• @demonsword
    101 month ago

    The drug dealer gives you the first baggie for free

    We should kill this urban legend, this simply doesn’t happen in the real world

    • @Snapz
      181 month ago

      Not an urban legend, just not in your first hand POV - Many examples around crack in the 80s, Molly at raves, a bump of coke at a party… All followed by, “and hey man, if you ever want more, hit me up”

      When you’re making definitive statements try to add “doesn’t happen TO ME…” or “IMO/IME”, otherwise you just sound like you base the truth of the entire world solely on your own hyper limited, lived experience.

      • @aesthelete
        1 month ago

        Having some free drugs at a party isn’t the same thing as “the first baggie being free”.

        I would be very surprised if you could just walk up to drug dealers on the street and get free drugs like the urban / astroturf / DARE / LEO myth suggests.

    • @yokonzo
      161 month ago

      Can confirm this happened to me a few times, especially with dope, you don’t know what you’re talking about

    • @frostysauce
      51 month ago

      I actually was talking to a neighbor at my apartments 20 some-odd years ago. We got to talking about coke and he asked if I’d ever smoked it before.

      “No…” So I followed him across the hall to his apartment and took a hit. “Whoa, this is fucking great! …Wait, when you smoke it isn’t it crack?”

      “Yeah, it’s awesome isn’t it!? You know, if you want more I can probably find some…”

      So, yup. I got my first hit of crack for free. I never thought that happened in real life before, either, and I’ve never had or heard of it happening since. Additionally, about six months later I stopped smoking crack.

    • @Potatos_are_not_friends
      31 month ago

      It also never happened to me.

      Or maybe it has happened to me a dozen times but I’d shout, “No way man! Drugs are for losers!” And hand him a DARE pamphlet and then I gained a reputation.