For me its opening the apple weather app and the map in it and watching the temperatures and wind patterns all around the world

The colours are beautiful in winters

  • @[email protected]
    4810 months ago

    Going on a run in the evening, when the weather is shit. Usually the streets are empty, I feel the rain on my face, the wind. I can catch glimpses of cozy people in front of their TV, or in their kitchen and imagine them to be happy about the fact that they are inside in this weather. I also get happy thinking about returning to my couch, after a run the couch seems to be extra comfy and the food better. But before that I speed up to max out my capacity and the feeling of being alive, by getting extra soaked through, cold and exhausted. It’s great.

    • @[email protected]
      1910 months ago

      Originally wasn’t going to comment, but I get a very similar feeling being inside a car parked on a road during the rain. It’s an odd feeling watching someone walking home quickly through the rain while you sit in another dark car, dry and unnoticed.

      • @[email protected]
        710 months ago

        Sounds really similar. I also like that :) Maybe it’s the feeling of being absent from the world, like a small “Stop” Button. I don’t know.

      • kratoz29
        410 months ago

        Huh watch out, the fuck cars community is gonna be after you.

        PS: I feel the same as you.

    • @grabyourmotherskeys
      910 months ago

      I was raised in a place that gets a lot of rain back before kids got driven everywhere. If you wanted to go anywhere, do anythng like camping or whatever, you had to be ok with rain.

      One of my favorite things was getting home soaked and cold, getting changed into dry clothes, and having a nice cup of tea from the pot that was always waiting under a cosy. Such a wonderful feeling.

    • @[email protected]
      710 months ago

      Somewhat adjacent feeling, but being out in the snow, especially in a deep blizzard. Different feelings if you are out in a town/city or out somewhere rural.

      I love the snow though. I don’t usually get sick of it quickly.

      • @[email protected]
        310 months ago

        I don’t smoke, but I like hanging out with people who do, because it gives me an excuse to go outside in the Wintery cold for a brief and clearly defined chunk of time. I like the sharpness of my skin almost as much as the soothing respite of returning inside.

      • @[email protected]
        210 months ago

        I also love snow and snowstorms. Had one time where I walked to work in a snowstorm because public transportation was not an option anymore but as I was working in a hospital I felt obligated to come.

        It was wonderful being this alone, guess I crave it. Unfortunately we do not get much snow anymore where I live.

    • kratoz29
      210 months ago

      By shitty weather I thought you meant the shitty weather I usually have here (30 to 38 Celsius on average) yeah I wouldn’t mind the rain (even when it can be risky) but running with my shitty weather hell no.

    • @mysoulishome
      610 months ago

      I had an idea for renting dogs or a type of system where you share them … maybe you only want one 1-2 days a week. My family poked all kinds of holes in it. There are tons of programs and apps now for it. It is a pretty stupid idea but it just might work.

  • IninewCrow
    3110 months ago

    Complete utter silence and darkness … complete darkness

    I’m not saying it as a wish for death … it was my favourite way of going to sleep when I was a kid, just complete silent darkness for a few hours to get a good night sleep.

    I haven’t had it in years … wife sleeps with a nightlight and there is always a window to the street light, the hallway light or some light somewhere and its never quiet any more, some machine is running, highway noises or whatever.

    As a teen, I used to just board up my room at night, even place black out curtains at night time and seal up my doorway to block out the light in the hallway. I used to find comfort in being able to ‘see’ in the dark on my own. Don’t get me wrong, I’m afraid of the dark too and if I got caught in a strange new place in complete darkness, I’d probably freak out.

    • @Anubis
      2110 months ago

      Have you tried a sensory deprivation tank? Sounds right up your alley.

    • @[email protected]
      210 months ago

      Current society are losing the sense of beauty of night. The streetlights, the screens, vehicle lights, constantly stare at us. And the sounds ofc.

      I remember my childhood in my grandpa’s village with such near complete silence in the dark nights, and I fall asleep anytime I recall that. Great to know I’m not the only to love them.

  • Bonifratz
    2910 months ago

    Most people I know hate it, but I absolutely love the feeling of a fly crawling on my arms or legs. It gives me this wonderful comfortable tingling sensation and I can’t get enough of it.

    • @mysoulishome
      1010 months ago

      Yeah my wife and both kids let these little hover flies crawl on them while we are watching outdoor sports or whatever. They like to land on you and drink your sweat. They’ll give them names and sit with one on them for an hour and act sad when they leave.

      I’m not afraid of them but I don’t like it.

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        I’m not afraid of them but I don’t like it.

        Can’t tell if you’re referring to the flies or the wife and kids.

        • @mysoulishome
          10 months ago

          Wife and kids DO like and AM afraid of

  • livus
    2310 months ago

    Making eye contact with a rat, pigeon, or hedgehog.

    I was raised around a lot of wildlife and aspects of cities can feel lonely and empty. Seeing other living creatures comforts me.

  • @[email protected]
    2010 months ago

    I don’t know if it’s weird or strange, but mine is my son’s favourite stuffed bunny from when he was a young child. He’s in his 20s now, and I keep his bunny next to my bed, and cuddle with it when I’m sad.

  • @[email protected]
    2010 months ago

    The sound of a distant vacuum cleaner.

    Rainy/overcast/cloudy weather. It’s so cozy, like a blanket in the sky.

      • @them
        710 months ago

        I see your distant highway traffic and raise you the sound of a distant railway, especially at night

      • @frunch
        210 months ago

        How bout trains in the distance? Every so often i can hear one from my house and it is very comforting in that odd way

  • @jacktherippah
    10 months ago

    I love slow blinking at my cat and seeing him slow blinking back. I believe that is called a cat kiss. And I love his little purrs…

    • @[email protected]
      410 months ago

      One of my cats won’t do it back but he’ll shove the top of his head in my mouth because he loves head kisses.

  • @aceshigh
    1910 months ago

    Morbid but… I find comfort in knowing that we’re all going to die. Some sooner than others of course but at the end of the day we’ll all be dead. There’s comfort it knowing that life isn’t forever, and so we should figure out what’s important to us now and not defer it to retirement or some other arbitrary time.

  • @paddirn
    1910 months ago

    An empty, silent house. I’ve got 3 kids and love them dearly, but holy shit, I love being alone in the house when I get a chance.

    • @[email protected]
      210 months ago

      I’m the same. I would like a little more me time or something to lower the stress level. If they’d clean up without me itemizing, or stop arguing over literally trivial things, or stop shouting at their friends on the mic. Ugh. I can handle some of that but it’s just too much. I need a babysitter but I stay and they go.

  • @[email protected]
    1810 months ago

    Thunderstorms. It reminds me of my place in the world and how I should stop taking myself so seriously.

  • @[email protected]
    1410 months ago

    The early sunset in fall and winter. I like when it’s dark outside and you can see light in people’s homes, it feels so cozy to me. Also hot water bottles, I love going to bed with one.

    • @fastandcuriousOP
      510 months ago

      I also just love the long quiet nights of winter, in fact i wish i were able to experience the far north like yukon or oslo or something like that, possibly even further and experience not having the sun rise above the horizon for a few days, i think the lighting would be absolutely gorgeous

  • @[email protected]
    1410 months ago

    Your posts take me back to 2007 where I was doing the same thing on the Nintendo Wii’s Weather Channel.

    The Wii hit different.

    • kratoz29
      210 months ago

      Maybe you know this, but it is still possible to use the Weather Channel app thanks to hacks.

  • @[email protected]
    1210 months ago

    Feeling sad, When I am sad I don’t feel anxious. I know how to deal with sadness. It is temporary feeling. It reminds me of all the work that I put in myself.

  • @[email protected]
    1110 months ago

    I don’t have an answer right now, but this was a great question OP, and also your answer is great. It’s weird enough that I would have never thought that someone would.

    Only thing that comes to mind now is a thing from Buddhism called the five remembrances. I’m not Buddhist, but I like quite a few Buddhist ideas and this is one of them. I don’t think of it as weird, but a few friends I’ve discussed this with have found it weird; they didn’t understand how this is a source of comfort to me, and they found it quite depressing to think about. I find it comforting for precisely those reasons, because I’m terrified of change, but it’s inescapable.

    Anyway, roughly, they are:

    1. I am sure to become old; I cannot avoid ageing.
    2. I am sure to become ill; I cannot avoid illness.
    3. I am sure to die; I cannot avoid death.
    4. I will be separated and parted from all that is dear and beloved to me.
    5. I am the owner of my actions, heir of my actions, actions are the womb (from which I have sprung), actions are my relations, actions are my protection. Whatever actions I do, good or bad, of these I shall become the heir.
    • @[email protected]
      610 months ago

      That is not weird. To accept sadness is to welcome joy, the same way we would not enjoy sweet flavours if no other flavours were ever available.