• @Buffalox
    10 months ago

    Yes and in 2019 Musk’s claims went even further, when he claimed it was stupid to buy anything but Tesla, because next year (2020) You would be able to make money on it as a RoboTaxi. As I recall it was $200,000.- you should be able to make on a Tesla per year!!! Why he sold them then is a bit strange?
    He also claimed that instead of losing value, a Tesla would increase as much as five times in value in a year, because FSD was worth that much.

    How this man hasn’t been jailed for fraud years ago is beyond me, I could understand if USA was a corrupt country for the rich…
    oh… Never mind.

    • MxM111
      3910 months ago

      I think he truly believed all that. He did not lie, he was wrong about the future. Or at least that would be his legal defense.

      • @Buffalox
        6610 months ago

        Except he claimed Tesla had the technology working NOW in 2019. Which is a factually false statement not about beliefs.

        • MxM111
          1310 months ago

          And that would is probably one of the indicators of why lawsuit is allowed to proceed and might be won in the end.

        • @TheGrandNagus
          610 months ago

          Yeah. He explicitly stated that the only thing stopping them flipping the switch were those damn pesky road laws

          • @Serinus
            610 months ago

            Which I’m sure was true. It would certainly be a lot faster to debug FSD after a number of deaths for each bug.

        • @werefreeatlast
          310 months ago

          Forget Tesla dude! Trust me I’m from the year 2024. In just a few months your world will change drastically and everyone will start getting 😷 sick and wearing a mask. We called it COVID 19 and it was bad. Real bad. The only way to fight this pandemic was to isolate as much as possible until a vaccine was made available. The markets never crashed like Trump suggested… almost as if he knew something was happening…you must invest all your money on moderna and Pfizer vaccine related stocks. Anyway, that’s all I remember. Paxlovid was okay but not a vaccine. Wow, Lemmy let’s you time travel! We need to invest into this technology!

        • @[email protected]
          310 months ago

          depends how you define “working” i suppose.

          can a tesla drive its full range automomously? probably…

          should it? probably not

          • @Buffalox
            10 months ago

            Musk defined it himself, as the car being able to drive autonomously from a parking lot across the country to pick you up in another parking lot.

              • @Buffalox
                710 months ago

                In theory is not the same as actually being able to do it, which was what he clearly claimed saying: And we can do that NOW.

                • @[email protected]
                  -610 months ago

                  Its only not possible on consumer models because of restrictions put in place by tesla.

                  As evidenced by Elon mode

                  A tesla can drive its self, but it doesnt because of regulatory/safety/liability reasons

                  • @Buffalox
                    510 months ago

                    No it was not, we have testimony from employees that FSD wasn’t even close to what Musk claimed. And it can’t even do it today.
                    Just because you can flip a switch that says FSD doesn’t mean it works.

            • @[email protected]
              -1210 months ago

              It can do that now. Probably not with zero driver interventions especially when talking about a trip across the country but Tesla is the only vehicle manufacturer today that offers this capability. There’s a dude on YouTube doing ridesharing with Tesla using FSD and with the latest software version it completes 90% of the trips from the pickup to the destination without intervention from the driver.

              • @Buffalox
                10 months ago

                It can do that now.

                OK? Doubts.

                Probably not with zero driver interventions

                Oh so it can’t?!

                Musk also said more safely than a human being. I’ve seen videos with FSD creating numerous dangerous situations on a single trip, that required quick intervention to avoid collisions. Driving in narrow roads it would suddenly turn into opposite traffic (potentially lethal), not minding right of way in crosses (also potentially lethal), and even turning straight towards parked cars, when the lane it was in was unobstructed!!

                Another video I saw, it crossed at a very clear red light!! That’s a very potentially lethal situation.

                There is no way it can be reasonably argued that Tesla has working full self driving.

                it completes 90% of the trips

                You know 90% isn’t even close to being half finished. The next 9% are probably more difficult, and the last percent the most difficult. There’s a reason the hard parts are finished last.

                • @[email protected]
                  10 months ago

                  I don’t see anyone claiming they have “working full self driving”. That’s a strawman argument. Their system is really good and years ahead of competition but there’s still a shit ton to improve. That’s why it’s classified as level 2 and not level 3. It’s a vehicle capable of driving itself under supervision but it’s not a self driving vehicle.

                  I’ve seen videos with FSD creating numerous dangerous situations on a single trip

                  In the past few months? Because the current software version is completely different than what it used to be. They’ve moved entirely from human code to neural nets and it made a giant improvement in its performance.

                  • @Buffalox
                    10 months ago

                    I don’t see anyone claiming they have “working full self driving”

                    The whole thread is about Musk claiming in 2019 that Tesla has FSD working NOW, that could drive the car from a parking lot on the other side of the country (USA) and pick you up in a parking lot where you are. AND that it could drive more safely than a human being.
                    I am not interested in the slightest whether it’s 50% or 90% there now, the fact is the claim was made first in 2016, that Tesla would have it ready NEXT YEAR, and in 2019 he claimed it was ready NOW! And it’s STILL not ready!!

                    So what is it about Musks claims being false you don’t understand?

                    I don’t see anyone claiming they have “working full self driving”.

                    That’s decidedly false, because you yourself wrote:

                    It can do that now.

                  • @efstajas
                    310 months ago

                    I don’t see anyone claiming they have “working full self driving”

                    … They’re literally calling it “Full self driving”.

                  • @[email protected]
                    310 months ago

                    “Their system is really good and years ahead of competition but there’s still a shit ton to improve”

                    Is it years ahead of the competition? I thought the consensus was that Tesla is far behind, hence why Mercedes is the first brand to actually have some basic level 3 automomus driving actually to customers, and companies other than tesla are actually doing tests with robo taxis. Tesla is good at claiming it can do the above, other companies are the ones actually doing it.

                    And indeed, there’s a shit ton to improve, which directly contradicts statements Elon Musk made, and keeps making. As others already pointed out, calling it Full Self Driving while letting it do that is basically suicide is just the beginning. Elon Musk regularly repeating that it’s there, it works etc… only to leave customers waiting for nearly 8 years now with a system that is not what Elon described, etc…

                    Self driving is really hard, Tesla made some good progress on it, but Elon continuously lying about it should indeed get legal consequences. I’m hope this lawsuit teaches him to actually talk about things he actually knows are true, and not just what he wishes was true.

      • @m13
        2410 months ago

        There are plenty of bosses like him out there. Completely high on their own shit. He reads about technology in a sci-fi book, and thinks he can Steve Jobs into bullying workers into making it a reality. Completely deludes himself into thinking it’s real and sells it to investors with full confidence. He has no idea of the actual technical challenges and fully convinces himself his genius brain could figure it out if he wasn’t so “busy” all the time. Everything is perpetually just 6 months away.

        • Flying Squid
          1010 months ago

          The worst part is that he doesn’t even understand the sci-fi he consumes. He said this not too long ago:

          Grok is an AI modeled after The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, so intended to answer almost anything and, far harder, even suggest what questions to ask!

          Every AI in the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy was broken, an asshole or both. Douglas Adams clearly thought the idea of a “human-like” AI was abhorrent. Especially one developed by a giant corporation.

          Also, he thinks the name of the main character in Blade Runner is “Bladerunner.”


            • Flying Squid
              410 months ago

              True, and since part of the meaning of grok in the book was ‘to love,’ naming your “anti-woke” AI after that suggests he also didn’t understand that book.

          • @Buffalox
            510 months ago

            Every AI in the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy was broken,

            Wow, I’m a huge fan of Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, and I never really thought of that, but you are 100% right.
            Wonderful comment thanks. 👍 😀

          • @[email protected]
            210 months ago

            I don’t think he meant an AI from the book, I think he meant the actual Hitchhiker’s Guide. The one that says don’t panic on the cover

            • Flying Squid
              210 months ago

              Which, again, was incredibly corrupt and run by a soulless corporation that didn’t actually care about the truth.

      • @RememberTheApollo_
        10 months ago

        Funny how rich people can get away with that. I could say I fully believe I’m going to win $50 million in the lottery next week, buy a bunch of shit I can’t pay for, and probably wind up jailed pretty shortly thereafter and nobody would bat an eye. Rich guy selling vaporware? No problem, he just believed his own hype train. Sorry, investors.

      • @NotMyOldRedditName
        10 months ago

        He’s claimed before that he honestly believes it each year by watching the progress the past X months, but suddenly all progress stops as their method hits a plateau. So they keep changing methods.

        It’s probably an honest mistake the first time or two, but he’s done this every year since and has no credibility anymore.

        After being wrong by a year or two, he should have explained what was going in, and shut up about it, with a simple I don’t know when it’ll be ready but you should see forward progress each year.

        • MxM111
          -310 months ago

          He is a smart guy and an idiot at the same time. I don’t know how it fits in the same person. He is not neurotypical.

          • @[email protected]
            1410 months ago

            He’s not smart he is just in the elite club where he fails upwards, his name will be cemented beside DJ Khaled for most successful failure

            • @unreasonabro
              1010 months ago

              get born rich

              fail like a bitch

              That’s Elon

          • @unreasonabro
            10 months ago

            aww, he’s a smidiot. That’s idiartic, Elon! ;)

      • Phoenixz
        710 months ago

        I really believed that…

        Uh-huh… There is a long, LONG list of bullshit that he believed, and continues to believe. There comes a point where we either have to accept that he has the mental level of a 5 year old believing in Santa Claus, or that he is a narcissistic compulsive liar.

    • @[email protected]
      1510 months ago

      Now watch as Musk faces “consequences™”.

      Why, he might have to pay a fine of a full hour’s worth of profits that resulted from his actions!?

    • @TurdMongler
      510 months ago

      He’s a military contractor.

      • @Buffalox
        1210 months ago

        Yes with Starlink which the military threatened they might nationalize if Musk sabotaged Ukraine access again.
        I honestly don’t think Musk’s value as a military contractor is very high, and probably (hopefully) not enough to protect him from criminal liability.

          • @Buffalox
            310 months ago

            Yes because snopes is a better source than CNN, WaPo, BBC, AP News, The Hill, Reuters and on and on.

            Also he has admitted it himself:


            Elon Musk says he withheld Starlink over Crimea to avoid escalation

            So why don’t you just butt off with your bullshit already? You are hereby reported.

            • @[email protected]
              -110 months ago

              Jesus christ dude. There’s quote from the author himself, Walter Isaacson who is the person from whose book the whole claim originated from.

              To clarify on the Starlink issue: the Ukrainians THOUGHT coverage was enabled all the way to Crimea, but it was not. They asked Musk to enable it for their drone sub attack on the Russian fleet. Musk did not enable it, because he thought, probably correctly, that would cause a major war.

              You believe him when the narrative suits you but you don’t when it doesn’t. Talk about cognitive dissonance lol

              Enabling Starlink in Crimea would have been against the sanctions to Russia by the US. Literally illegal.

              Anyway I’m done with you. Don’t bother replying.