Perfect “research” strategy…
- Claim you have a world breaking tech
- Watch as others scurry to replicate/verify/improve your claims
- “Borrow” their results from their networks.
- Profit, without too much exertion on your part.
Perfect “research” strategy…
Err they do if you order online for collection - their staff pick your order and bring it out to you. You just park in a bay, check in and someone brings your shit.
Granted they, generally, don’t carry your shit from the checkout to your car if you do the shopping…
That 200kg of cocaine has nearly filled the storage facility.
Wait, aren’t the drugs meant to be flowing the other way?
You get ads with dogs cos the ad server knows you have dogs… I bet you regret that one time you didn’t “reject all” cookies… Welcome to targeted advertising.
We, here in the UK, for all our faults, have waaaay fewer school shootings… In fact way fewer shootings altogether (even when multiplied by ~5 for relative population size)
I have a small cluster running using Starwind for my vSAN. For me it’s much cheaper than a hardware equivalent and is performant enough.
Oh and I haven’t had a “stop work” issue with it in 8 years.
Somewhat remarkably it was OK performance-wise when sync/iSCSI traffic were running on 1Gb copper connections to spinning rust storage… Now I have 10Gb fibre between the hosts, coupled with nvme drives, and it’s quite (comparatively) quick.
As with all things YMMV… But vSAN is the way for my use case.
In the UK it seems to be…
Call: What do we want?
Response: X
Call: When do we want it?
Response: Now
Followed by/Or
X! x! x!
Out! out! out!
Forced to upload a picture is because you chose the wrong post type.
I got caught by that when I started using Voyager.
Yeh - hyphen are superfluous.
I’m old… Reckon I have been secretly doing the dd on my own head… Or too much powershell in the day job.
Eta: the hyphens are there to stop the unwise copypastaing the code and trashing their system - that’s my other excuse and I am sticking to it!
And definitely don’t mention the
dd -if /dev/urandom -of /dev/sda
I mentioned it once but I think I got away with it…
Obvious isn’t it? What is, these days, considered “left” used to be centre right…
We used to use virtual box on windows with an immutable hard disk to boot the environment with storage, for persistence, elsewhere (usb for example) if required. Just used standard ubuntu for the guest distro.
Once you shut down the VM the vhd reverts to as installed. It’s a bit painful distributing the system but can be done.
You can prevent ordinary users messing with the immutable setting as well if that is a concern.
But only if its the woman who wants the divorce… And then only if the man’s income is above $1000000 otherwise they are poor and therefore should be in a labour camp/work for Amazon anyway. If they are same sex they go to the camp anyway.
Not sure if /s is appropriate cos I am a “right ponder” and don’t know how close to the truth I am…
Is VSS even a backup?
Nope, not even close.
I thought it just copies old revisions of files into that shadow area
It just copies the deltas…
Backups can use vss to get a static image of the volume (deltas are written to the shadow area, which isn’t backed up, whilst the backup is running) it’s a little different for vhdx files on VMs but basically the same.
It’s magic… And often means that I don’t have to restore lost files from backup, just view the old versions and grab a copy from there.
Excellent! Can’t wait to find out what one looks like…
No… Wait… :)
Not my problem… Whatever my SO/surviving descendants want is good by me.
True British reserve there… Glad you held back, wot?!
BTW for those who aren’t British, the above is a message agreeing whole heartedly with the chap expressing disdain for the Daily Fail.
If it is Boeing, I ain’t going!