Hell yeah. As a show only viewer I really enjoyed it.
We’re all show-only now. Only the first season was an adaptation of the book, season 3 will be an adaptation of the unwritten sequel to the first book Gaiman and Pratchett never had the chance to finish before Pratchett passed.
Season 2 was also entirely original straight from Gaiman. He said he felt there needed to be a bridge between the published book and the sequel they planned, so he wrote a story on his own to do that, and that’s Season 2.
Yes, now I can actually watch season 2!
Given how disappointing and out of nowhere the seasons 2 ending was, I’m not exactly thrilled by this piece of news, but we’ll see.
Season 2 really felt like a stopgap measure to pad out the series, didn’t it? I appreciated the character bits but I’m hoping the final season brings more substantial story to the table.
Third? When did a second season happen?
I enjoyed the first one. Haven’t got round to looking at the second one. Can’t remember why I decided not to watch when it was released…
Kind of good news, at the same time they completely changed the premise of the show and have basically been flogging a dead horse. Radcliffe in sequin assless chaps definitely made up for it though!
You’re thinking of Miracle Workers, not Good Omens.
You’re absolutely right, Good Omens has a similar Christian premise but is going far stronger. I was thinking the other show had already milked a 3rd season!
The first season was literally about heaven…
But each season is different.
The sequin assless chaps are season 2 when it’s a western, and season 3 is Mad Max where Harry Potter gets down to his whitey tighties and goes feral
Yeah that’s what I mean, Miracle Workers started with one premise and then just did something completely different after it ran that premise dry in one season. That’s not entirely a bad thing (it would no doubt have been worse if they’d tried to stretch out the original show) but the later seasons were never all that great and you could never feel all that attached to it knowing that they would just refresh everything every season. The 3rd season was pretty much milking in it dry.
Miracle Workers started with one premise and then just did something completely different after it ran that premise dry in one season.
That’s a weird way to describe an anthology series…
That’s not what it started as, though. That’s what it became after season 1.
Season 1 had a very specific pitch that was captivating. Seasons 2 & 3 were just the same actors in different settings.
Seasons 2 & 3 were just the same actors in different settings.
Season 2 was the middle ages, season 3 was the western. Mad Max is season 4.
Somehow I also basically forgot about season 2 and only remembered 3 and 4.
All of them are completely different from season 1, though, and I don’t think seasons 2-4 were originally planned to be that way.
Is it based on the book still or no?
Theyve exhausted the source material now, but Gaiman is all for it continuing
Season one is based on the book, season two is still co-written by Neil Gaiman and is apparently based on an idea that he and Terry Pratchett talked about for a sequel, and I have no idea about season three lol.
Season 3 will be something Neil thinks up while on the Can!
I’d rather read something he wrote while on the can than what most authors consider their very best work.
Season 3 is what you just described as season 2. Season 2 is a sort of in-between one Gaiman came up with.
Yeah, it was obviously more of a “shuffling the pieces” kind of season to get the characters to the right places for a new proper story. Still enjoyable though.
Yeah I really liked it. Maybe more than S1 in some ways because everything has sort of been established.
Season one is based on the book. Season three is based on the sequel Pratchett and Gaiman had planned together, but never fully written or published. Season two is a bridge to fill some gaps written by Gaiman alone.