• @zetwinkie
    1494 months ago

    “Private moment” as in being out in public at a well attended event… How dare people hold her accountable for her actions and treat her as the vile individual she is? /s

    • @givesomefucks
      814 months ago

      She’s also acting like it was some kind of spy video…

      Wasn’t it just like, normal security cameras that are always running?

      • @Fedizen
        474 months ago

        for somebody who wants the government to be heavily into policing bedrooms she seems kind of upset that she’s being shamed by the public.

      • @Wrench
        454 months ago

        That was only looked at in the first place because she was caught vaping in a crowded theater, then had the nerve to deny it and lash out at the workers for having the audacity to call her out on it.

  • magnetosphere
    4 months ago

    My favorite part was at the end, when he simply ignored her and moved on.

    It’ll be nice when she loses her seat. Some unwatchable “news” network might hire her, but eventually she’ll fade into obscurity, which is where she belongs.

      • @macarthur_park
        464 months ago

        Am I not supposed to be using OnlyFans as my primary news source?

          • @ChowJeeBai
            74 months ago

            Gives you a hand when you’re down in the dark.

          • @Passerby6497
            64 months ago

            Reminds me of that Naked News show from years back

        • @Fedizen
          4 months ago

          honestly OF news is probably better because there’s less advertisers.

      • @bitchkat
        54 months ago

        She can just transfer her escort profile over there.

    • @Eatspancakes84
      114 months ago

      That unwatchable news network might well be CNN to show the world just how “balanced “ they are.

    • @jmsy
      54 months ago

      she’ll be around, like Sarah Palin

  • @aseriesoftubes
    784 months ago

    “I don’t believe there was disrespect. Things were absolutely taken out of context.”

    The old out-of-context handjob in a theater. Who among us hasn’t been taken out of context in that way?

      • @WindyRebel
        94 months ago

        Are those the new all season fashion condoms by Latex?

    • FenrirIII
      84 months ago

      She was simply giving directions to the restrooms and utilizing her longest finger for visibility

  • @CharlesDarwin
    4 months ago

    LOL, the magabrains just hate it when they don’t have a platform that just lets them lie and lie and lie.

    The notion that someone can push back, even if ever so gently, triggers them endlessly. Beetlebert is such a snowflake.

  • @elliot_crane
    554 months ago

    “… I’m apologizing for you, Kyle Clark, for getting video and releasing that and people seeing it in a very private moment.”

    lmfao… these dipshits always try the uno reverse “no u” response and it literally never works. Reminds me of when MTG told a BBC reporter “you’re a conspiracy theorist”, cursed her out, and then stormed off. Boebert is just the pathetic screeching version of this instead of the roid rage version.

    • @barsquid
      294 months ago

      It’s not a private moment? It’s the audience of a musical production.

      • @elliot_crane
        194 months ago

        I agree, and the footage was from security cameras in very much so public places. That block of text was a quote.

        • @barsquid
          94 months ago

          No worries, I totally understood your position. It’s just always shocking how Repubs feel so comfortable blatantly contradicting documented reality.

          • Billiam
            104 months ago

            It’s just always shocking how Repubs feel so comfortable blatantly contradicting documented reality.

            Because their voters don’t punish them for it.

            Al Franken was run out of the Senate because of the appearance of impropriety in a staged joke photo.

            Republicans lost over 60 court cases about the “rigged” 2020 election, and yet they’re still gonna nominate Trump again. He lied about Hillary, he lied about the wall, he still lies about the economy, but none of that matter because Republicans want it to be true. That’s what you get with the “feelings over facts” party.

          • partial_accumen
            24 months ago

            It’s just always shocking how Repubs feel so comfortable blatantly contradicting documented reality.

            I think its because Repubs believe everyone else contradicts reality, so they’re just doing what everyone else does. They here something that is real, but supports a liberal position. They believe reality is contradicted so they feel no shame in making statements contradictory to reality because they believe its a level playing field. They’re wrong, most of the time, but that doesn’t stop them.

    • @CharlesDarwin
      44 months ago

      It probably works for more than a few gomers - “oh look at Beetlebert, owning the libz by turning the tables on that biased, unfair moderator!!!111”

  • @hOrni
    544 months ago

    Are all debates in America just 2 people talking over each other so no one can understand anything?

    • @nucleative
      4 months ago

      I think the rules are typically negotiable in advance, especially when it’s down to just 2 contenders.

      Debates have the potential to show more than eloquence or intelligence, they also show soft skills like whether the candidate can control the conversation, control under pressure, how easily they succumb when bullied, and give the audience an opportunity to read their body language, which may develop (or remove) trust.

      Biden famously told Trump in a debate: “would you shut up, man?” And in that moment quite a few Americans were swayed to select him believing he’s not susceptible to getting run over by trump mouth diarrhea attack like so many other politicians are.

    • @bitchkat
      214 months ago

      When there are republicans involved the debates devolve pretty quickly.

    • @CharlesDarwin
      184 months ago

      Unfortunately, way too many people view Gish Gallop style “debates” to be the only way to have a debate. Shouting someone else down is viewed as “powerful” and the sign of a real leader or something.

    • @Fedizen
      144 months ago

      yeah its like the jerry springer model or something. People here argue and react; they don’t debate.

      • @[email protected]
        224 months ago

        The right cannot debate. They would get absolutely obliterated in a debate. The only thing they can do is get loud, sling insults and lie. It’s like an adult trying to argue with a spoiled second grader that wasn’t allowed to have desert after dinner.

        • @nomous
          154 months ago

          And our “media” is complicit. This is only newsworthy because the moderator tried to press (heh) her instead of just letting her get her talking points (lies) in and moving on.

          • @CharlesDarwin
            54 months ago

            Yep. I think it was CNN that helped refine the “shout show”. I remember a book written in the mid 00’s by someone that was involved with that and trying to make up for it.

            Of course a lot of daytime television did the same thing, although I don’t know how much influence they have these days…but anyway, a forum in which points are awarded to the person that shouts the loudest, and gets the last word in, or some sick burn is apparently the way a lot of people think debate is conducted.

            Those of us that are not letting logical fallacies guide all of our thought processes know this for the sham it is, but unfortunately, critical thinking is not something encouraged at all levels in our society. I honestly think being able to spot logical fallacies is something every high school graduate should have, and a real liberal media, if we actually had one, would constantly reiterate and reinforce.

      • @captainlezbian
        14 months ago

        Well Springer was an American politician so that makes sense

    • @[email protected]
      64 months ago

      Go look up the debates between Biden and Trump from the 2020 campaign. Biden literally had to ask Trump to “shut up” on stage. The Cheeto-dusted dipshit literally could not stop interrupting. How embarrassing.

    • @[email protected]
      44 months ago

      As an American I’m ashamed to say political discourse here has devolved into “who shouts louder”, both among the politicians and the constituents.

      It’s unfortunately a lesson many of us learned in preschool, and yet it seems more congruent with voters across most demographics…

  • @[email protected]
    494 months ago

    I cringed so hard the inside of myself is on the outside and the outside is in the inside. I am now extroverted. Nice to meet you, we should hang out

    • @[email protected]
      204 months ago

      As a cringetologist I have to inform you, that you actually turned yourself into a black hole and emerged from a white hole in this mirror universe.
      Congratulations, you are now extroverted and trust me, you will need all the friends you can find up in here.

    • @jeffwOP
      74 months ago

      Can’t argue with that logic

  • @JusticeForPorygon
    304 months ago

    Lauren Hoebert would argue about the color of the sky if a liberal said it was blue

    • @barsquid
      214 months ago

      It might just be difficult to get a photo of her that doesn’t look like a hooting gibbon.

      • FenrirIII
        94 months ago

        You’re thinking of MTG

        • @barsquid
          94 months ago

          I literally was, in addition.

      • @bitchkat
        4 months ago

        I couldn’t quite figure out what color her skin was supposed to be. At least she feathers hers in and doesn’t look like she was hit in the face with a cream pie.

        • mad_asshatter
          64 months ago

          “I want to look like a parody of myself.”

    • ShadowRam
      104 months ago

      WTF is with those eyebrows!?!

      They look like giant fake caterpillar stickers or something.

      • @Kayday
        4 months ago

        Respectfully, I think there are plenty of legitimate criticisms we can make without resorting to making fun of her appearance.

        Edit for clarity: Imagine if you were a woman who disagreed wholeheartedly with Lauren Boebert, and found her a wretched human being, but happened to look a lot like her. Then you see others who think like you do attacking her appearance.
        Why would we create an environment that alienates people on anything other than ideological or moral grounds? The only people our criticisms should repel are people with dangerous ideologies that we don’t want to be associated with.

        • ShadowRam
          4 months ago

          No. She’s an idiot and she looks stupid.

          If it was something about her appearance she had no control over, then yeah. I agree.

          But she made herself look stupid, and I’ll call her stupid.

          • @[email protected]
            104 months ago

            This comes off as a really sexist opinion. No one needs to change their appearance just because you don’t approve of it. Bodily autonomy is a human right.

            • ShadowRam
              4 months ago

              Sexist? What does her gender have anything to do with making fun of a persons stupid choices?

              Check your own sexism if you think anything in my comments have anything to do with gender inequality.

              Yes, bodily autonomy is a human right. It’s not like I’m advocating for laws against her eyebrows.

              Although she’s free to do what she likes, she will still suffer the consequences of general pubic opinion when you purposefully make self look like a clown and being laughed at.

              • @[email protected]
                34 months ago

                If it was something about her appearance she had no control over, then yeah. I agree.

                You’re implying that because you don’t like her appearance and she’s capable of changing it to be more pleasing or acceptable to you, it’s okay to belittle her for it.

                That’s right up there with “you should smile more” and “you’d be so pretty with a little bit of makeup”.

                • ShadowRam
                  4 months ago

                  Again, you’re still arguing from the standpoint that I’m making fun of her natural eyebrows.

                  Which I’m not.

                  I’m making fun of her shallow decision making and poor choices.

          • @Kayday
            74 months ago

            We both think that she’s an idiot. Why does she have to look stupid? If some right wingers were talking about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez this way we would find that repugnant.

        • @Burn_The_Right
          54 months ago

          Normally, one should not mock someone’s appearance. But, I think fascists and nazis are excluded from this ruleset.

          • @Kayday
            54 months ago

            Hitler’s mustache is now so closely associated with nazis and fascism that we would rightly mock anyone who unironically kept their facial hair that way. Lauren Boebert’s eyebrows don’t feel like they deserve the same treatment, since it is very normal for many women with leftist values to keep up their appearance in a similar way. The eyebrows are not the problem; her beliefs are.

          • Iapar
            24 months ago

            Mocking someones appearance is like dropping a bomb. You might hit your target but this shit has a radius and so you might also hit innocent people.

            People who might be already hurting and are insecure. And hurting those people because you are not clever enough to come up with something precise is weak.

        • SaltySalamander
          24 months ago

          No, we can make fun of it if it’s crafted. Those eyebrows aren’t natural, they’re penciled. Face paint is fair game.

          • @Kayday
            4 months ago

            I don’t know, there’s nothing morally wrong with her makeup and face. If she happened to be a leftist but otherwise looked the same, I doubt we’d be rushing to the comments to mock her style. This is alienating to women who are like minded to us but have a similar sense of fashion to Boebert.

        • @[email protected]
          04 months ago

          It’s gross that you are getting downvoted. Lemmy users still have a lot to learn when it comes to debating effectively.

  • @3volver
    184 months ago

    The way she speaks it’s like her words have no meaning. Nonsensical bullshit woman.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      34 months ago

      It’s not the crime, but the coverup. So much of this would be a non-issue if she’d simply owned it, rather than talking out of both sides of her mouth.

  • vortic
    164 months ago

    Kyle is so good in these confrontational situations. I wish more people got to see him but broadcast news is losing viewership…

    • @bitchkat
      34 months ago

      That dude seems too good for local news.

      • @juice702
        14 months ago

        In Denver and Kyle Clark is a bit of a local treasure.

  • @ParabolicMotion
    164 months ago

    Again, every time I see Lauren Boebert’s face, I just picture Sarah Palin running away from a bad taco truck, about nine months before Lauren’s birth. 🤷‍♀️

  • don
    154 months ago

    Absolutely fantastic, I loved how he just talked completely over her pointless blustering, without missing a beat.

  • @Smoogs
    4 months ago

    I guess she doesn’t know what “expected level of privacy” law means yet. She will though if she tries to pursue it. Anything outside of a bathroom or private owned business you can’t sue someone for filming footage as you can’t expect privacy. Or maybe she knows this so caustic words is all she can think to do.

    • @[email protected]
      34 months ago

      I wouldn’t imagine even a privately owned business would qualify for privacy. I don’t expect any privacy when I’m walking around in Walmart.

      • @[email protected]
        44 months ago

        It’s about public access. If the public is generally allowed in a space, you have no expectation of privacy in that space. Anyone can have an eidetic memory, which is as good as having a camera in their hand. If they can hear it, see it, or reach it from a public space, you can’t consider it secure.

      • @Smoogs
        4 months ago

        Ok so for any of you confused about what would be an expected level of privacy while recording people in public with a cel phone:

        The person working the back office of Walmart crunching numbers where customers aren’t allowed has an expected level of privacy.

        The people using the bathroom in Walmart also have expected level of privacy.

        The people in the changing room has an expected level of privacy.

        If you were caught with a cel phone recording in any of these circumstances you could be persecuted for violating privacy.

        If however you’re walking around on the main floor of Walmart recording a person looking at the price on a can of beans, you’re safe from legal prosecution as far as privacy laws (although that isn’t to say you are safe from being charged as a stalker or harassment in a certain context) .

        And legally you could record what cops are doing out in public.