• @radicalautonomy
    9 months ago

    …Seven of Nine and Rafi got their own command. Stamets and Culber remained a loving couple throughout (apart from Culver’s unfortunate temporary death) and adopted a young enby who had their own growth throughout the series while everyone respected their pronouns. Nurse Chapel is a bi woman who withdrew her application to a fellowship at the Vulcan Science Council, essentially telling them “your fellowship ain’t ready for *me*”.

    I wouldn’t consider their queer identities to be conveniences or their character arcs to be simple plot points by any stretch of the imagination. retconning Sulu as gay? Maybe. Agender computer genius aliens stealing the ship or a third-gender alien’s romantic encounter with Riker? Okay, sure.

    But the latest Trek serieses put queer people in space and haven’t been using them as lip service or exclusively as minor supporting characters. They’ve been full-fledged characters whose queer identities the audience was been made aware of and shown that, in the future, the bigots lose because their queerness doesn’t define them…it is just a part of who they are. They are masters of their own destinies.

    (That being said, as much as I hate the lip service stuff, I do wish they’d have thrown us a bone with Detmer and Owosekun because c’mon…enough queerbaiting already.)

    • gregorumOP
      9 months ago

      Oh, so it’s gonna make up for 60 years of shitting on queer people as long as Seven gets her own command.

      Thanks for clearing that up

      • @radicalautonomy
        9 months ago

        They’ve had out, badass prominent characters whose identities don’t define them in the last three live action Star Trek series, spitting in the face of the aNTi-wOkE haters who claim to love Star Trek but have only ever watched it through their own particular bigoted myopic lenses. What do you want them to do? Invent an actual time machine to do rewrites of TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, and ENT?

        The best way to apologize is to learn from your mistakes and do better in the future. The Star Trek show runners have taken this to heart, so I don’t know what more you want from them. (And I say this as a long-time, trans, leftist Star Trek fan.)