Kodi on Windows. It supports HDR unlike most other players, and has a decent interface.
Kodi on Windows. It supports HDR unlike most other players, and has a decent interface.
And the article I posted says there were only 256k Corollas sold. So which is right? I actually don’t know, and would love to find out. I’m having a hard time finding hard sources though.
In the first quarter of 2023, the Model Y outsold the Toyota Corolla to become the world’s best-selling car, the first ever electric vehicle to claim the title.
This is cited by Wikipedia.
There’s 10 year old Teslas driving right now. The Model S came out in 2012.
I’m starting to think the Lemmy hivemind is worse than the one on Reddit.
I agree on the touchscreen, it’s absolutely awful. But if other automakers want people to buy their cars, they better actually make them purchasable. My parents have been on the waitlist for a Chevy Bolt for 6 months and aren’t anywhere near getting one, but they could have bought a Tesla same day at any point.
Those cars are FAR too expensive for most people to afford. Tesla is the only new car company even trying at making affordable cars.
And yet, the best selling car in the world is the Tesla Model Y. Despite all the Musk hating.
Like data brokers couldn’t do that anyway.
Control+click on your laptop also works.
They out pizza’d the hut.
Thanks, looks like just what I was looking for.
In the US, all elections are done by secret ballot. The govt can see that you voted, but not who you voted for
Then people won’t be able to change their minds once they’ve voted, or even see what their previous votes were.
More recent article. It might still happen.
Can you share which one? I’d like to clean my phone up a bit.
That works fine if you aren’t paying for each load. I had coin laundry in my apartment, and the extra money for separating clothes wasn’t worth it to me.
Don’t bother separating all your clothes by color. As long as you don’t have white T-shirts in there, the colors will be fine.
Also, get unscented detergent if you can. It’s usually marketed as “Free and Clear”.
It’s called “git”