“… and you’re going to need be really fucking brave for what you want to do.” I don’t understand him, he was being annoyed at me about some english stuff, like what? I’m happy about it, I think, like its a step forward from my parents like literally never talking about me being trans.

  • the_itsb (she/her)
    201 year ago

    Has anybody told you lately how proud they are of you? I’m just some old lady on the internet, but my kid is trans, and I’m so proud of him for being himself, and I’m proud of you too. Your dad may have been a bit of an ass about it, but you are brave - it takes so much courage just to be yourself for anyone, and so much more so for anyone who has anything other than the rich, straight, white identity idolized by so much of society. And yet here you are, with unsupportive parents, still dedicated to being you.

    I’m so fucking proud of you. ❤️

  • @ayyndrew
    1 year ago

    That’s really sweet, keep being you ;)

  • BananaPeal
    61 year ago

    Your dad isn’t wrong. It took until I was in my 30s to be okay with who I am, and I’m just a weirdo. I’m guessing you’re younger and your challenge is much scarier. It’s awesome that you are brave enough to face it! Keep it up, I’m proud of you!

  • kaishi
    21 year ago

    It takes tremendous bravery. but also, support from family and friends. it’s learning a whole new set of performative skills, but speedrunning it.

    A close friend of mine just had her mom do her nails before a weekend long date with her (long distance) boyfriend. I thought that was such a sweet and subtle way to show support for her. Mind you, the couple I’m talking about are in their late 30s.

  • hiyaaaaa23
    21 year ago

    That is actually a pretty good step forward. I’m happy for you?