Actually, Yoda is Vader. The helmet is the cockpit to control the rest of the body.
We’ll find out in 1980.
That’s impossible, we know Anakin is Luke’s dad and Obi-Wan told Luke that Vader killed him.
Luke, I fucked your mom
Such a stupid fan theory. It will never hold up to scrutiny.
Seriously, I mean what’s next. The Chancellor is secrectly an evil mastermind villain? Totally unbelievable.
Some even believe that old Ben was a Jedi knight
No…no, that’s not true. That’s impossible!
You mean that old hermit that lives on Tatooine? No way he’s a Jedi.
Big if true but I doubt it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m down for wild speculations and fan theories but we shouldn’t ignore canon
There is only one, true Vader… They don’t even look anything alike!
Didn’t that guy just get voted in as Argentina’s president?
Seems perfectly fine and reasonable to me…
That looks nothing like the guy from Lion King
This one does weirdly look like Kylo Ren though.
So are we supposed to believe that Darth Vader has prosthetic limbs? Get out of here!
Then Anakin would be breaking my hEaRt… Then I would fall dead and give birth to two twins who would become very close in the future.
What are you doing step-jedi?
Too close.
Too close
Too clos
no way, are you saying that darth vader might be
luke skywalkers father?
That doesn’t even make sense. How old would be Darth Vader? And he just jump around like that fighting with a light saber?
And Anakin doesn’t have the same voice at all. There’s just too many plot holes. It doesn’t work.
Darth Vader was obviously a very heavy smoker in his younger days, probably 40-a-day at least.
Never seen anakin with a cigarette.
That would mean Obi-Wan lied. Not only that, but he apparently didn’t bother looking for Luke on his birth planet. This whole theory is a mess and I hope it’s not true.
(Dropping the act, I really do think it was a mistake for Lucas to pull this trigger. Made for a great moment in movie history, but sets up a whole lot of problems in the larger plot.)
No, James Earl Jones voices Vader and Anakin isn’t black so this theory doesn’t even pass the smell test.
Just confirmed: Anakin history’s first blackface
I dunno seems like a reach to me.
This is a great Easter Egg we all missed from Star Wars.
Big if true.
How long it was after the little lava accident vs how long it was before.