I don’t know what you are looking at, it is clearly pineapple and cheese with some homebake artsy grain black bread and a smear of dijon mustard.
They are not the bystanders they are the victim and they need to realise that because it is fast moving to a point of no return. Their inactivity will bring their own house down.
The thing that is the most astonishing about all of it is not Trump’s ability to continually do what is in the country’s and the world’s worst interests and then explain his actions like a drunk toddler but rather that the entire remainder of the country, a country that is so powerful and controlling, is just sitting passively watching the collapse completely inert, without any fightback or opposition of any sort.
Corporations trying to profit by closing off vast tracts of human output are bumping into other corporations trying to mine it for profit.
A cloth and detergent.
He did even agree that the region is changing and sensitive - the title is closer to the reverse of what was said.
But aren’t we all unique snowflakes? ❄️❄️
This derives from a fundamental misunderstanding of why people play games.
The US just does not have the power to take on its allies and the rest of the world in open aggression. Any thought that it does is illusory, look at relatively small countries like Vietnam and Afghanistan where it just had to leave or the terrible mess of the Middle East. It can not colonise in the way it was possible to do 200 years ago, the power asymmetry is just not there. Added into that many of the targeted countries are nuclear powers and part of numerous combined defense treaties. Any real action he takes will be visited back on him in equal or larger measure. At some level the US if not Trump must instinctively understand this, it is the past rational for proxy over direct wars.
And there is zero resistance from the entirety of the rest of the US, there is no one there able to see how these are acts of self destruction on a very large scale and the reputational damage is becoming irreversible.
Just at a time when the illusion of US protection is waning, Western countries have been sleeping but will have to wake up.
It is not just Trump, there is very little coming from the US that is not complete acceptance of his actions. For a long time the rest of the world called the USA the great satan and I think Western powers are beginning to see it.
I think propaganda will redirect this to notions of the rest of the world being nazi or communist and against the US and these (retaliatory) actions are proof of it. If a significant part of the working population can believe Trump’s aim is to better their lives, and masks turn them Muslim and vaccines implant microchips then they can swallow the world being against them no problem. It will still do their lives unnecessary harm though, no matter what they take the cause to be. Perhaps terrible harm but frankly at this stage I do think they probably have it coming.
Everything is catfishing, when you put your best foot forward or wear your best shirt or be funnier or cooler than you actually are. Same as couples used to court but courting is grooming, it is the modern world’s desire to terrorise everyone into passivity by demonising the simple everyday activities of life.
The facade of societal benefit with the hidden and actual motivation of profit, such is the whole world.
That is a great shot, probably marine erosion is more responsible for the geomorph here rather than wind or rain.
That sounds like far too useful a tool against bias to be actually used.
And the US by extension is becoming noise too, there seems to be universal domestic capitulation. Not much land of the free and the brave happening.
No this is not good logic because the specific people that buy your product and use third party supplies know it to be untrue.