HD600 paired with Element III
HD600 paired with Element III
Yo why is this so relatable
I hope the games communities here take off, I’m fiending for news lol
No I don’t think I will
Ngl I think I like wefwef more after using both. Something just feels cleaner about it
Already on it sir
Just seeing if there’s anything else
Awesome work. Any way other devs can contribute?
Are those waterflossers any good?
Post the knowledge here! I’m learning SEO rn, totally selfish reasons why I’m asking 😂
This was extremely helpful. Perhaps this can be posted up for new users looking for “default” communities
I miss Google Wave
Yo this shit is awesome. Going to be setting this up asap.
After ToTK, I am begging for something less open, though I doubt we see that
Let’s keep it up, this place is great. I have not missed Reddit. Feel like I was in a cesspool without knowing it
To be honest, the Lunar is pricey and I don’t think worth it. I think you would be better served with a cheaper scale, I don’t think it was worth it for me lol
Thank you! I use an Acaia Lunar.
My output usually falls around 36g (±1). I’ll usually drink it straight or make a long black.