• @fastandcurious
    36 months ago

    These are starting to give me nightmares.

  • @Ibex0
    -26 months ago

    The fog of war is thick in Gaza; we should be careful what we believe.

    • @Bazoogle
      136 months ago

      Which part are you trying to be careful with believing? The dead bodies are on camera.

      If the part in question is who killed them, there are multiple witnesses saying it was Israeli forces. But let’s assume they are all lying, or were deceived by Hamas: why would Hamas interrogate and kill Palestinian women and children? If anything, they would use them as body shields, no? They can hide out in schools and hospitals so that in order for Israel to attack them, they’d have to kill innocent people too. And to think Hamas would do it to make Israel “look bad” seems interesting. It’s not like any war crime charges are going to be brought to Israel. Maybe they want more citizens of other countries to get riled up to get their governments to stop funding Israel, but that seems like a lot of forethought for Hamas, no? And to also guarantee all the witnesses would claim it was Israeli forces?

      Does it not make more sense for it to have just been Israeli forces? Do you sincerely believe some Israeli troops would never do such a thing?

    • @hark
      36 months ago

      In great part thanks to israel killing journalists and otherwise impeding their journalism.

  • @feedum_sneedson
    -66 months ago

    So, should we just believe that? Not sure anymore.

  • Armok: God of Blood
    -76 months ago

    People here really will just believe anything anyone says as long as it supports their worldview. This place is no different from Reddit.

    • @kaffiene
      76 months ago

      Al Jazera say they have video and pictures. Are you saying AJ are making it up, or Hamas killed the Palestinians? Maybe they all shot themselves?

    • @skeezix
      -96 months ago

      It’s this community. It’s brigaded by hamas supporters. Earlier they were posting that IDF is harvesting organs. It’s mostly rage bait headlines

      • @hightrix
        6 months ago

        It isn’t brigading when a majority of the world wants Israel to stop genocide and they say it.

        Just because the majority opinion is against you doesn’t mean it is being brigaded.

  • @blahsay
    -86 months ago

    Oh Al-Jazeera…you used to not just be for propaganda 😞

  • @this_1_is_mine
    -386 months ago

    Not to be nit picky but point blank is “within lethal range”. If it can kill you it is within point blank range. You could be half a mile away and still be within point blank range.

    • @[email protected]
      156 months ago

      According to Oxford Dictionary (via Google), point blank means “very close”. This would be the layman’s definition.

      The official definition (per Wikipedia) is close enough to not have to compensate for the effects of gravity on the bullet when aiming.

      So no, it’s not “within lethal range”.

      • @this_1_is_mine
        6 months ago


        I dont give a flying fuck about popluar usage since litereally can mean literally not literally.


        Taking something I didn’t write to extrapolate on the words.

        "Defined, point blank range is the range at which you don’t need to aim high or low to hit your aiming point. Maximum Point Blank Range (MPBR) is simply the farthest end of that distance.

        Point-blank range will vary by a weapon’s external ballistic characteristics and target chosen. A weapon with a flatter trajectory will permit a longer maximum point-blank range for a given target size, while a larger target will allow a longer point-blank range for a given weapon. In popular usage, point-blank range has come to mean extremely close range with a firearm, yet not close enough to be a contact shot.

        For instance, “point blank range” for a handgun may be up to 25 yards if the gun has been sighted in to hit the target at that range when aimed. For a hunting rifle, that distance may be 100 yards or 200 yards, depending on which distance the rifle’s sights are adjusted.

        Bullets typically fly in an arc from the muzzle and descend to their target due to air resistance and gravity. The chart below shows the trajectory of a .30–30 cartridge where the rifle is “zeroed” to hit at 200 yards. Note the point of impact is higher at 100 yards and falls off rapidly after 200 yards. If you wanted to hit a target at 300 yards, you’d have to aim about 17.4″ high with the gun sighted in for 200 yards.

        The “rise” at 100 yards isn’t huge, so if you’re just trying to hit an 8″ diameter target at 100 yards you could do so without aiming high or low (point blank). But if your target is small, about 2–3″ across, your “point blank” range narrows to a zone that is at 200 yards ±10–15 yards.

        In terms of popular usage, however, it means you’re shooting a weapon at a distance were you almost “can’t miss” but the distance is greater than a contact shot.

        For a large gun, like the Rheinmetall Rh-120 (US M256), a 120mm smoothbore anti-tank gun with an effective range of up to 8000 meters, point blank may be on the order of 1000–1100 meters if bore-sighted to a large target like a building."

        So… You could be with in 2 feet or 200 feet depending on sighting already calibrated… You could be 10 feet from a air rifle… You could be 100 With a handgun and 500 with a rifle. And have it still be “qualified” as point blank. Its a sensationalist use of the phrase. Try using different ones. That mean what your trying to convey. Like murdered from close enough to have touched.

          • @this_1_is_mine
            -56 months ago

            Self descriptive your retort. Learn to read

        • @Maggoty
          26 months ago

          Hey folks, not that y’all seem to need it with the way the votes are. But your friendly local Combat Vet here confirming this guy and Quora are once again, full of shit. The aim point definition is for the closer of the two points in a ballistic trajectory. Most Western militaries zero their rifles at about 25 meters and have a corresponding point at about 300/400 meters. The far end of the arc is in no way point blank and most soldiers will have trouble hitting it. 25 meters is point blank and if you can’t properly identify people at 25 meters then you need to be removed from the military.

    • @[email protected]
      106 months ago

      It means the target is close enough that you don’t need to adjust for drop, you can just point and shoot

    • @Maggoty
      106 months ago

      That’s an impressive amount of bullshit to try and defend war criminals.

      • @this_1_is_mine
        -96 months ago

        Who’s defending what now. I just want people to use the correct wording. Stop using words you think you know. Keep it simpler. I’m so tired of reading trigger words just because they help the Luddites.

        • @Maggoty
          6 months ago

          Point blank by civilian definition is barrel close enough to the skin for the flash to burn it. By military definition it’s about 25 meters. You’re the one fucking with semantics to defend war crimes.

    • @Bazoogle
      76 months ago

      “Not to be nit picky” proceeds to nit pick and be wrong about the subject you’re nit picking…

      • Merrium Webster: a: marked by no appreciable drop below initial horizontal line of flight; b: so close to a target that a missile fired will travel in a straight line to the mark

      • Cambridge: aimed or fired directly at from a close position

      • Dictionary.com: aimed or fired straight at the mark especially from close range; direct.

      Imagine a journalist using a dictionary.

    • Victor
      326 months ago

      Please explain, how does posting content provide a “terrible experience”?

      • Ghostalmedia
        -106 months ago

        If you’re subscribed to this community, the hot sort was overwhelmed by your posts. Of all the communities I’m subscribed to, I was only seeing pages of your posts.

        • Victor
          6 months ago

          You have me confused with OP.

          But either way, that doesn’t have to be a bad thing? It’s temporary, right? Doesn’t happen everyday, does it?

          Even if it does, they are posting relevant world news, which is the topic of the sub… I seriously don’t see the problem. Would it have been okay if it were from different users? Would it then just have been considered “high activity” and a positive thing? I just, do not get it.

      • norbert
        -106 months ago

        You have to space them out or post them to different (relevant) places or it just becomes spam at some point.

        • Victor
          146 months ago


          This is World News, yes? Sometimes there’s a lot of news about a topic… 🤷‍♂️ People dying and being ethnically cleansed and children being bombed to smithereens and y’all are like “😢 there’s ten posts on this sub from a single user and I won’t have it ☹️☹️☹️”

          Fuck’s sake, guys.

    • @Maggoty
      56 months ago

      We’ll pass your concerns on to the IDF?

    • @kaffiene
      26 months ago

      If you don’t like it, block. I’m happy to see the content