Chris Christie got into a fiery exchange with Vivek Ramaswamy during Wednesday night’s fourth GOP debate, calling out the entrepreneur and fellow White House contender for repeatedly interrupting and blasting him for his attacks against fellow candidate Nikki Haley.

“This is the fourth debate that you would be voted in the first 20 minutes as the most obnoxious blowhard in America. So shut up for a little while,” Christie said during the event, hosted by The Hill’s sister news organization NewsNation.

The former New Jersey governor had offered a summary of Ramaswamy’s stance on the Ukraine-Russia conflict, which Ramaswamy denied was correct.

“It’s exactly what you said. You do this at every debate,” Christie said.

When Ramaswamy interjected, Christie said, “You go out on the stump and you say something, all us see it on video, we confront you out on the debate stage. You say you didn’t say it, and then you back away.”

  • @fluxion
    547 months ago

    Christie and Bush used to look like the worst politicians this country has to offer, but somehow they come out looking like saints versus the current GOP candidates. It’s insane how far things have regressed since Trump took office.

      • @[email protected]
        117 months ago

        This craziness has been around since I started paying attention back in 2008 with the tea party idiots.

      • @[email protected]
        67 months ago

        The fact that they no longer feel the need to restrain themselves is what has regressed.

      • @CharlesDarwin
        17 months ago

        Very true - this element of the cons/GOP has been there for a very long time. There are/were plenty of cons/GOP that were butthurt about Nixon. Not about what Nixon did, but that it was reported on. Even when he resigned, he still had supporters. They were mad about Ronnie Raygun being caught in Iran/Contra, too, and they began lying at a rapid pace in the late 80s/early 90s to try to build him up into some kind of hero.

        They have been working for decades to get revenge for these perceived slights and building alternative networks to give cover to future situations, such as donnie - see the hate radio network and the likes of Faux “News”, as well as Regnery and online hate sites…

  • GingaNinga
    207 months ago

    Anyone else think the word slam gets used too much? Its kind of lost its meaning, I’d like to see more creative words used like suplexes or RKO

    • @RGB3x3
      57 months ago

      Whatever happened to simply saying “insults?”

      Christie insults Ramasmarmy.

      Much better

      • @[email protected]
        27 months ago

        Agreed, that’s much better. I automatically lose interest in any headline that has shit language like “slam.” It’s the most obviously biased crap that you know you’re never going to get a good representation of what actually happened (which is usually “politician gets angy at something”).

        I may be misremembering, but wasn’t this kind of headline relegated to garbage tabloids and Faux News 10 or so years ago?

        • @RedAggroBest
          7 months ago

          It’s loaded language because it’s The Hill trying to drum up some views for clips and get clicks since their parent company fuckin hosted the debate. It’s always because money. Don’t overthink it

    • jrbaconcheese
      37 months ago

      I came here to say the same. It’s the most obnoxious word in headlines; it must be some sort of click-bait research result from the last few years.

      • GingaNinga
        17 months ago

        Theres no creativity anymore, I bet most of it is AI spam these days. Most analysis is just surface-level, sometimes even just straight up wrong. The other one that drives me nuts is “this” where they try to get you to click on the link and rake in some ad revinue, I just hate ads so much it makes me do the oposite lol

        • @RedAggroBest
          27 months ago

          I don’t want creative journalists. I want objective reporting of facts (which you won’t see from The Hill)

    • @mriormro
      37 months ago

      You know, I’m getting more and more tired of comments that complain about the phenomena than I am about the phenomena itself.

    • @cmbabul
      17 months ago

      Christie delivers a pile drive to Ramasaway

    • @MegaUltraChicken
      17 months ago

      “And here comes Doug Bergham out of nowhere with the Rey Mysterio 619 around the podium.”

  • Flying Squid
    147 months ago

    “And I’m an obnoxious blowhard, so I would know.”

  • hrimfaxi_work
    87 months ago

    Christie electric chair drops Ramaswamy, transitions to a leg-trap camel clutch: ‘Biggest jabroni in America’

  • Binthinkin
    77 months ago

    This wasn’t even on a major news outlet just some shanty town remake of Fox called News Crap or something like that.

    Dollar general politicians is all we get from the right since at least the 50’s. What a waste of time and money these loser tramps are.

  • @xc2215x
    57 months ago

    Christie is right to say this.

      • @RGB3x3
        27 months ago

        No, he’s trailing way behind in polls after Trump, DeSantis, and Haley.

        He’s not getting the nomination, he’s too annoying for even Republicans.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    37 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Chris Christie got into a fiery exchange with Vivek Ramaswamy during Wednesday night’s fourth GOP debate, calling out the entrepreneur and fellow White House contender for repeatedly interrupting and blasting him for his attacks against fellow candidate Nikki Haley.

    So shut up for a little while,” Christie said during the event, hosted by The Hill’s sister news organization NewsNation.

    When Ramaswamy interjected, Christie said, “You go out on the stump and you say something, all us see it on video, we confront you out on the debate stage.

    Christie then came to the defense of Haley, who has repeatedly gotten into fiery back-and-forth exchanges with Ramaswamy over the last several debates.

    Ramaswamy had once again launched broadsides against Haley in the opening of Wednesday night’s debate.

    “Nikki and I disagree on some issues, but I’ll tell you this: I’ve known her for 12 years, which is longer than he’s even started to vote in the Republican primary.

    The original article contains 341 words, the summary contains 157 words. Saved 54%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • @JeeBaiChow
    37 months ago

    He forgot about his old boss already?

  • @CharlesDarwin
    37 months ago

    Compared to OJ? Hm. Vivek is most definitely a ridiculous person, but the conservatives and the GOP has so many candidates for that title.