What if the media is actually covering the spectacle precisely because the stakes—casual brutality, violence, callousness, lawlessness, and the descent into anarchy—are perfectly visible, legible, and clear? It’s hard to read any other way the current threats by sitting senators who promise to beat up committee witnesses, or former speakers of the House who elbow their political opponents, or congresspeople who say they will impeach everyone who makes them mad while dabbling in the recreational threat to shut down the government. What if the problem isn’t that consumers of media fail to understand the actual stakes of losing democracy? What if the problem is really that watching this MMA smackdown between fascism and representative democracy is, in fact, the 2023 version of good, clean fun? As Bouie puts it in his New York Times piece on the subject this week, “The mundane truth of American politics is that much of what we want to know is in plain view. You don’t have to search hard or seek it out; you just have to listen. And Donald Trump is telling us, loud and clear, that he wants to end American democracy as we know it.”

  • queermunist she/her
    2111 months ago

    What American Democracy? The one where half the presidents in my lifetime lost the Democratic vote? Where the legislature is controlled by gerrymandering? Where journalists like Julian Assange are persecuted by the government? Where we give unlimited support to the Zionist genocide?

    • AlwaysNowNeverNotMe
      1711 months ago

      Yep the one where reforms with 93% of the populations support never go to the floor because someone paid a genuinely laughably pathetically small bribe to a couple of octogenarians.

    • GodlessCommie
      1511 months ago

      Democracy in the US is a fantasy, like the American dream

    • @Psychodelic
      911 months ago

      Idk, we legalized cannabis and cops stopped harassing us in CA/OR. It seems like if people literally just tried we could accomplish so much. I mean, I literally don’t know one person even half interested in politics as much as I am. I know tons of people that think there’s no hope in doing anything worthwhile (besides having kids).

    • @GardenVarietyAnxiety
      211 months ago

      It was created with votes and votes can still change it. For now.

      Get involved.

    • @lemmyman
      111 months ago

      I don’t really get the point of this type of comment. Used in bad faith, it clearly is meant to detail the conversation and sideline the point of the article that was posted. In good faith, maybe venting? What am I missing?

      • queermunist she/her
        -311 months ago

        It’s meant to mock the idea that there’s a “cage match” between democracy and fascism.

        There isn’t.

        It’s a cage match between Pinochet and Hitler.

  • @[email protected]
    1411 months ago

    The problem isn’t exactly apathy. The problem is that the system has failed everyone but the rich and powerful, and there are zero signs that it will improve. A lot of people don’t see a difference between Trump and Biden, because their lives are hopeless either way. The American Empire is collapsing, and the politicians are doing nothing to stop it.

    • @[email protected]
      411 months ago

      Apathy is exactly the problem. If all the people who could vote did vote, we’d have a much different country.

      GOPs vote in every election and get what they want eventually.

    • Melkath
      -311 months ago

      Do I support active genocide? Or do I support the guy who has always been pro-genocide but is too incomplete to do it?

      Neither. I support neither.

      And oh ya, crumbling nation, rampant corruption, richer rich, poorer poor, consistent loss of rights, etc. On both sides.

      • @FrostyTheDoo
        511 months ago

        So you have a lot of complaints about everything, and your solution is to choose to do nothing? Thanks for removing yourself from the decision making process for the rest of us.

        • @[email protected]
          211 months ago

          It’s funny that you’re getting down voted. The same folks who can’t be bothered to vote against Trump are enraged that you called them out.

        • Melkath
          -911 months ago

          The correct course of action in a zero sum situation is to do nothing.

          You’re welcome. I invite you to do the same and actually help the situation.

          • @FrostyTheDoo
            711 months ago

            Oh I get it, you think it’s a game or a theoretical situation without any nuance. Makes a lot more sense now.

            • Melkath
              -611 months ago

              No, I think it’s real life, genocide is bad, and you shouldn’t support it.

                • Melkath
                  -211 months ago

                  Wait. What am I supporting? And how?

                  Because I fancy myself identifying and resisting the social programming I’ve been subjected to as a born and bred American living under The Party (the 2 parties, insisting there absolutely cant be a third, or a sixth, and doing a fucking great job at perpetuating that. Together.).

                  PLEASE tell me that by not supporting either dystopia I support the one opposite you.

                  Also, please tell me which one you are supporting.

                  Back on point. The Party supports the curtailment of human rights, prejudice based on religion, genocide of non-whites for the purpose of enriching military contractors (I’m a blonde haired, blue eyed unrelenting American male, for the record) and the enrichment of the politician and the billionaire.

                  SHIT. BE. FUCKED.

                  We can put Bernie or AOC up there. We can stop Trump.

                  Biden will not and should not be allowed to stop Trump.

                  In summation, I currently don’t intend to cast a vote in the upcoming presidential election. I hope the deepest of hopes that a change in context will let me change that intention.

                  Thanks for listening to my TED talk.

          • @[email protected]
            311 months ago

            It’s not a ‘zero sum’ situation.

            When Obama won, people who voted against him got access to the ACA.

  • Melkath
    911 months ago

    Suppose the people were loudly opposed to an active genocide, and the media and genocide funders just didn’t listen.

    • BeautifulMind ♾️
      311 months ago

      Was there ever any doubt?

      Apparently, yes. I’ve been pointing out anti-democratic tendencies in our politics for over a decade, only to be called ‘alarmist’, because obviously Roe won’t be overruled and so what if they gerrymander in red states, right?

      Perhaps counterintuitively, I’m a little less-alarmed today than I was 5 years ago, largely because instead of telling me I’m crazy, the people who told people like me to calm down are telling each other to take action