These would have been used in a class setting to allow the instructor to point out features to even the people in the back of the room.
Big Ass Rifles?
Browning Automatic Rifle
No, the first one. Lol
This photo throws me for a loop. The people look real, but the guns look so fake my brain wants to think they’re just toy soldiers.
For clarity…
The Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) was shy of 4’ 'merican.
These are training dummies.
If real they kickback would blow your kids kids shoulder out.
If real they kickback would blow your kids kids shoulder out.
Of course that doesn’t mean that no one would make such a device.
Now imagine it fires full-auto in whatever caliber the Kaiju-BAR would shoot.
I love how there’s no proper shoulder stock for this. Like, you’re firing it and just not giving a fuck about anything in a 5m radius cos there’s a good chance if it’s in that, it’s getting hit…
Silly as those punt guns look, they were massively effective. They were usually meant to be fired from some kind of mount. They went out of use more from laws banning them than from a lack of effect. Wikipedia overview.
irrefutable, 100% real, not fictitious proof that giants fought in ww2
Second from the right is a Marine for sure, everyone in the picture has 8 point covers, but not everyone has USMC ironed onto their left breast pockets. Probably a bunch of Marines or Sailors since the Army / Air force have never worn the 8 point cover.
Thanks I’m far from a uniform expert. Changed the title.
So 3 nazis walk into a BAR…