• @Essence_of_Meh
    2810 months ago

    Here’s a list of accessibility features coming with 2.1.

    Short version:

    • Colorblind modes: Protanopia, Deuteranopia, Tritanopia
    • Optional subtitles for: cinematics, radio, overhead
    • Resizable text and overhead text
    • Background opacity for cinematic subtitles
    • Aim assist: 3 separate settings for melee, vehicle and ranged combat
    • Snap to target
    • Reduced camera motion
    • Weapon sway toggle
    • Controller vibration
    • Center of screen dot overlay
    • UI haptic feedback
    • Large UI font
    • Remove time limit from hacking minigame
    • Large HUD elements
    • Remove HUD effects (ghosting)
    • Reduce HUD decorations
    • Remove HUD lens distortion
    • Toggle for cycling to arm cyberware when cycling through equipped weapons
    • Adaptive triggers and trigger effect intensity
    • XbSuper
      10 months ago

      So basically all things that should’ve been there on release. Really glad I only played the demo and haven’t wasted money on this game yet. Although it sounds like it might finally be at a point worth playing.

      The haptic feedback and trigger intensity is huge, those were major turn offs during the demo.

      • @Essence_of_Meh
        210 months ago

        Better late than never.

        I’m just glad accessibility options are slowly becoming more common in games - hopefully CDPR will take it to heart and include them on launch for their next release.

    • @gaylord_fartmaster
      410 months ago

      As someone who is very colorblind, the colorblind color filter options for games have to be the most useless accessibility option of all time. I’ve never heard of anyone actually using them, and it just seems like an option companies keep throwing in without actually ever consulting anyone who is colorblind.

      • @Essence_of_Meh
        10 months ago

        Doesn’t help that these ones seem to be limited to HUD.

        I’m not colorblind but I’ve been wondering what kind of options could be useful for players like you. Some kind of fully customizable color filter? Ability to add a colored silhouette/overlay for important gameplay objects with access to a full RGB selection?

        I’m aware about stuff like making elements recognizable without colors (by using shapes or textures to make elements more distinct) but is there something else you’d like to see in games?

        • @gaylord_fartmaster
          310 months ago

          Honestly I didn’t look very closely at the screenshots and assumed it was a color filter like most games these days, but just changing the HUD is actually probably perfect, so kudos to CDPR. I haven’t played enough Cyberpunk to know if color comes up in any other gameplay elements or anything, but other than the HUD, something being color coded in some way is usually the only time it’s an issue, and having something like a shape tied to whatever you’re labeling like you described is good enough.

          I think just the standard “item glow” or whatever you want to call it is good enough for highlighting objects, there might be someone out there who might struggle with the color you pick against some backgrounds, but even having 3 distinct colors would cover anyone I would think.

          The problem with the filter some games have implemented is it’s fixing the few elements that could be difficult for colorblind players by trying to fix their colorblindness instead of just fixing those few things. You and I might look at an object and see a different hue but it’s still what both of us are used to seeing and trying to shift the entire color palette is going to make everything look way off, even if now I can tell the friendly and enemy healthbars apart easier.

          • @Essence_of_Meh
            210 months ago

            Good to know, It’s not easy to guess when you never experience the issue yourself.

            Thanks for the answer!

    • @GeneralEmergency
      -310 months ago

      8 years of development before release, and they’re only getting to this now. What a load of shit.

  • @the_gmg
    1010 months ago

    I tried this for the first time over the past week or so. The driving immediately stuck out as the weakest point, so having more travel options sounds good.

    I kinda wish they had just RGGed it and put everything in like a five block radius. I’m extremely early, but the city and environment just feel bad.

    • roguetrick
      2110 months ago

      There’s a suprising density of unique locations and interactions beyond the main quests. Try walking around in the city and you’ll see.

      • @the_gmg
        210 months ago

        Yeah I’m going to keep playing, but obviously not until next week. I thought that they were done changing stuff.

    • @Death_Equity
      1110 months ago

      I like the driving now that I understand it is more simulation than arcade. You can’t just hammer the gas all the way down because you will have no traction, unlike GTA. You have to either slow down to turn, or you have to learn to slide turns. The steering is a little hard to get used to, but tweaking the settings makes it much better.

    • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
      10 months ago

      If you think the driving sucks now, you shoulda seen how it was at launch. Half the cars would just slide around like you were on ice whenever you tried to stop. They’re at least servicable now. Which is good, since they also removed the exploit that allowed you to stack momentum while on foot by dashing while slowing down time. Still nowhere near as good as driving in GTA but better than driving in an Ubisoft open world game.

  • @Goronmon
    810 months ago

    I bought the base game on sale but only spent a few minutes with it. Still haven’t decided if I want to play with or without the expansion at this point. But all these update are making me want to keep waiting for the “final” final patch, haha.

    • @qooqie
      810 months ago

      Without the expansion I did about 3 playthroughs because of the different specs you can do. There’s a lot of content and replayability imo. I haven’t bought the expansion yet because holiday spending and shit but when I do it’ll be another few playthroughs

      • @Goronmon
        10 months ago

        I want to say I would replay the game, but I struggle with that even with games I enjoy. I’ve made a few attempts to replay Witcher 3 and haven’t been successful. I still haven’t finished Act 3 in my main playthrough of Baldur’s Gate 3 either after getting distracted by Starfield.

        So, I’m working under the assumption that I’ve only going to be making one solid attempt at playing through the game.

    • @Death_Equity
      310 months ago

      I bought it when it came out and played it for like 20 hours, after that I decided I wasn’t enjoying the game and shelved it. Picked it back up after 2.0 and have enjoyed it much more.

      Wait for the final patch, but 2.0 is a much better game.

      • @RampantParanoia2365
        110 months ago

        There’s so many playstyle builds, though. I’m looking forward to my next playthrough as a gun slinger.

  • @acosmichippo
    10 months ago

    really don’t see the point of having a metro system in this game. seems like it would just be even less convenient than driving or fast traveling.

    • @echo64
      2510 months ago

      “Our direction when what we wanted to was make sure players have a way to really be in the world and have an immersive way to travel through the world,” said Sasko. “This is designed to be a role-playing feature.”

    • @[email protected]
      2210 months ago

      It’s for Immersion. I’m all for it. It’s already a great game now, I’d love to see a subway system.

    • Coelacanth
      1810 months ago

      I used the modded Metro System for my playthrough along with a mod that adds basic primary needs (hunger/thirst/sleep). Many of my favourite moments were realising it was late after doing a gig, hopping on the metro and watching the city as I rode back to the apartment for a night’s sleep.

      Small things like that really help me with immersion, so I’m really happy they added this officially.

      • @GriffinClaw
        10 months ago

        Can you name the primary needs mod please?

        I tried the game at my friends place day 1; the main put offs were bugs and lack of immersion.

        • Coelacanth
          510 months ago

          I believe i was using this one.

          I also recommended basically all of deceptious’ mods if you’re after immersion, he does some of the best work on the Nexus in that department.

            • Coelacanth
              110 months ago

              I forgot, you also probably want to get a modded timescale. I made my own custom one, but if you use vanilla you risk getting on the train at midnight and coming back home at sunrise. Here are some to choose from if you don’t want to set up your own.

    • @Leg
      510 months ago

      It was modded in by fans well before now, so it’s definitely a wanted feature. People like immersing themselves in the city ambiance, and with good reason. I personally rarely fast travel, or even drive, because there’s usually a lot more to see by just walking around. Convenience isn’t a big priority in a game like this.

    • @[email protected]
      210 months ago

      Its the same idea for stables in skyrim. Using them isnt ideal for speed, but there are users who prefer getting around via natural means rather than fast travel.