• 7 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: 11 August 2023


  • Biden was really the only one that ran on a campaign of “I’m not Trump”. Both Harris and Clinton had independent platforms that had nothing to do with saying they are not Trump. They weren’t coming into the mess Trump had made so their policies didn’t have to focus on reversing what he had done (which is essentially all Biden ran on and did). I don’t think this argument is that strong because the 2 candidates that lost actually had a fair bit of reform in their platforms with much more fleshed out plans and details than anything Trump was offering to do.

  • They legally cannot do that and have to pay market rate. And I can tell from personal experience that they are not giving lower offers to immigrants for jobs that qualify for H1B visas. Often the hiring companies end up paying a little more because there might be consulting companies in the middle that take a cut of the immigrant salaries. The consulting companies exist because they simplify hiring for employers and create more consistent employment for immigrants as their visa is generally tied to the employer. So the consulting company becomes a consistent employer across different projects at different companies. And for the actual hiring companies it creates a simpler workflow where they just tell the consulting company who they need and consulting company provides employees regardless of immigration status

  • I’m addition to convenience Amazon has just killed off a lot of retail options. The only competitor left with brick and mortar is Walmart and somewhat best buy for electronics. Very hard to find those small specialty stores nowadays for little random things unless you live in a big metropolitan area. Even stores like Walmart now will have the same products by a million different brands instead of having an actual variety of products.