With the billionaires backing him, it’s going to be on us as individual Americans to make sure Trump doesn’t end up in the White House again. That means not just voting but talking with people around you, volunteering and donating

  • Nougat
    744 months ago

    I remember when, if a former president and current major party nominee for the next presidential election was a convicted felon, that person’s political career would be over.

    • @[email protected]
      514 months ago

      I mean, Howard Dean talked into an unadjusted microphone one time. That’s totes just as bad.

      • @CharlesDarwin
        4 months ago

        Also, the “liberal media” seemed to really play that up. IIRC, there are some questions about just how loud his whoop really was.

        Also, though: he is a Democratic candidate. None of this applies to the cons. The way things are conducted by the liberal media are that everyone affiliated with the Democratic Party must be as pure as the driven snow, not look silly, make zero gaffes, and so on (and even then - what was said of Hillary was that she was “overprepared” - wtaf - so even when Democrats don’t violate the rules, they’ll make up a new set of criteria that Democrats have supposedly violated to play the 'both sides" card). Republicans can do just whatever the fuck they want; it’s expected that they’ll be off the rails; cons will be cons and all that.

      • @dhork
        194 months ago

        It turns out it was the brain worm who did all that heroin…

    • @slurpinderpin
      164 months ago

      We’ve fallen so far. We’ve created an environment where people can create their own realities and make up things they want to believe, and ignore the facts that are presented to them as “rigged”. There is no Truth anymore

      • Nougat
        254 months ago

        There is no Truth anymore

        The fuck there isn’t. There’s just a whole lot of people who are willfully ignoring it.

        • @slurpinderpin
          54 months ago

          I probably should have made it more explicit, there are no more consensus Truths. For example, we actually have people who think the world is flat

    • @[email protected]
      -94 months ago

      You mean like when one president got a blowjob? Not even PIV(unprotected and forced I might add).

      Definitely picking our best people and holding them accountable. /s

      • @Burn_The_Right
        14 months ago

        I don’t think oral sex is a felony. It’s not even a crime.

        Are you equating 34 felonies with a single act of consentual oral sex? Wtf?

        • @[email protected]
          14 months ago

          No. The opposite. The country impeached a president because he received oral sex. The same county was ok with nominating a president who has forced himself on multiple women.