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A comic

Windows OS: “We have a brand new feature called Windows Recall that you might like!”

Guy: “Oh boy! What does it do?”

Windows: “It helps you find anything you’ve seen on your PC by using clues you give or by letting you scroll through your past activity!”

Guy: “Wow! How does this tech work?”

Windows: “Our Windows AI constantly takes pictures of your screen and saves all that data”

  • @TotallynotJessica
    9 months ago

    Considering how bad the basic search function and file explorer have become, I bet it would make it harder to find what you’re looking for. I already scroll past Google’s new search engine AI, and I would probably learn to filter out the tips from programs like this because they’re unreliable. Consistency is what actually helps me do things quicker, not features that change constantly to personalize the experience.

    • Psaldorn
      199 months ago

      For real. It would rather take me to a bing results page for (AppName) than open the fucking app that is actually installed.