But I would rather have 1990 Honda Accord than a new car. But I would take Wayland over X ahah
But I would rather have 1990 Honda Accord than a new car. But I would take Wayland over X ahah
I have it and I am in the UK, we have our own GDPR after the whole Brexit thing. But someone would need to prove its breaking GDPR. To install it on the device isn’t a violation of GDPR.
Maybe they just like the car. Not everything has to be political. Especially if they get it 2nd hand, the depreciation is huge. So someone could get a nice Tesla for great money. Doesn’t mean they like Elon or support him.
Buying 2nd hand is greener and doesn’t support him.
Well then, that’s pretty impressive. I don’t know the answer to that
If you have play services installed. You will get it.
The FIA is French…
Just filter out googles ASN and ip’s. And stop peering with them on BGP. Simples
Im not supporting this by the way. I think the internet should be free and open, without governments blocking what I can access.
Not really. Spanish residents only. Not citizens. So you can freely move into Spain and reside there. Once you reside there no 100% tax on buying a house. This should have nothing to do with freedom of movement.
Works fine. I use it on my XPS 13 daily with Fedora 41
This is a mixing issue. Interesting video on it here.
DTS X is much better than atoms. No channel or group limits etc.
But Dolby has already won the race. Cinemas are all Dolby Atmos, movies are, sound stages etc etc. They won the marketing race so they won out in the end.
Eh, xcp-ng runs open vSwitch
Well, they should try to avoid any object in the road to be honest. Imagine a new toy comes out that a child is on. Sorry we killed that child l, we didn’t train it on that new toy.
Its just an unacceptable answer to be honest.
You’ve read it backwards. Its $15.20 Or to be exact 15.20€. So its spoken 15 Euros, 20.
I understand you. Very annoying these days.
For dynamics you have to ask MS for access to the sql back end. Then its granted for several hours as read only. That’s why you have to use synapse link to a data lake etc.
Literally the same, just bought a new washing machine. Most are now smart enabled. I don’t get it at all… Like why does a washing machine need to be on the internet at all.
You’re washing is done… Yeah I know I can no longer hear it.
Start it later, there is a delay mode.
I physically have to be in front of the washer to load it. Why would I then use an app.
We paid a premium for one without Wi-Fi
They call it “Wetware-as-a-Service” that just grossed me out. I don’t like this timeline we’re in. Exit simulation please…