• @Brickhead92
    2 hours ago

    At home I’m a true neutral, and at work a combination of neutral good and chaotic neutral. And when I bring my work laptop home I’m lawful neutral.

    Just need to work on neutral evil, then I’ll be all neutral.

    “What turns a man neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?”

    • Zapp Brannigan
  • @[email protected]
    187 hours ago

    What is it considered when my side monitor is about 10% obscured by my main one because my monitor arm doesn’t open wide enough?

  • Coskii
    75 hours ago

    For the first time ever, I’m apparently lawful evil.

  • @aeronmelon
    128 hours ago

    And then there’s this hilarious thing from Swordfish:

    A custom, multi-display supercomputer built to hack government systems in the movie Swordfish.

  • @stupidcasey
    67 hours ago

    What does one super ultra-wide the size of 3 count as?

      • @stupidcasey
        47 hours ago

        You say that until you see how poorly the ui fits and you have to run everything windowed if you want to multi task

        • The Picard ManeuverOP
          37 hours ago

          I’ve wondered about that. Messing around with window sizes seems mildly annoying. Also, what if you have something that wants to be full screen like a game?

          Or game + guide, or game + discord? I won’t go back to alt-tabbing…

          • @stupidcasey
            46 hours ago

            Windows 11 helps a lot, having the start menu in the center is crucial and you can quickly snap into place with the things at the top, if you really want to you can cut it into three sections and use it as three separate monitors but that voids the entire point of one big display, the experience is like nothing else though at its best I would honestly say it can be as good as the best VR, at its worst well it can be as bad as the worst VR.

  • @[email protected]
    36 hours ago

    I’m CN after dipping into LE for a year or two. I should combine them into two stacked with a vertical

  • @Zachariah
    2310 hours ago

    I don’t know which one I am:

    • @[email protected]
      27 hours ago

      Mine is like this but upside down (2 is a laptop) and with a large gap between the top two. Sort of Mickey mouse head style, but all the same size. I primarily use 2 and 3.

      Probably chaotic evil for these as well, since they didn’t even make the chart.

      • @jqubed
        15 hours ago

        Neutral Good here but I would do this if I had my monitors on arms so I could raise them above my open laptop screen; I don’t like having a gap or having the screens blocked by the laptop.

    • @Agent641
      910 hours ago

      I use Vert Horiz Vert. Like the letter H.

      Come at me bros.

    • @Soup
      210 hours ago

      I have to know what you’re doing with this if it’s not, like, watching security footage. I can see a number of uses but all of them(that I can think of) are productivity based and are the kind of thing where you never really spend long periods of time on any one screen.

      • @mipadaitu
        39 hours ago

        I see a lot of folks using that setup where the upper monitor is playing video, like Netflix or YouTube as background entertainment while doing other stuff on the bottom two, mostly coding/work type stuff.

        • @Soup
          19 hours ago

          That makes sense. I’m tall so my main monitor sits high enough up that my laptop fits underneath which is the same vibe but inverted.

  • @bbuez
    99 hours ago

    Don’t @ me, there’s no going back

    Tiling WM turns the 21:9 into 2 or 3 panes perfect for reading
