• cobysev
    2410 months ago

    I have a buddy who would rage quit when he dies in games, then rant about how there’s no advantage for skilled players and, “this game is all luck!”

    He was exceptionally good at strategy games. Back in the days of Warcraft II, he would spend days writing down exact second-by-second instructions for building the perfect base to dominate the map. (“Dedicate 4 seconds to starting this building, the next 9 seconds are needed to harvest this resource, then 13 seconds to start recruiting 4 infantry,” etc.).

    By the time I had made maybe 3 buildings and a few peons harvesting resources, he was already invading my base with a massive army. He probably could’ve gone pro, if esports leagues were a thing in our youth.

    But he was a terrible loser. If his strategy didn’t go to plan, he would throw a fit about the game cheating and being all about luck instead of skill.

  • @MrFappy
    1110 months ago

    Mine always seems to be luck. It can’t exactly be attributed to lack of skill when you spawn on a vehicle, and almost like you were the detonator, the vehicle explodes from enemy fire.

    • @wreckedcarzz
      1010 months ago

      Well, have you tried not spawning on explosives? smh


    • @[email protected]
      410 months ago

      First the ragemeter goes through the roof. Once it clicks there’s just as much as a sigh. Those games teach you something about patience and staying calm.

      If you excuse me for a sec, I need to order a new controller.

    • @qisope
      310 months ago

      Gravity Camera Bullshit

  • @Sanctus
    410 months ago

    Okay but when a coil head, a thumper, and a hydrogen all stack on you in the same room it kinda is bullshit lmao