• @Bonskreeskreeskree
    769 months ago

    Remember when Bernie would have wound up in the lead as far as delegates had Elizabeth conceded hers when pulling out? I remember when Elizabeth led us to a trump presidency by bending the knee and letting the nonviable Hillary win the nomination.

    • @givesomefucks
      349 months ago

      Still think she was just a “useful idiot” in that primary.

      As soon as she brought on Clinton’s campaign people, she stopped promoting herself and focused solely on tearing Bernie down.

      I don’t know if she was dumb enough to think it would work, or if she took one of those deals and was going to get a cabinet position if Clinton won.

      But there was big shift in her campaign and even her personal behavior out of nowhere, something happened for that big of a change.

      • themeatbridge
        259 months ago

        She 100% sold out to Clinton. The why of it is between Warren and Clinton, and we’ll probably never know.

    • @ChicoSuave
      299 months ago

      Warren was always the poison pill to split progressives in the primaries and force the mainstream candidate to become Hillary. When Warren backed out and Bernie still surged ahead, Michael Bloomberg paid $500M to run an interference campaign built on obnoxious memes for a weekend on order to derail the news and momentum Bernie was gaining.

      There is a concerted, focused effort by internal people of the D party that are helping push a business facing conservative narrative into both parties and Bernie seriously causes fear that citizens might get the power back from big money. Hillary was an terrible candidate pitched by arrogant people hoping to give the masses only bad choices. If an actual good choice ran, it would undermine the democracy killing dead lock caused by voting for the lesser of two evils. No progressive will ever get a chance because boomers have poisoned America to be greedy, self centered, and uncaring.

    • @doublejay1999
      129 months ago

      Nothing unites and mobilises establishment power more than the prospect of electing a socialist.

      The odd fascist can slip through, but never ever a socialist.

  • @Fades
    89 months ago

    She’s so fucking awful just step aside for fucks sake

  • @Son_of_dad
    9 months ago

    At the end of the day, Bernie couldn’t even win his own party’s backing, that’s why he would have lost to Trump. Like it or not, and I do like his ideas, but Bernie is unelectable. You can give a million reasons why the democratic party refused to accept his leadership, but if even the one side couldn’t accept him as a leader, why did you expect the entire country to?

    I say this as a Canadian with no horse in the race, but if you’re gonna beat the Republicans, at least pick a guy who can actually win

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      There was actually polling showing Bernie stood a better chance than Clinton versus Trump in the general election. Despite what you might think, he is actually far more popular with fence-sitters.

      The problem of course is that in order to compete in a general election, he had to first complete in a party primary, which the party was free to rig as much as they wanted.

    • @gaylord_fartmaster
      149 months ago

      What does this even mean? You think if Bernie would have won the primary the DNC would have said, “actually, just go ahead and vote for Trump, we don’t really like this guy”? The RNC didn’t support Trump until he won the primary either, they were both considered anti-establishment candidates, which the powers that be hate more than anything.

  • @Voyajer
    9 months ago

    Not this Bernie bro shit again.

    E: I am pro Bernie. The Bernie bro label was used against him to fabricate a narrative that his supporters were bad people.

    • @Fridgeratr
      119 months ago

      YES this Bernie bro shit again. And forever. If the DNC didn’t sabotage him, we probably wouldn’t have had Trump

      • @Voyajer
        9 months ago

        My sentiments exactly…

    • @krashmo
      59 months ago

      Yeah let’s all get psyched about Joe “nothing will fundamentally change” Biden.

      • @Fades
        9 months ago

        I’m no Joe Biden fan but he has absolutely already brought positive fundamental change. To say otherwise is reductive as fuck.

        • @givesomefucks
          49 months ago

          Well, if you want to prove your point list examples, don’t just say it’s true.

          Like, three things that because of Biden are significantly better than when Obama was president, and how those things outweigh all the shit that’s gotten worse.

          And I know:

          That’s not fair! It should start when trump left office

          But the main gripe with moderates is when they get in office, they take 2 steps forward. Slow, incremental progress. You can argue that’s the best method even.

          The issue is because nothing is getting fixed, and we keep running boring moderates, that Republicans get in office an immediately sprint backwards.

          So we don’t see incremental progress.

          We take massive leaps backwards, and then crawl a little bit back towards where we used to be. Rather than slow progress, shit just gets worse.

          And again, I see where someone would go with that:

          That’s not Bidens fault! It’s the voters fault!

          Well, the main job of a candidate is to get elected, isn’t that the defense for taking money from billionaires and corporations?

          Maybe we should try running candidates that voters are excited about if that’s what matters and “moderates” just can’t accomplish it.

          If voters aren’t excited about the slow crawl forward in response to the frantic sprint backwards, maybe someone who wants to run forwards would have an easier time being elected?

          • littleblue✨
            -59 months ago

            While I may give you points for your heart being in a right-enough place, your argument is fundamentally childish. Asking for citations is one thing, but gluing a qualitative uncertainty on the end of it is just shitty and simple-minded — devaluing any attempt at debate you insinuated an interest in by even commenting. Then, you continue to blather and rant, stroking your own pet notions in support of your perspective.

            Do better.

            • @givesomefucks
              09 months ago

              Do better.

              Ironic coming from someone that just used a bunch of personal insults…

              Do you want to delete you comment before the mods get to it?

              • littleblue✨
                -29 months ago

                I don’t see a single “personal insult” in my entire comment, thanks. I called out your behavior as juvenile at worst and at best in bad faith. Do you want to read for comprehension rather than sensationalized reaction before anyone else here sees your apparent tendency toward victimization?

                • @givesomefucks
                  19 months ago

                  My dog doesn’t understand the structure of our solar system…

                  Sun still comes up every morning tho, regardless of if he knows why.

                  I don’t waste time explaining it to him, because he’ll just never understand

        • @krashmo
          29 months ago

          Those are his words which he used to describe what his presidency would be like. If you don’t like that description then complain to Joe Biden about it.

      • themeatbridge
        49 months ago

        Assuming he wins, which we shouldn’t assume.

      • @Son_of_dad
        -69 months ago

        Nobody said anything about Biden. Why is it always one or the other with you guys? How bout maybe someone who isn’t an old, wealthy, white dinosaur, who isn’t unelectable? Why do Joe or Bernie have to be involved at all?

        • @krashmo
          09 months ago

          The post is about Bernie and Biden is the current President as well as the Democratic nominee for the next election. If you’re really not sure why those two people are being discussed here then I’m not sure what to tell you. Deductive reasoning is your friend.