lot worse.

    • SpaceBar
      3311 months ago

      You can appreciate what the actual talent at Tesla and SpaceX have accomplished while still seeing Musk as a horrible person. It’s just too bad supporting either company puts money in his pocket.

      • @kautau
        1911 months ago

        Yeah musk has very little to do with the accomplishments of Tesla or SpaceX. He provides the money. It’s the incredibly skilled workers of said companies that are making things happen. We can absolutely champion removing musk from every position he holds while pushing forward the ideas that space exploration and EVs are good things.

        At the same time, we should push for:

        1. space exploration to be about the search for knowledge and for making a better life for all of humanity based on the resources available in space, instead of building off-planet bunkers for billionaires once their climate change profits run out of steam

        2. EVs to be efficient, affordable to everyone, and generally more environmentally friendly than any fossil fuel vehicle. This will require significant research into battery technology and production processes. Time for car manufacturers to start spending all those profits they have. The strikes are a good start

        3. X/Twitter to fail. No bailouts, no buyouts. Let elon lose the 40 Billion he spent on it. For those that supposedly champion capitalism, this should be a win win in demonstrating what the market does when you are no longer competitive.

        • @[email protected]
          11 months ago

          We can absolutely champion removing musk from every position he holds

          The only way to do that is to buy more shares than Elon owns. Let’s buy more stocks and usurp him!

        • @Flambo
          11 months ago

          For those that supposedly champion capitalism, this should be a win win in demonstrating what the market does when you are no longer competitive.

          Yes, absolutely. Unfortunately it’s quite traditional only to tolerate markets as long as we’re happy with their behavior. The moment a market starts worrying or upsetting us is never “oh man, maybe this ‘markets’ thing isn’t all it’s cracked up to be”, it’s “obviously some regulation or policy is ruining this market, or it would never do this thing i don’t like”.

          So we’re stuck with the lose-lose-lose of:

          • keeping markets, their volatility, and all the shit that comes with that

          • giving up the fringe benefit of markets redistributing wealth when they collapse

          • denying anyone a chance to see clearly what it means to trust markets to manage our economy for us.

    • @[email protected]
      2211 months ago

      Spacex is tough… Musk can choke on a bag of dicks but spacex is doing some cool stuff that I’m excited about, but I’ve always been a space and rocket nerd.

      • peopleproblems
        2611 months ago

        See that’s my problem with all this. SpaceX and Tesla aren’t successful because of Elon Musk. they are successful in spite of Elon Musk.

        Elon Musk just puts money in big things. Elon Musk only cares about Elon Musk. Not even money. Elon Musk cares more about Elon Musk than money.

        First competitor to Public sector contracts for space flight? Elon Musk can see Elon Musks name on it. First mass produced electric car on the road and in garages? Elon Musk gets to see Elon Musk associated with it. Twitter? Elon Musk gets to be famous even more for tanking a $44b social media company with little to no effort.

        • @TheDoozer
          1611 months ago

          Elon Musk gets to be famous even more for tanking a $44b social media company with little to no effort.

          I disagree. Elon put a lot of effort into tanking Twitter. All he had to do to keep it from tanking (as bad as it did) was make no effort.

    • @[email protected]
      1311 months ago

      I have a coworker like this. He’s always been a big fan of Joe Rogan, which was simply a harmless hobby five years ago, but now means that he gets sucked into some very dangerous ideas. He’s a great guy to work with though.

      • GladiusB
        811 months ago

        I had an old coworker try and convince me I didn’t need high blood pressure meds because of Rogan. “You just need to exercise and take vitamins”. Yea. I’m going to listen to a podcaster more than my personal doctor that has examined me sixteen million times.

        They aren’t wrong that these things can help. But there are other people just prone to things and need extra assistance.

    • @cor315
      411 months ago

      There are so many people that just don’t keep up with the news or are in a bubble so they don’t see any other perspectives. And I get that. It’s really hard to escape the bubble.

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        Assuming they regularly use the English-language internet, I feel like it’s less they don’t keep up with it and more they’re willfully blind to it. They would have to either go out of their way to avoid it or assume every article that casts him in a bad light is from jealous competitors in industries he’s iNnOvAtInG in.

        I don’t give a shit about Musk at all and have never actually seeked out news about him yet it’s basically impossible to not see headlines about his latest bullshit antic if you’re just casually on the English speaking internet, so I really doubt there are that many people who are just “out of the loop” unless they’re not a native English speaker or rarely use the internet at all.

    • @saltesc
      411 months ago

      Is it possible they’re actually really into the science, or is it unmistakably fanboyism?

      • ℛ𝒶𝓋ℯ𝓃
        311 months ago

        I question this too. I love SpaceX, and Tesla has definitely made great progress. In just a few years spacex has made scientific revolutions that would take NASA and ESA decades. Don’t get me wrong, I hate the capitalism part. They definitely need government controls and incentives to keep “enshitification” for profit at bay. But the company seems to be doing a positive good so far, without a doubt. That said, I hate Elon Musk as a person. He pours money into great ideas, but only because he’s a narcissist who wants to see his name on it. SpaceX has prospered in spite of him.

  • @hesusingthespiritbomb
    11 months ago

    I feel like 80 percent of the internet revolves around bullying other people while somehow insisting you have the moral high ground.


    The responses are proving my point.

    He’s not calling out Elon. He’s calling anyone who likes Elon a massive loser. Dude’s an asshole.

    • Echo Dot
      11 months ago

      I think there’s a difference between bullying and calling out asshole behaviour.

      Elon Musk is fair game because he’s a total twat to everyone around him. If he was nice to everyone it would be a different matter.

      He could be nice to everyone, it’s totally possible, he’d still be rich as hell his asshole behaviour did not make him rich, it isn’t an excuse and it isn’t a requirement.

      • @Smoogs
        11 months ago

        I was going to say maybe he’d be less rich cuz a big problem with asshole behavior is greed and not paying a living wage and hoarding BUT then in not being an asshole he’d also be using up less money irresponsibly to hurt and annoy others.

        • Echo Dot
          -211 months ago

          He was rich anyway though. If he actually gets starship to work (and he will because basically the hard part has been solved it now just needs scaling) he will be the richest human alive he doesn’t need to be an asshole to do that.

          However I do think that Tesla is a bit of a boondoggle at this point, there are better electric cars out there now. But they change the industry they forced the industry to develop electric vehicles because they otherwise wouldn’t have done.

          • Blue
            11 months ago

            If he actually gets starship to work

            More like:

            If his skilled engineers make a breakthrough in…

            If someone makes the discovery, Elon buys it, and then claims he invent it.

      • @hesusingthespiritbomb
        -611 months ago

        He isn’t calling out Elon Musk. He’s calling anyone who likes Elon a loser.

        That’s asshole behavior, and I’m willing to bet that he justifies it by claiming that everyone he’s targeting is morally inferior and deserves to be ridiculed.

    • @[email protected]
      1111 months ago

      To be fair to him, loads of Elon followers are rather dickish in their behavior, anything to defend Elon. That brings me to point two: anyone who defended an incompetent asshole just because he managed to get rich, is an idiot and an asshole himself.

      Elon is incompetent as fuck (he got fired for incompetence, anything good he did is basically other people’s ideas or work, Hyperloop anyone, and just the entire Twitter debacle) and he’s a huge asshole (mistreats his employees, called the cave rescuers pedophiles because they didn’t wanted to use his retarded solution, yaddah yaddah yaddah)

      Anyone defending that piece of shit honestly deserves to be called anything.

    • @Smoogs
      11 months ago

      Devil doesn’t need an advocate. And victims don’t need to be gaslit.

      I’m sure it feels that way from a certain perspective when victims finally get a platform to speak about oppressors who have been the real world bullies without being questioned because they have too much leverage. They should be able to handle it. If not maybe they should change if they don’t like it when crunching people results in getting told how they be.

      • @hesusingthespiritbomb
        -911 months ago

        The author, a successful comedy writer, calls everyone who likes Elon “the biggest loser you’ve ever met”.

        Explain to me how he is a victim and the random people he’s insulting are oppressors.

        • @Smoogs
          511 months ago

          No. Because that’s your take on it. Not mine.

          • @hesusingthespiritbomb
            -411 months ago

            “everyone who likes Elon Musk is the biggest loser you’ve ever met”

            That is a direct quote.

            • @20hzservers
              811 months ago

              I mean if you like that asshole (Elon) then you might also be an asshole. Not talking about you liking Elon idk one way or another on that but the logic doesn’t seem very flawed to me. The people you hold in high regard are a reflection of who you are.

              • @hesusingthespiritbomb
                -511 months ago

                See? Bullying other people while somehow insisting they have the moral high ground.

                • @20hzservers
                  311 months ago

                  But? It is from a moral high ground Elon is lame as fuck I hope you atleast agree on that. So if you Stan that man don’t act all victimized when you get criticism for it. :)

    • @Torvum
      511 months ago

      Yeah, kinda the entire state of discourse and why anyone not terminally online hates talking about anything in proximity of political or controversial. The only people you see blow up in attention are those so derogatory, shameless, and degenerate who are well passed caring about social consideration and manners in debate or conversation. It’s literally just about the concept of ratio and “I have more invisible people giving me gratification than you”. Social media gave birth to the concept that anyone can be important for long enough to get high on the feeling, and it’s fucking dismal for a functional society.

      I fear you’re going to see gen alpha kids, who are consuming this at a rate far greater than any previous generation, will become just braindead. I’ve already seen it where a lot of 11-13 year old kids I know still act like they’re 6 and parrot memetic shit that has no meaning beyond just being something repeated to them during their parental granted 6 hours of screentime.

    • GreenM
      011 months ago

      Picking up on weaker or those who won’t seriously fight back is these guys characteristic they are proud of.

  • @books
    2411 months ago

    Is this Seth Meyers writer?

  • @[email protected]
    1111 months ago

    Nah,they may just be gullible. My little cousin is a musk fan and I’ve been trying uh, encourage him to look a little deeper

    • @[email protected]
      211 months ago

      I agree, as I upvote your internet comment about some guy commenting about another guy.

  • @[email protected]
    -211 months ago

    In my experience, people who worship Elon and people who hate him, are the most obnoxious people I found on social media.

    • oce 🐆
      211 months ago

      Yep, and the later are overrepresented here and they think they are so cool and different from the pleb.

      • @[email protected]
        111 months ago

        The fact that we were upvoted and downvoted in almost equal numbers kinda proves my point.

  • @Deftdrummer
    -411 months ago

    “my hot take is so … interesting”

  • @buzz86us
    -811 months ago

    Well he is making $25k EV, so I guess he is doing more than the dopes in legacy auto companies

    • @assassin_aragorn
      1111 months ago

      No that’s the people who are actually doing work at those companies. Elon is busy suing to say he founded a company that he bought, playing Elden Ring, and shitposting on Twitter about how much work he does

      • @buzz86us
        11 months ago

        His money is still facilitating the car be built… The way legacy auto is going I don’t think EV would be as big without Tesla

  • GreenM
    11 months ago

    Dispite having mixed opinion on Musk i have to admire dude doesn’t give a crap about snoflakes, wokeness or stack prices. I guess you gotta be half crazy to become richest dude in capitalist world.