• Boozilla
    737 months ago

    If your neighborhood has an HOA, pressure them into adding language that limits the number of rental properties. It can take a lot of work / votes to pass, but it can be done.

    • @[email protected]
      497 months ago

      We did this with our COA (condo owners association). No renters or AirBNBs allowed. If you own the condo you’ve gotta live in it.

      • Pistcow
        127 months ago

        I’ve been trying to get my hoa onboard for rental limit.

  • @Ottomateeverything
    297 months ago

    Sure would be a shame if we got candidates for governing bodies that would actually do something about this.

    • @Fredselfish
      57 months ago

      I looking to run anyone want help support my bud for office. Definitely will want to put a stop to this kind of stuff.

  • Neuromancer
    267 months ago

    I think corporations should be limited to owning a small quantity of sfh. Maybe a dozen unless they can show a compelling reason such as housing for employees.

    Sfh are meant for families.

    • netburnr
      347 months ago

      We don’t want company towns, there should be no exceptions.

      • @[email protected]
        87 months ago

        Maybe put in a few exceptions for things like remote research or production facilities where no real town or civilization in general exists around them. Basically the kind where rotating worker shifts are stationed for 3-6 months at a time and then move back for a few months off.

      • Riskable
        67 months ago

        You don’t place the limit on the company you place the limit on the region. Just like zoning often requires a certain amount of green space you write regulations that only 10-25% of all single family homes can be owned by corporations.

    • @TheDarkKnight
      77 months ago

      Just scale the tax, it’s so fucking easy to fix. But if they wait it’ll become a giant problem where some awful company or groups of company will fail and break the economy for a while etc etc.

      All you have to do is scale the tax. 1 house normal tax rate. 2 houses 2x tax rate on all properties. 3 houses 3x the tax rate on all properties.

      Numbers probably need adjusting but that keeps things reasonable, even for small landlords you can scale it so its fair and keeps properties local and even a good investment vehicle for individuals but prevent it from becoming an exploitive market by giants corps.

      • Neuromancer
        -27 months ago

        Trump changed salt for personal taxes. Just make the rules cover corporations as well. I got fucked in salt

  • @MajorHavoc
    167 months ago

    Zillow lost their shirt doing the same thing.

      • @MajorHavoc
        117 months ago

        True. Outright rent-seeking is certainly typically safer than flipping.

        I think the risks that crushed Zillow are still relevant: Trying to do something at national scale requires a situation where lack of local knowledge is unnecessary. And housing has proven a few times not to be that.

        I would bet on Amazon to come up with an “investment” scheme that externalizes the extreme local market risks to their “partners”.

        • Neuromancer
          47 months ago

          I just don’t like large corporations buying up the housing. It just drives the cost up. I am not against local landlords. I had rented many times when I didn’t want to buy and I appreciate clean, affordable, and well-maintained properties. Local landlords can only buy so many properties before they run out of cash, as such the market limits itself. Bezos can buy a lot of homes before he even puts a dent into his cash funds. There are times when corporate ownership makes sense, I had a friend who traveled to BFE for weeks a time and his company owned a house where he could stay. They always had someone out there for weeks or months at a time.

          • @MajorHavoc
            7 months ago

            Agreed on all points.

            Some communities pass laws to keep investor landlords out entirely.

            Amazon buying rental property might also be ruled illegal under current anti-trust laws.

            I don’t know the best approach, but I don’t expect good things to come from Amazon getting into the landlord business.

              • @MajorHavoc
                17 months ago

                Good point, but really beside the point.

                Anyone who thinks Bezos’ controlling interests in both companies won’t cause public harm should consider my fine selection of bridges that I’m selling for ridiculous bargains.

                • Neuromancer
                  07 months ago

                  He will not cause harm because of Amazon, he will cause harm because he’s Bezos.

  • @Wild_Mastic
    7 months ago

    Can Anyone Tell Me Why All Articles Related To Moronic People Has Capital Letters On Each Word? It Triggers Me So Much For Some Reason.

      • @TheMauveAvenger
        327 months ago

        They went overboard here, to be fair. Articles and short prepositions shouldn’t be capitalized in title case. It is funny to think that an adult has gone through their entire life without seeing title case, though.

        • teft
          7 months ago

          They went overboard here, to be fair.

          Oh absolutely, I was just answering in case they legit didn’t know about title case.

        • @[email protected]
          97 months ago

          Never assume an idiot online is an adult. There’s like a LOOOT of actual children all over the internet

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    I’m sure that Bezos will require that “work from home” is not allowed in any of his leases.

    or perhaps lease PRIME will, for a fee, let you work from your rental.

    • Turkey_Titty_city
      7 months ago

      Nah dude. It’s not as complicated as that.

      It’s the same mentality that your neighbor has… I don’t have enough because someone else has slightly more than me. Tony across the street got the new car… so I should get a newer and better one than him!

      The .01% only hang out with each other, and they compete with each other. And they get jealous when their buddy has a cooler nuclear bunker than them, so they need that extra 10 million this year to ugprade their bunker.

      They are not evil, they are just people. And you’d behave exactly the same way in their situation. It’s how we are wired, to be stupid selfish jealous monkeys. You don’t exist to them, they are not thinking about you, only about themselves.

      Same thing when you go to your town meeting and your elderly neighbors are screaming bloody murder at their taxes going up $50 this year because they think children should go to school in unheated buildings.