• CharlesDarwin
    10 months ago

    Yep. I think it was CNN that helped refine the “shout show”. I remember a book written in the mid 00’s by someone that was involved with that and trying to make up for it.

    Of course a lot of daytime television did the same thing, although I don’t know how much influence they have these days…but anyway, a forum in which points are awarded to the person that shouts the loudest, and gets the last word in, or some sick burn is apparently the way a lot of people think debate is conducted.

    Those of us that are not letting logical fallacies guide all of our thought processes know this for the sham it is, but unfortunately, critical thinking is not something encouraged at all levels in our society. I honestly think being able to spot logical fallacies is something every high school graduate should have, and a real liberal media, if we actually had one, would constantly reiterate and reinforce.