• SternOP
      407 months ago

      Momentum imo. Same reason Myspace has lasted despite no one I know of messing with in in like a decade.

      At the rate its going I think another sell off at a bargain basement price (see also: Tumblr) is inevitable.

      • @cmbabul
        167 months ago

        I entertain the idea of fucking with MySpace again every now and then, and then I immediately forget

    • Cows Look Like Maps
      237 months ago

      People haven’t fully migrated to an alternative (Mastodon) yet. Very few people and organizational accounts will just stop Twitter cold-turkey.

    • Flying Squid
      157 months ago

      And yet Geocities and Tripod and Vine all go under and take everything on them with them.

  • @Xtremis77
    747 months ago

    Let it burn, it’s a cesspit of trash and toxic stuff. I hope Musk takes a big dent and humbles up, but I doubt it…

    • @[email protected]
      207 months ago

      I’m pretty sure he took over for his GOP friends to either make it more backwards or run it into the ground before the big US elections. It probably wasn’t his idea, because he’s not capable to come up with something that smart. Naming it X revealed he hopes it’s salvagable to be his hillbilly incel platform. Either way, he will have fulfilled his task in time.

      • originalucifer
        187 months ago

        the saudis financed his twitter buy so he could burn it for them. not a secret.

        • @[email protected]
          37 months ago

          But not too quickly, because people would move to an alternative overnight if it just ceased to exist.

          • originalucifer
            27 months ago

            also, there are legal ramifications for tanking a product heavily leveraged financially.

            if you just suck, its legal to break everything.

      • @Touching_Grass
        7 months ago

        I honestly think it’s more that his right leaning mind virus caused him to think he’s doing good in the world by buying up a platform like twitter and making changes that either kill it or if it works it turns it into something he views as a ‘free speech’ platform. I don’t think this is some hidden thing on behalf of the GOP or other groups. Its all him.

        If you listen to him he outright says this. He thinks he’s the good guy here because in his perspective Twitter was how we all see X now. He believes he’s performing a service to the public for a greater good.

    • @[email protected]
      57 months ago

      Nah. It’ll all be the fault of left wing gay Jewish globalist radicals. The funny thing is that this dude is actually pretty intelligent (despite everything you hear) and yet he seems to genuinely believe this kind of bullshit. Just what you get from huffing your own farts too much.

      • @[email protected]
        57 months ago

        I thought Grimes had an affair with a trans person, and ever since he’s been on the crazy train. Maybe he knows exactly that it’s all bullshit, but it’s also lucrative and hard to backpedal.

          • @captainlezbian
            117 months ago

            Huh, I suspected it was over grimes even knowing that about his daughter. Though I do love that he’s clearly missing that his daughter’s anti rich stance probably has a lot more to do with her dad getting rich and promptly abandoning her mom. Around 16 is when all that’s likely to click and you’re gonna fucking hate the rich for that.

  • @joneskind
    7 months ago

    I was about to say $75 Million is not a big deal for a billion dollars company, but:

    “X, the social media company formerly known as Twitter, could lose as much as $75 million in advertising revenue by the end of the year as dozens of major brands pause their marketing campaigns after its owner, Elon Musk, endorsed an antisemitic conspiracy theory this month.”

    $75 Million over one an half month is a much more significant number. Let’s hope those company stick to their position and let that thing die.

  • @CharlesDarwin
    217 months ago

    Why is anyone even still using Xitter at all? Those that still do are part of the problem and have no real excuse for supporting the Nazi site.

    • paraphrand
      137 months ago

      Fear of losing attention and money.

      • @interceder270
        77 months ago

        This. Twitter has always been an advertising platform. Just not in the way most people think.

    • @TenderfootGungi
      27 months ago

      Agree, but there are several industries that still rely on it. The biggest is probably sports news.

    • @[email protected]
      17 months ago

      Momentum. Plenty of communities on a variety of subjects use twitter as their primary forum, and once something is standard, it’s difficult to change. In my (limited) twitter experience it’s also not too difficult to isolate yourself from a lot of the shit and just follow people who you’re interested in.

      It’s still fit for purpose for specific communities of people. And moving to a new platform can cause a lot of problems - tell me with a straight face that Lemmy has reached the same levels of engagement, variety, and diversity that Reddit had.

  • @[email protected]
    207 months ago

    Is he gonna sue all of them now for exercising the type of freedom of speech that he disagrees with?

  • Hairyblue
    177 months ago

    He must have fired the people who would have told him “no” to bad ideas he has about the bussiness of X. NO ADVERTISERS want their ads next to Nazi and Republican post.

    Elon was born rich and I’m sure he wouldn’t be were he is now if he wasn’t–like a lot of the “selfmade” rich people. (cough) Trump (cough)

  • @Burn_The_Right
    157 months ago

    Elon’s not worried. Conservatives never pull out.

  • @rtxn
    157 months ago

  • @nucleative
    87 months ago

    Elon pays a high price each time he taps that “Post” button. But he seems like a guy who’s happy to YOLO most of his actions.

    The man seemingly has access to infinite cash reserves, so formerly known as Twitter won’t stop working until he’s bored of it. The comments wondering why it’s not dead yet seem worn out by now.

    Finally, the non-stop flow of articles and posts about the site prove its reach still punches way above it’s weight class.

    • @interceder270
      -107 months ago

      I guarantee you, Elon Musk is perpetually happier than 90% of the people who criticize him.

      • Echo Dot
        127 months ago

        He seems to spend most of his time angry that people with other opinions exist.

        • @interceder270
          107 months ago

          He stirs up controversy because he’s a brand and every time the news talks about him is free advertising for that brand.

          Trump does it. West does it. He’s cut from the exact same cloth of grifters.

          • @Duamerthrax
            67 months ago

            And none of those people actually seem happy.

      • @nucleative
        27 months ago

        He definitely has more problems than most people in general, problems that would terrify a lot of regular souls. But he’s also got a lot of help with those. Maybe it evens out.

        I’m sure he’s biting his nails about those criticisms while he’s heliskiing in Telluride or crossing the Atlantic in his G6.

  • YⓄ乙
    27 months ago

    Anyone tried squaker yet? Its on fdroid. Browse twitter without the shitty app but tbh its dead af. I deleted sqauker after few days of use.

    • @Duamerthrax
      57 months ago

      If it’s just a Twitter browser, how is it dead?