Robert De Niro claimed his Gotham Awards speech was “edited” to remove critical remarks about former president Donald Trump, but that didn’t stop him from reading the uncensored version.

  • @reddig33
    7310 months ago

    It’s time for Apple to spin AppleTV production arm off into its own company. Between this, the John Stewart thing, and ruining the AppleTV UI so it can cram more ads for their programming onto the screen — it’s a black eye on Apple’s rep.

    • @morphballganon
      3410 months ago

      Megacorporations don’t give a shit what the tiny fraction of humanity capable of critical inquiry thinks.

      • @SuckMyWang
        510 months ago

        They don’t care what you think but if you get in their way you will know about it

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      Wouldn’t be the first time.

      • refusing usb-c for so long in order to push proprietary dongles until EU forced them
      • Killing headphone jack to push Bluetooth add-ons and other dongles.
      • Preventing people from taking pictures if their icloud is full even though their device isn’t to try to push upgrades to icloud storage.

      EDIT: To clarify, when I said preventing, I meant more of a temporary prevention. The issue is that if you open your camera app and your icloud storage is full, an iPhone will display an alert message stating icloud is full and present you with a button to add more storage, non-technical users would see this and hit this button taking them to the icloud upgrade page in settings. Now, if I’m taking a picture, it’s often a “now moment” kind of thing, and even getting a popup would be sufficient to lose that moment.

      And those still calling BS after my edit, I’ve personally seen this popup multiple times when I had my free 5gb plan on my iPhone 12, which was one of the reasons I switched to Android.

  • @maniajack
    5610 months ago

    Pretty badass move.

  • @Surp
    3010 months ago

    Just don’t use apple products or TV it’s not that hard. iPhones aren’t that good and neither is macOS or any of their hardware. Proprietary bullshit.

    • @thorbot
      10 months ago

      iPhone laughs in 58% market share

      • GladiusB
        910 months ago

        That’s in the US. Globally they are 29%. Which reinforces the point. They are other options that don’t have proprietary BS.

      • AItoothbrush
        510 months ago

        Why do you wear a brand as a personality? You know companies dont give a shit about you?

      • AphoticDev
        510 months ago

        Market share doesn’t indicate something is better, though. Soviet cold war technology has the market share in Europe, but as we’ve seen in Ukraine, it doesn’t hold a candle to more modern weapons. Which isn’t an argument saying iPhones are crap, I’m just saying market share isn’t how you decide if something is better.