Hot pockets are evil. Why can you eat an infinite amount of them and never feel full?
Hot pockets are evil. Why can you eat an infinite amount of them and never feel full?
FYI fecal transplants are a thing and they address unhealthy microbiomes in the body. Someone else’s shit could literally save your life from a c diff infection.
We’ve got shirts for this in Salt Lake City. They read “SL,UT”
I have been banned from Immersed’s discord server since I made a single critical comment of their crypto land sale. No warning, just banned for a single message. They cancelled their crypto land system and to their credit refunded the investors. However they have been taking deposits for this new headset for a year + with a delivery date of “2024” which clearly isn’t happening. I truly believe they are just horribly mismanaged, naive, and unable to deal with criticism. Scam? Not intentionally, but the outcome may look very similar.
Of course. If it was our Georgia she would’ve been shot to death.
I can show this meme to my non-trekkie friends and they won’t begin to understand how fucking hilarious it is.
Red Team Field Manual? /s
for reference 5.7 began shipping with keys May of this year.
Thanks for mentioning this. As a current florisboard user I didn’t know I have so much to look forward to!
Youtube via Freetube and Grayjay.
🎶Alcohol my only friend…🎶
Posting this as a bit of an “is there anybody out there?” So say hi if you’d like to see some more SLC action on Lemmy.
Fuck the premise of “full employment.” As if having an income that supports you is some binary fact of job or no job. What about shitty job with an exploitative organization the federal government has permitted to become an oligopoly?
Those aren’t double takes, those are hot damn…s
+1 for vespucci being intimidating. Mainly cause I feel like I need to read a variety of wiki posts before modifying a new feature type. But once you start to get the hang of it, it really pays off.
Previous high for Las Vegas was on July 26 1931. This record likely won’t last a month.
Even if they do this, I wouldn’t be averse to a less on demand version of youtube. 3rd party apps will let you load a number of videos for later viewing. Would probably help me consume media more responsibly and youtube has to deal with the additional resources needed to serve all the videos I didn’t wind up watching after all.