• originalucifer
    166 months ago

    how is my being able to cast as single vote suppose to stop this nonsense?

    im not not gunna vote. but dont tell me my vote really matters when apparently all my vote gets to decide is ‘conservative’ or ‘fascist’. as this shit happens anyway.

    • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
      6 months ago

      It really feels like we’ve lost complete control of the government, and they’re just gonna do what they want. Warrantless spying, supporting genocide, baking the planet to a cinder; all things I’d stop if I could, but it’s being done in my name and I’m powerless because all I can do is vote for someone who will end up doing those things or someone worse.

      • GodlessCommie
        -16 months ago

        Voters have never had control of the government, it’s always been the wealthy and capital

    • @Fredselfish
      16 months ago

      They know the end of capitalism is coming and our society is about to crumble. They want to stop us from getting together and rebelling on the wealthy.

      Watch as right wing fanciest groups like Proud boys and Patriot Front go unopposed. But left leaning groups and unions get squashed.

      We are close to needing to rise up and take our country back before it to late. Probably is to late.

  • @jordanlundM
    116 months ago

    FISA reauthorization, happens all the time.

    Although, if it did any good you’d think maybe they’d have something to show for it?

      • @jordanlundM
        66 months ago

        Exactly. Where was the wiretapping there? Shit, we didn’t even NEED a wiretap, Trump tweeted that shit and gave a giant speech on the mall and they still didn’t catch it.

    • Flying Squid
      66 months ago

      It’s not admissible in court, is it? Maybe that’s why they have nothing to show for it? Obviously, that makes it pretty useless.

      • @CaptainSpaceman
        66 months ago

        Useless for justice, but if there was no purpose it wouldnt keep getting renewed. Information is power even if its never used.

      • @[email protected]
        56 months ago

        Parallel construction is their trick and is totally cool and fully legal according to our courts. We have no rights, only temporary freedoms.

      • @Nurse_Robot
        46 months ago

        That’s a fun thought experiment. One way I think this could work is you find out someone is doing something illegal, so you have someone call in an “anonymous tip” which you use to get a search warrant, find what you already know is there, and then it’s fully “legal”

  • @chitak166
    96 months ago

    Great. Another reason why direct voting is a bad thing.

    Oh wait…