• 16 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I_like_cute_kittensMtoCancerFuck Cancer
    2 years ago

    Glad to hear that it’s been relatively easy on you. And of course even happier to heat that it is working!

    And yes I have in fact, but just once, someone who was both allergic to and fearful of cats no matter their size or cute appearance.

  • I_like_cute_kittensMtoCancerthe second post!
    2 years ago

    First of all sorry to hear that you’re going through this. I’m happy to hear that you are getting on with your life! I think it is great that you’re using your experiences to inform other women who might find themself in the same situation as you! Knowledge really is power and we do deserve care that allows us to live fulfilling lives both during and after treatment. I feel that sometimes life after treatment isn’t considered or talked about enough during treatment, which is somewhat understandable, survival comes first, but quality of life after treatment is so important as well. Thanks for posting, I hope you’re recovering well from your surgery!

  • Hodgkin’s is a type of lymphoma, basically a blood cancer that manifests itself in lymph nodes, can be anywhere in your body or in your bone marrow as well.

    Normally you might do both chemo and radiation on a large area as treatment, as lymphomas usualy respond very well to radiation, but initially my hematologist decided against radiation as some of the tumors were located close to my heart, so we did 6 rounds of chemo instead of 4 followed by radiation.

    But then my cancer decided to stick around till after the chemo, and a para-sternal lymphnode still lit up at the after treatment scan (a lymphnode next to the sternum between the lung and the ribs), so they radiated a small area basically around where that lymph node was.

  • Internet told me that they might be, I did some reading when I got them last year. But so far I haven’t found them to be too difficult. I started them inside in pots last year so they were already a bit bigger when I planted them outside as the plants don’t like cold much.

    But this year I just cut of the stems and left the bulbs in the ground the entire winter (you can also dig them out of the ground and keep the bulbs inside to protect them from the cold), as we get mild winters over here. And all of the bulbs have sprouted againt this year.

    I find snails and slugs like them quite a lot, especially the small plants, so if you have a lot of those it might be wise to start the plants inside. They flower from summer to fall, and I’ve found that they flower for longer and with more flowers if you pinch out the tops of the small plants and remove wilted flowers.

    I’d definitely recommend them!
